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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Ducky, you may only have had him for 66 days, but it took 9 years, 5 months and 10 days for him to find his forever home. I know those 66 days were his best and he was able to leave knowing he was truly, thoroughly loved. I am so very sorry. Give PUdge a scritch for me. Cindy
  2. Have fun at camp, Sweetie! We hope your stay will be a long one, since the senior camp counselor, Seamie, (is there a hat for that? ) needed a new camper! She is a cutie! Congrats, Jan. Enjoy *fostering* May your experience be as good as mine!
  3. I remember when you posted those pictures and thought they were so very sweet. I am sorry that Nike had to leave, but I imagine he is already snuggled up against Pal, paw to paw. Please extend my condolences.
  4. You and Tempo are in my thoughts. I really struggled when faced with the decision you are making and know how so difficult it is.
  5. I use harnesses. I jog with my dogs and would never jog with a collar. Plus, I had one who was skittish and a harness is safer on the neck if you have one that will unexpectedly bolt. I also make sure that they are used to and comfortable being walked with a collar or a harness. When in crowds, I use a harness just in case. I also found that when one of mine developed LS, the harness was invaluable. My current senior never accepted one and he is frail and stubborn, making sudden stops to sniff when we are all trucking along. That makes me concerned about any tension on his neck, but we deal. They do allow the dog more head control. I haven't had an issue with that, though. As with anything else, what works best depends on your circumstances and your dog.
  6. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Wink.
  7. Jen, I tried to PM you, but your mailbox is full. My email address is houndzrus at gmail. Thanks, I appreciate your offer and am happy to take you up on it.
  8. In my experience, if I approach my dogs standing tall and speaking sternly, they will cower, too. It has nothing to do with mistreatment - you are intimidating him. Mine are cat and small dog safe, but if a pack on gets going, they will jump in and join the fray. Also, mine mouth at the neck when playing with each other. Sounds like you have a good pair, though! Congrats!
  9. I am sorry to read that you are having problems with Peter, too. I am hoping that he gets it together. He totally botched my last order and wouldn't even respond to my emails. He gets one more chance with our next delivery currently scheduled to be on the 28th. Keep us updated on what you find out! I am more than happy to piggyback on your research, lol.
  10. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope she had a fantastic reunion with Trish. What a beautiful girl.
  11. Brady is in the early stages, but also has tendon damage on one leg. He is currently getting 100 mg gabapentin twice a day (I can increase the amount the the strength as needed) and 500 mg robaxin twice a day. He also gets Adequan injections every two weeks. I do that myself. The vet showed me how to do it and I have been administering it for almost a year. That helped, but the robaxin was the best thing for him. He also receives other joint medications and I keep him walking with the crew. He no longer goes up and down the stairs and is comfortable downstairs at night. I was more disturbed by that change then he was. I have tramadol to give if he is really uncomfortable. But, the weather has improved and he is a feisty thing (comparatively speaking) right now. Wishing you the best.
  12. I am so sorry he isn't doing well. Brady just started tylosin this week. He acts like he is starving! Very uncharacteristic. Are you giving them to him before or after meals? Maybe they upset his stomach? Grasping at straws. Brady gets 1/8 tsp in a capsule that I make myself wrapped in a meatball about an hour before meals. He just swallows the meatball without chewing. That's easy to do anyway - he only has a couple teeth! Please keep us posted. I have a soft spot for the seniors - especially one you get so late in life. (Brady was 11 when I got him, too. So sweet and thankful.) Cindy
  13. Gorgeous pups! Would never guess they were 10! Welcome from Maryland.
  14. I had one eat a disposable razor. Talk about a panic attack! I was able to find the blades on the floor, thankfully. The vet just had me stuff the dog full of bread. Since I wasn't sure who ate it (my Xdh wasn't very good at watching the pups) everyone was happy to have a bread snack! I am happy to report that my dog chewed well and I had little pieces of pink plastic in his poo for a few days. I realize how truly lucky I was. Dante ate an entire unopened back of Hershey kisses one winter. I induced vomiting to be safe. So, it is cold and dark outside. My dog is outside horking up everything that he ate for the past three days. My son goes outside to see what is going on, sees the dog gagging and immediately got sick himself. So, I had TWO boys outside heaving! It was actually kind of funny. Had little piles of sparkly red, green and silver puke in the yard the next morning!
  15. I am so very sorry to hear of Arrow's passing. Please send my condolences. Too many of us understand how he is feeling.
  16. Donna and Klaus, while Joe T was your beloved hound, he also won over the hearts of so many here, there and everywhere. We all feel like we just lost one of our own and we share the heartbreak and ache with you. Thank you for allowing Joe T to be such a part of so many lives. His legacy will live in the hearts and minds of many. He was truly one of a kind. Joe T, you had better send a report back so Miss Donna knows that you are once again young and spry!
  17. Irene, I have a 12.3 YO boy with arthritis and early LS at home. I am managing him with MSM and Vitamin C powder from Greyhound Gang, Actiflex (the horse version - much cheaper) on his food, fish oil capsules and iChon injections (similar to Adequan). He is doing so much better and is happy. He could barely get off his bed and now he is coming into the kitchen and begging for treats. Which, I must admit, he gets. He gets whatever he wants, to be honest! I give the injections myself. Once you know how, it is easy and painless and much cheaper than going to the vet. If you have any questions, just let me know. Hugs to your boy. Cindy
  18. Hubba hubba, what a cutie! Welcome and Happy Birthday, Handsome!
  19. I have always enjoyed your posts about your dogs and Graham had a special place in my heart. I am so sorry that it was his time to go. Such a Handsome Debbil.
  20. I am so very sorry. I still acutely feel their absence at times and mine have been gone for a year. The loss is still there and always will be. It has just become part of who I am now, and while the sharp pain has eased, the ache remains. To me, it is a reminder of our bond and I actually hope to never lose that ache. It brings them back to me. While most of us have never met you or Zero, we are with you in spirit as you enter this next chapter of your life. Wishing you peace and comfort.
  21. Kari, I feed chicken backs and turkey necks (among other things). Why are they to be avoided? Chicken necks, I can see since they are small and probably will just be inhaled. Weight bearing bones of large animals I also understand. I also feed pork necks. Those keep them busy and aren't as hard as leg bones. I tend to avoid lamb. I found that it is higher in fat (at least my source) and caused pancreatitis in my whippet. How did the chicken quarter go?
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