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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. I got the room repainted after that! It took me a couple months before I connected the two, as well. Not the thing you want to be a slow learner with! Glad to hear it helps, though. Paws crossed (and knees together) that it works without issue.
  2. Poor baby, let us know how she does. My whippet could not tolerate Interceptor and it gave him projectile diarrhea. That was fun, NOT. Anyway, I just got the Ichon and hope that your experience improves. Brady will need it in another couple weeks when our last vial of Adequan runs out.
  3. I would bet that the last 4 months HAS been his life. He is happy and loves you and know you love him. The rest, for him, is icing. My heart breaks for you. I had to do this exactly a year ago and it was so very difficult. But, I found some comfort knowing that I was the best thing that ever happened to him (his past was atrocious) and he was the best thing that ever happened to me and he knew it. That's a great list. For the steak, you could always go somewhere and have one prepared to go if you are unable to prepare it yourself. You're a good mom.
  4. I am so sorry. While this is hard and so unfair, he is in the best place with you. He got his quality time, which is what he wanted. I will keep you and Murphy in my thoughts.
  5. Pam, I am so sorry. Zoe was a favorite with the kids on my block and were devastated when she died. But, they talked about her to me and helped me remember some of the cute stories. I hope you get lots of time still.
  6. The needles my vet used did not have plastic ends and he forgot and left one in Dante! I found it after we got back to my office and Dante was napping on the floor behind my desk chair. I kept it for the longest time . . .
  7. If you figure it out, let me know! Brady has been with me 11 months and will not use the door. He also has early LS and damage to a hind leg from an attack (not on my watch, thankfully) and I believe having to lift his legs up to clear the door is more than he wants to do. I am grateful he has a cast iron bladder!
  8. I just wanted to say that I totally understand where you are coming from. I lost my girl last November after a dental. I, too, raw feed, brush, spray, yadda yadda yadda. My others have good teeth. Her, not so much. She had a dental a year before with no issues. That is one of the most horrible experiences of my life and it took me a long time to come to terms that no matter what we do (or don't do, depending on the situation) that sometimes it really is out of our control. I loved every inch of that brat and she loved me. THAT is what I keep in my heart. Hugs to you.
  9. Indy had dermal hemangiosarcoma twice. I had him through the second one and the spot was black. I have since lost him, but not to that. You are in my thoughts.
  10. No, I don't have a galgo, but I believe Dandi will never leave. His body may be gone, but his heart will live within yours forever. As your heart breaks, it opens up to keep his within. I am so very sorry.
  11. I am so very sorry. Your words were more than justice enough - they showed the strength of your bond.
  12. Beautiful tribute for your beautiful girl. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  13. Jan, I am so very sorry. The moon was exceptionally bright last night - I am sure that Sorella had something to do with that! Hugs to you.
  14. Dante had accupuncture for hindend weakness. His skin would crawl once in a while, but that was it. He would usually just lie down. Afterwards, though, he would be hungry and thirsty! It did help him and he appeared to be stronger. Good luck!
  15. I feed raw, too, and use ActiFlex powder, the horse version. They each get 1.5 teaspoons. I sprinkle it over their chicken backs in the morning and then add some flavored liquid and they tend to slurp that up, including the powder. My favorite elixir (ha ha) was yogurt mixed with water, but Maverick apparently is lactose intolerant! Figures. I have used pumpkin, broth and juice from thawed chicken. Plain water isn't consumed as readily and there is always more powder left in the bottom of their bowls. Brady gets Greyhound gang powdered supplements sprinkled on lunch meat (it kind of soaks in) and then he is fed that. He is not a good eater and with his mobility issues, I want to make sure he gets everything he needs.
  16. I am so very sorry your lost your gorgeous Flirty girl. Your words spoke volumes about her. Just by looking at her pictures, she knew she was cherished. Hugs to you.
  17. What grade murmur? It is a subjective assessment, but my vet doesn't refer unless it gets worse over time. Dante had a 2/6 for years and when it jumped to 4, we had him assessed. Goose was just diagnosed with one so faint the vet was having a hard time finding it. Frankly, I think she was looking for a way to boot him from the blood donor program. My regular vet doesn't hear a thing.
  18. I am so very sorry. He lives in the moment and that moment is with you and it is wonderful. Wishing for many happy days for you.
  19. I am so very sorry. What a fun girlie! Thank you for sharing her with us.
  20. Deb, I am so very sorry. Adam was a sweetheart. My first GUR rider that I really wanted to just take home. Hugs.
  21. I have no insight, but wanted to let you know how very sorry I am. He didn't get the quantity of time with you, but I am betting that the quality was perfect. Hugs.
  22. I am so, so sorry. Putting them ahead of yourself is the hardest thing EVER.
  23. Maverick will rest his head on other dogs all the time. I tell their owners that Maverick's neck gets tired from holding up a head full of rocks. Goose will only rest his head on Maverick, his littermate. I was able to catch them in a rare double rest though!
  24. I feed it to the dogs outside. My oldest doesn't have the stamina most days to stand at his bowl and eat. He prefers to be hand-fed in bed. Yup, I have to HANDLE that stuff! But, it is really good for them and I have actually gotten used to the smell. I do wash most of the skin off my hands though after that meal! It is gross. The colder it is, the less it smells. Reminds me of an over-full outhouse in full sun in July. Gag.
  25. Hugs to you, Caroline. I know exactly how you feel. I have been thinking of you! Cindy
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