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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I know you said x-rays were done of the spine, was his leg x-rayed as well? If it was and looked ok, I would talk to the vet about increasing the gabapentin, the frequency at least. Also, if you have access to acupuncture, try that. My first grey had spondylosis, and was collapsing, could barely stand, and the acupuncture eventually got her back to about 90% of her original mobility.
  2. Yes, it really does depend on the dog and the day. I walk mine once a day, until it gets too hot. Walks vary from 20-45 minutes, depending on how the dogs feel. Conner is 13.9, so I keep a pretty close eye on how he is feeling. If your dog has been fine with the walking you have been doing, I wouldn’t worry, although as it gets later in the year, be aware that these guys can be pretty sensitive to heat.
  3. She looks like Audrey Hepburn at one of those fancy Swiss ski resorts from the 60’s
  4. Hopefully the Gabapentin and the acupuncture will help with his pain, front and back. It may take the acupuncture a few weeks to be fully effective. Otherwise, you are doing everything I would do. It is hard to see them get old
  5. I currently feed raw. I started doing it for an IBS dog, and have just continued for the other dogs. I have, however, over the years fed kibble to my dogs and to fosters, and they seem to do best with protein in the 18%-20% range. You don’t have to get exotic proteins or fancy (expensive) specialty food unless your dog has a specific medical issue. Just get something with good, real ingredients and minimal fillers. Good luck on pinpointing the problem!
  6. If you get a cat safe dog, I don’t think your kitty being light colored would make any difference. That said, I wouldn’t encourage a “chase” kind of play, no matter how innocent. I just think, with any sighthound, chase=prey, the instincts might kick in, no matter how cat “safe” your dog is. Make sure the group you adopt from knows what your kitty is like (active, used to playing with a dog friend) and they should be able to find you a good match!
  7. Great news! Not surprising though, he sounded “ready”
  8. very impressive Miss Bea! My big shedders have been my two black girls. Sallie had a thick, bunny soft coat, and you know how they shed. Val's is not as thick, but when she gets going, she can match Bea's output
  9. Amber is a favorite of mine (yes, I know it isn’t a mineral ) I think it would be great for a fawn or red brindle. Some of my favorite stones wouldn’t make good dog names, obsidian, malachite. Galena is a pretty name, and it’s a pretty mineral, but kind of dangerous. I like turquoise, but the tendency to shorten it to “turkey” might not be good
  10. If you are not ready, and Ruby is having a mini-rally, nothing wrong with waiting.
  11. I have a bookmark that says “Cats are nature’s way of saying Wouldn’t this furniture look good upholstered in cat hair?” same goes for dogs
  12. yeah, greyhounds are considerate like that
  13. Right, if you enjoy antiquing you already know that at least half the fun is in the looking/hunting
  14. Nice! Not sure I think they are worth $60 for the four, but after many (many, many) years as the antiques/collectibles librarian I know stuff is worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for it
  15. Remolacha


    I am glad you were able to give him a chance. I am sure he had a wonderful life with your family and I am sorry it was his time to leave.
  16. I will admit, some of mine have shed a lot less than others, but they all shed. I’ve had a couple of barkers, too
  17. yeah, right! Who started that myth? Since it turned cold I have been brushing a whole 'nother dog out of Val every day. Seriously, I could make a chihuahua-a-day out the fur that comes off her
  18. Can you run you hands down the affected leg and foot, apply a little mild pressure, and see if she reacts? What makes you think it might be a cracked nail? It is probably just a soft tissue injury. I took my first grey to the e-vet on a holiday because she was limping soft tissue injury, she was fine. As for how often to clip nails, I do it once a month, 6-8 weeks would probably be ok too.
  19. I never crated any of mine, so I can’t tell you “when” I do understand your concern being in a rental, but I’d say, leave the door open and see how it goes. He will probably be fine.
  20. Remolacha


    I am so sorry, she was way too young. Your story is a reminder of what gentle, easy, wonderful dogs greyhounds are.
  21. The name of the appointment, “quality of life”, says it all. Ruby’s quality of life is not what it was, it is not what you want for her. One of my cats died in her sleep, it is not a peaceful passing. Well, I guess it can be, but it can also be pretty horrible. You want Ruby’s passing to be peaceful. I am sorry it is so hard
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