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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Many greys are very cat like, in that they go do their own thing. One of my broodies was what someone on GT described as a "background" dog. Not meaning it in a negative way, just that she was the opposite of an in-your-face attention hog She would often go outside or into the bedroom and hang out by herself. Doesn't mean she wasn't happy here, or that it didn't break my heart when she passed. They are also very sensitive, and changes in their world, like moving or having a baby (you, not him!) take them a while to process. He sounds pretty normal to me
  2. I am so very sorry for your loss. I know Pat is happy to see him again
  3. I just stacked the slumberball on top of an old round Costco bed, but the slumberball still has some poof
  4. Val had to miss the Golden Girls party last year She was hoping to go this year, but, pandemic
  5. Please join me in wishing the picky princess a happy 12th birthday
  6. I’ve gone to the ones at Costco. Upside, they are a little heavier and better quality than some of the others I’ve had (and the added weight helps with the non slip) Downside, because of the weight and size, I can’t throw them in my washer. They spot clean pretty well, but once they have been barfed/pooped/peed/bled on one too many times, they go out on the patio and eventually into the trash.
  7. We often tell people that greyhounds are very “cat like” dogs, and nothing shows this better than the new bed saga. Cats are well known for hating change
  8. Kind of hard to tell at this age, you may have noticed that even greyhound puppies don’t look much like greyhounds Whatever, she is adorable!
  9. I have used it as a topping, but not as the main food, but my dogs have always been raw fed.
  10. Cletus He seems like such a mellow boy (as long as there are no chikkins ) I hope his surgery goes smoothly! That’s what Val looks like after an afternoon in the yard, she comes in covered in dead bits. She blames it on her black fur, she says it shows everything
  11. I am sure he would like it better than the cone of shame and I agree with Don, his legs are short enough that it might work. I wouldn’t expect much success with a giraffe-legged greyhound Maybe you can somehow tie the opening to his collar to keep it at the back of his neck?
  12. Wow, I am impressed! I myownself do not have the techie ability to do that.
  13. Glad Peggy is feeling better! Bad teeth can cause all kinds of problems, including systemic infections. If she can’t have a dental, you may need to talk to her vet about keeping her on low dose antibiotics on a regular schedule. That, of course, might be bad for her kidneys, and you would need to put her on daily Pepcid or something similar. See what her Dr thinks.
  14. Conner was on Gabapentin and Tramadol together, it shouldn’t be a problem for her as long as she is ok with the Tramadol. Most of my dogs have been fine with it, but one wasn’t and it was pretty upsetting to see. for Peggy
  15. I am so sorry Shine will always be with you, but I know you are missing him now
  16. I don’t turn Val’s food bowl (she is a little squirrelly about you watching her while she eats) but if necessary I stir the last bits around with a spoon :). She is too heavy for me to carry, but I expect I could pick her up if I had to. She pretty much gets whatever she wants, if I can figure what it is
  17. She’ll roach when she feels like it
  18. This is why I have resorted to stacking beds! The nice new bed with the solid supportive innards on the bottom, then the thin, flat, ratty bed on the top
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