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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I can’t really help, my two experiences with osteo started with a broken leg and neither was a candidate for amputation for various reasons. I hope it turns out to be something more treatable, and if not and you decide on amputation, I have heard many say here, age is just a number.
  2. Today Val turns 13 I have had her since she was 7, and she is absolutely the sweetest dog I have ever had She was diagnosed with LS about a year and half ago, and I wasn't sure she would make it to 12, never mind 13 I will continue to treasure every moment we have.
  3. I am so sorry Little Charlie’s time had come He was much bigger than his size
  4. Remolacha


    This isn’t exactly what you are talking about, but after my heart dog Fletcher passed I put a small amount of his ashes in a tiny glass vial ( I am talking 1/4-1/2 tsp). I took that and his metal I.d.tag and put them in a small pouch and carry it with me everywhere. I am sure this sounds weird to many people, but it comforts me. Fletcher was very protective of me and I feel he still is protecting me
  5. Fritz! Of course, I see he is a Siamese, they are half dog anyway. The drool was impressive, and the burger stare, epic!
  6. Several of my dogs, as they got older, became more sensitive to the heat (even though we have AC) and started to sometimes skip breakfast. I learned to not worry about it as long as they ate later in the day and seemed otherwise healthy. Sometimes adding low sodium chicken broth to the water will encourage them to drink, also I have heard of dogs that like ice cubes in their water when it is hot although none of mine have. You can also add water, broth, tuna can water, goats milk, something like that if they like it to their regular food. That will help keep them hydrated.
  7. I don’t see that much here (always ankle biters who react) but greyhounds are, not common, but maybe more so than some places as there used to be a track in Phoenix and several farms, all closed now. Oddly enough, several of my greyhounds have reacted very negatively to golden doodles. Not sure what it is, but they do not like them!
  8. Lucky Mira! You are giving her a lot of fun times
  9. It will be interesting to see if his fur grows back the same color. Probably will since he is young, when my old ginger cat had to be shaved a lot of his formerly orange fur grew back white.
  10. I am sorry you had to say goodbye to Ellie but it sounds like she really enjoyed her last few days, and really what more can we ask for.
  11. Good luck, I used Calm-o-mile for Conner’s thunder phobia and it worked great! Hope you have the same success.
  12. My first greyhound had that, diagnosed at about the same age. She was put on meds (lasix and enalapril as I recall) and did great, she did have to go on a stronger med (Vatmidin) at age 11. I lost her to kidney failure at 12.5, she also had lumbosacral stenosis.
  13. Can you ask anyone back where he came from? Sounds almost like when they shave long haired dogs/cats who get badly matted, but that wouldn’t apply to a greyhound
  14. One of those situations where you would expect GSOD and they don’t make a sound. I have noticed toenails bleed like crazy, hopefully she will heal up quick.
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