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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Yes, just keep the lid on and it will keep indefinitely! If it has crystallized (and not all honeys do) just warm it a little and it is like new.
  2. I have recently started using the Animal Essentials for Fletcher. I like the ingredients, there are so many things he doesn't tolerate, but he has had no problems with this. I just mix the powder in with the other powders (Chinese meds) he takes in some canned pumpkin and he hoovers it down
  3. I am so sorry, for both Choo and Show It can be so hard to express how you feel, words just don't seem adequate.
  4. I am so sorry sounds like she had a ton of personality as well as being beautiful
  5. Glad everything went well! Looking forward to the "he's home" update
  6. great that he is feeling better! I hope you get some answers soon
  7. Probably Diamondback Drugs, at least that's the one I use, they are in Scottsdale I think. I've always been very happy with them. I can give you their number if you can't find your records. I hope Jimmie is doing better!
  8. I am so sorry, how scary! I hope you can get them under control quickly.
  9. hope it all turns out to sound worse than it really is, but yeah, you are going to owe him big time!
  10. he is so cute I hope you are able to get some answers and some treatment for him soon
  11. Was this your first exposure to the GSOD? (Greyhound Scream Of Death) It is bloodcurdling, isn't it ? They will soon learn what is where in the yard, probably without serious damage unless one of them is accident prone. Even then, your are likely only going to be dealing with minor scrapes. I would cover or take out anything small and sharp until they know the yard a little better, but really, they will be fine!
  12. I am so sorry Harold was such a special, handsome boy
  13. I am so sorry Neko's problems are still unsolved, but it sounds like you have a super team working on it! I hope they find a cause and solution soon and for finishing your tests!
  14. I was going to suggest seasonal allergies, as all my animals are having problems right now, coughing, sneezing, reverse sneezing (never knew cats could reverse sneeze) eyes watering, even ones who have never reacted to seasonal allergies before. However, I see you are in NJ, so probably not much pollen floating around in your area yet!
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