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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Poor Buddy! I hope the meds help him again, and this time no GI issues.
  2. I am so sorry but, yes, she is now with Phyllis again!
  3. Sallie does it a lot, the others occasionally, but only when the dirt is moist. Not muddy, not dry, just nicely moist I stop them when I see it, but I don't always catch them, and they've never been sick from it.
  4. Glad to hear she made it through the surgery OK. I hope that takes care of her problem!
  5. :candle you have had such a run of bad luck with your pups they are lucky to have you.
  6. might be LS, but might not, it's an easy test. Fletcher has many of the same symptoms you describe, it's like he has "weak ankles". He does not have LS, but arthritis which slowly gets worse. He has been on supplements for a few years, and started acupuncture with TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) which has really helped him a lot. Supplements and herbs can take up to 6 weeks to show real results, so give it a little more time. They do help.
  7. I am so sorry Pat It is obvious in all your posts how much you love her, that's all the tribute needed.
  8. No, actually pumpkin works for loose poop or constipation. I know, it sounds like magic I think it's the fiber, not sure, but I give it to my IBD dog (occasional loose poop) and my cat with constipation, works for both. You are right, they don't need RMB every day, it is balance over time.
  9. Try giving him some canned pumpkin while he is adjusting. Each dog is a little different.
  10. I am so sorry I was wondering how Sebau was doing, it must be so hard to loose both so close together.
  11. I am so sorry she obviously loved her time with you
  12. I never met you Saint, but you were always special to me.
  13. I am so sorry! She was a lucky girl to have so many people to love her.
  14. Vet came and took the remains off, poor baby. She wrapped it to protect the quick. She said the bandage could come off after a day or two. I am sure Molly will be fine in a couple of days, she is quite the princess
  15. Molly has a torn toenail (not dewclaw) it has bled a little, and is obviously sore. I have always let torn dewclaws heal on their own, but this hurts her when ever she stands or walks. I am not sure what to do. I have a call in to her vet, but haven't heard back. Obviously, it is not an emergency but I don't want her to hurt. Any suggestions?
  16. So glad to hear she is home! And apparently feeling fine Maybe it was just one of those "old dog" things that you never figure out.
  17. Poor girl Sallie lost 22 teeth in her last dental, including one upper canine and most of the chewing teeth on top. The first 24-36 hours were definitely the worst, after that she bounced back quickly. Good that Gypsy is eating and taking her meds
  18. Fletcher's hind end weakness has been helped quite a lot by acupuncture and Chinese medicine. He takes "Body Sore" (a general pain med) and a specific hind end weakness formula. (along with rimadyl, tramadol, and glucosamine) The Chinese meds are prescribed by his acupuncturist, they are not OTC, unfortunately.
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