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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. He's never been a big fan of yogurt, so that doesn't worry me too much. I hope the Clavamox helps. He is still acting pretty normal otherwise.
  2. I've talked to his vet, and am picking up antibiotics (Clavamox) on Monday. His teeth are pretty manky, and everything seems to point to sore tooth/teeth. I really hope that fixes it, but, of course, if it doesn't we will have to look at other possibilities I will try the oatmeal tomorrow. He has already rejected Ensure and yogurt
  3. Thanks, I will ask the vet about that. I do remember there have been dogs on GT that couldn't be put under for dentals because of other health issues, and they took antibiotics
  4. How long can a dog go without eating with out serious health problems? I know with cats, you shouldn't let them go more than 48 hrs without eating something, otherwise there are serious liver and/or kidney issues. Fletcher hasn't stopped eating completely, but today might be the day. If not today, soon, he's eating less each day. I am fairly sure it is a tooth problem, I am trying to get him in for a dental as soon as possible, so I hope this is only temporary, but I am worried if he stops eating all together before then.
  5. She was a beautiful little girl, I am so sorry
  6. excellent article! I have seen that stillness, and it is ten times scarier than all the barking and lunging.
  7. While I am trying to limit veggies, at this point I'll try anything he will eat. Haven't found Fresh Pet yet, but when he quits eating the canned, I will try him on the frozen bites.
  8. We don't have HEBs here, or BJs. If I don't see it at PetSmart, I'll try some of the local groceries.
  9. So glad it is over! She will feel so much better without those bad teeth
  10. Thanks, that will give me some ideas!
  11. your filler sounds just fine. Over time, as she adjusts, you may find you can cut back or eliminate the filler. And yes, the "no kibble and raw together" is a complete myth!
  12. hoping she sails through her dental and it fixes her eating problems!
  13. Well, his blood work came back perfect, so I guess we will go ahead and schedule the dental. I really do think it is a mouth/tooth issue. He has been on a probiotic and digestive enzyme, that didn't help. I know they can get pickier as they get older, but I keep thinking, he isn't that old! But, he turned 11 in March, that isn't young
  14. Thanks for the ideas everyone! A few clarifications, his "regular" diet is duck or turkey necks and ground beef ( all raw) He used to eat a lot of chicken, but about a year ago became sensitive to that. He can't eat any of the commercial raw, like Instinct or Stella & Chewy, because even the small amount of veggies set off his IBD. Sadly, even Burpdogs give him problems! He has eaten sardines and other canned fish in the past, will try those. Also eggs are a good idea. I have some green tripe defrosting. Cheerios? Worth a try!
  15. OK, I think I have seen Fresh Pet at PetSmart, I will look when I go for kitty litter. Kari, what brand are the meat bites? Are they the frozen raw things? I know one of the cats can't eat those as they give him constipation. He *did* eat sweet potato, I will try that too.
  16. Fletcher is not eating well, and I am looking for some ideas to get some calories in him. Something that would make a normal dog a little constipated would be good, as one of the few things he will eat is kibble, but that gives him runny poop, so... I am going to the store later for some Ensure, cottage cheese, maybe bread?
  17. Granted, not a long trip! Some background, Fletcher has never been a picky eater. About the only thing he consistently refused was organ meat, I think he didn't like the texture. He is raw fed, because of his IBD. A few weeks ago, I started having trouble with him at mealtimes. First, he quit eating the canned pumpkin that I mix his powdered Chinese meds in (he has eaten this with enthusiasm for over a year). OK, I bought a capsule filler and started giving the meds that way, in Pill Pockets. He loves Pill Pockets. Then, he started leaving his duck necks. OK, I got out the grinder, started giving him ground duck/turkey necks, which the girls already get (Saliie has few teeth and Molly is a Princess). That worked for a few days until I started having to coax him to finish. I gave in on Sunday and gave him some of the girls' kibble, which he likes and ate, but it gives him runny poop, all kibble does. His vet came yesterday, gave him acupuncture (already scheduled) and some B12 shots. Last night, he ate his regular food just great. This morning, he is back to only eating a little ground beef, some goat's milk, and a little kibble. Also this morning, for the first time, he refused his Pill Pockets. Vet took blood yesterday, results will hopefully be back today. His teeth aren't great, but not obviously sore. So, my question is, can you think of anything other than teeth that would cause this behavior? Everything else seems normal. I am hesitant to do a dental, he is 11, but if his bloodwork comes back OK, we probably will. Any ideas for things to get him to eat? I am going to the store later to get some Ensure, maybe some cottage cheese.
  18. I am glad to hear the Fresh Factors helped. I would stick with the supplements as long as he is not in pain. I have found (both for Fletcher and myself) that adding bosweillia really makes a difference. I give all my dogs Fresh Factors, starting at about age 7-8, even if they don't have symptoms, I feel it is a preventative, and so far the girls (9 & 11) are fine.
  19. I am so sorry It's easy to say well, she had a good long life, but that doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye
  20. Fletcher had it as a youngster (2 yr old) We are pretty sure it came from eating feral cat poop but yeah, it is everywhere. I would be careful about anything he ate or drank at the dog park.
  21. Did not know that. I wonder how having multiple litters would affect the antibodies (if at all)?
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