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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. glad things have quieted down for you!
  2. Overall pretty good news Hopefully, this means the cancer is past tense!
  3. You might want to wait for a bit and get to know her before you settle on a name. You could find out what they called her at the kennel and use that temporarily.
  4. I have not (yet) made jerky for my dogs, but I would think just plain meat would be fine. That way, if some dogs have allergies or food sensitivities, they could have the jerky when often they can't have many other treats. Unless they are allergic to beef or whatever
  5. congratulations, she has a beautiful smile! About names, my first two had their names changed by the adoption group and I liked the names they picked, so I kept them. The next two had racing names that didn't make good pet names, so I changed them. I used the new names all the time when talking to them, and especially when I fed them. "Here you go Sallie, here's dinner" They learned very quickly I hope your new girl gets to come home soon!
  6. dentals are always scary, even though they are usually routine and everything is just fine
  7. hope you get some good answers from the bloodwork.
  8. Poor Sam, I hope the tests on Monday give you some answers. My first grey died of kidney failure, and I didn't notice any odor, but her's was acute kidney failure. OTOH, a cat I had with chronic kidney problems did have an odd, different odor toward the end.
  9. beautiful boy, I am so sorry beautiful boy, I am so sorry
  10. Another "don't overthink it" here. My first grey was picked out for me by the adoption group based on my lifestyle. I first laid eyes on her when she was brought to my house as a foster-to-adopt. Was there an instant connection? No. Partly because she was a very shy, timid dog that had been through a lot of upheaval in a short time. However, in the five years she was with me, she learned to trust me, and became such a huge part of my life, and heart, that when she passed, I didn't think I would ever stop crying. My second grey was the complete opposite of what I was looking for, but it was love at first sight for both of us He has been a challenge over the years (I call him Issue Boy) but I wouldn't trade a second with him. I guess my point is, the bond will form, whether it is instant, or develops over time. Oh, and if you meet some dogs that aren't really interested in you, and you feel no strong connection with them, don't worry about it, it happens, but that dog is probably not the right one for you.
  11. Fletcher's hind end weakness has been helped a great deal by supplements, acupuncture, and Chinese medicine. I have recently had a ramp built into the backyard, but am still working on getting the dogs to use it
  12. Start simple. If he is OK with chicken, most people start there because it is cheap and easily available. Chicken drums or thighs are good to begin with. I would hold off on the "innards" for a few weeks until he adjusts. If you hand him a raw chicken leg and looks at you like you are nuts you can lightly sear the outside (inside should still be raw). Commercial raw is another way to start, expensive, but easy in the short run. Are plain chicken parts a balanced diet? No, of course not, but it won't hurt him for a few weeks. Once he gets used to it and you set up your suppliers, you can start to expand. Most raw sites say to feed 1-2% body weight, greys usually need more. I would start at 2-3%. It doesn't have to be exact, you will figure it out as you go along
  13. I am so sorry, it is so hard when you don't know what as wrong, but you did the right thing for Neko
  14. glad he is enjoying himself, I hope he has many many more days like this!
  15. Never heard of it, but I give my dogs a little (1/4 c or less, a "splash") of goat's milk. Goat's milk is much easier to digest, but not completely lactose free.
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