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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. so glad things went well! Hoping for a nice boring recovery. Boring is good! I don't know if they gave you a splint or not, but if they did, I wouldn't keep it on for more than a week at most.
  2. Remolacha


    MJ, I am heartbroken for you. I always thought of Spudzie as Fletcher's "brother", they were so close in age and so much alike in their little quirks. I wish there was something I could do to help you get through this, but I don't know anything that makes it easier, except time
  3. It depends on the dog. Some are very sensitive to the heat. Fletcher will definitely pant if it gets above the low 70's, and for some reason, it is worse at night. The girls are fine, not bothered at all. I don't know why it is worse in the evening, but for Fletcher anyway, it is.
  4. glad it is not a blown knee! I hope she can find the problem and it is simple/easy to fix!
  5. Well, I am still struggling with getting him to take all his meds, so I ordered on of those "capsule filler machines" Good to know you can get 1/4 tsp in the 00 size, that's what I ordered.
  6. All in all, a pretty good update! Sallie was a bloody mess after her dental, but she felt much better the next day. She did continue to leak a little blood for about the first 24 hrs, but was fine. She only lost one canine, but all her big upper molars. I hope the lazar therapy helps his spine!
  7. The color will change depending on the ingredients in the food. Nothing to worry about unless it turns a really weird color! I seem to recall, from another thread, that raw eggplant created nice firm poops, lol!
  8. I am so sorry there will never be another one like her
  9. Seems like I have heard of cancer in the toe, but can't remember where, sorry. Hope it turns out to not be that!
  10. Some is Chinese meds from his acupuncturist (believe what you will, I have seen them make a difference for him), some are supplements. I am not so concerned about the supplements, I can find another format or skip them, but I can see a difference without the meds, even after just a couple of days. Last night and today he ate the pain med mixed with pumpkin. If I can get him to eat that and the hind end weakness med, I'll be OK. I might try some Velveeta, that should mold around powder pretty well, right? I might look into those capsule filler thingys, though. Like a pill splitter, might be handy to have around.
  11. Remolacha


    I am so sorry she had as good a life as any dog could hope for
  12. Thanks for the ideas! I am going to try and see if I can figure out if there is one particular med that he is suddenly not liking, maybe I won't have to capsule all of them
  13. Anyone ever have to fill empty capsules with powdered meds? I seem to recall some talk about it, sometime . Looks like I will have to start doing that, I was wondering if anyone had any tips for making it easier. Thanks!
  14. Shouldn't be a problem unless he is allergic to turkey, which I assume he isn't
  15. hope everything goes well on Friday, and Paul's backend weakness turns out to be something minor/easy
  16. I am so sorry the challenging ones leave such a huge hole
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