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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am sorry Zero is having problems. My first grey had some hind end problems, spinal but not LS. Maybe stenosis? Our then vet wasn't very good at communicating. Anyway, acupuncture really helped her. She went from barely being able to walk to about 90% of her former mobility. I currently have an 11 yr old with arthritis and hind quarter weakness (but not stenosis) who has also been helped a great deal by acupuncture. Hope taking things easy makes Zero feel better!
  2. Glad to hear he is feeling well enough to be picky
  3. Be sure you check the laws in your area, cattle prod type things are not legal everywhere. Stun guns & tasers are legal most places.
  4. I am so sorry! What a nightmare indeed! I live in fear of something like this every time we go for a walk. I am actually grateful for the hot summer temps, as I don't walk them in the heat. I hope she recovers without complications, and no mental trauma (sounds like she has escaped that!) As for your Jack, the meds can make a huge difference, he could still have a good long life ahead. :candle
  5. Well, that is more excitement than anyone needs! Everyone should be fine, but keep an eye on Bennie's puncture/bite wound.
  6. I hope the transition to the patch goes well and he can come home. I know you will both be much happier with him home!
  7. I know with elderly people, they often loose interest in eating because their sense of taste and smell weaken (or go away altogether) I am guessing it is the same with older animals, which is why strong smelling and tasting foods work better. Also, like old people, they just don't need as much food. My first old grey was very particular about the size and shape of her kibble, silly girl. As long as she eats most of her food most days, she'll be fine!
  8. I am so sorry, he was a beautiful boy
  9. I agree, other than actual bones, having no teeth shouldn't really affect her eating. Maybe try some stinky additives like sardines, shaky cheese, nutritional yeast, that might perk her interest. edited to add, mine all get a splash of goat's milk for "dessert" and I had better not run out! It is very digestible, doesn't have the issues cow's milk can have.
  10. just catching up on Robin, sorry he is not better!
  11. I hope Robin is feeling better. Molly was "off" over the weekend, but she seems back to normal now. I think maybe it was the heat. She will be 11 in a few days. It is so scary when you know they aren't right, but can't pinpoint what is wrong.
  12. Yes, "the dog ate my homework" is no longer a fake excuse It sounds like she is settling in nicely!
  13. Glad they didn't need to do more invasive surgery! Hope she recovers quickly.
  14. My question as well, "brownies in the trash" is like "leftover wine" something that does not compute in my house! I hope your grey is OK, I would think there was not enought chocolate to worry about.
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