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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. That is great news! that is was nothing serious!
  2. I tell mine "only one of you is allowed to be sick at one time!" I wish it were that easy. and for Casper, Pongo, and Ronon
  3. definitely give Valium a try. I give meds to two of my dogs for fireworks, and Valium works better for one dog, Xanax works better for the other dog
  4. :yay wonderful news! he will be so much happier at home (and so will you!)
  5. This has happened to Fletcher a couple of times, both times it was just gas. I gave him gas-x (liqiud for children) and watched him closely until he settled down. Fletcher has IBD, don't know if that contributed to it or not, but I always keep gas-x on hand. Glad he is alright!
  6. As hard as it is to see them suffer, sometimes I think the worst is when their spirit is still there, but their body fails them. If they show they are "ready" it eases a little of the, pain? guilt? I don't know, but for me, that is the hardest. You just have to take it day to day, but I understand what you are saying
  7. Glad they are both doing better! I hope they continue to improve:)
  8. I am so sorry Gracie certainly gave you more than three months worth of joy and love
  9. I would try plain water and/or canned pumpkin, and add it to both meals.
  10. I had VPI, and the first few years it was OK, I just had the cats then. The rates really (really) start to go up as your pets get older, whether you have had a claim or not, and they refused to cover Fletcher at all because of his IBD, even though he was only 2. I didn't expect them to cover the IBD as it was a pre-existing condition, but they wouldn't cover him at all I dropped all my coverage and started a vet savings account, and so far that has worked fine, but my biggest vet bill month so far was only @$1300.
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