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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. no experience, so I have no advice, but cherish every day with him, I hope there are many more!
  2. I am sorry you are still looking for answers, but good news that he is stable!
  3. My previous vet used to give detailed receipts that I kept, and sometimes referred back to for dates when we did a certain procedure, or gave a medication (many of my pets have had chronic health issues). She later changed and the receipts were just $ totals, I quit keeping those (yeah, never add them up! ) My new vet's receipts are somewhere in between. I keep them all for the current year, then with a new year, I toss the routine ones. It may be a bit OCD, but I like having them. I would think scanned and kept online would work just as well. edited to add, I haven't kept records for deceased pets, and now I am sorry, because things have come up where some information on treatment from one of the old ones might have helped a current situation.
  4. I am so happy to hear that Chevy is healing well, and things are getting back to normal! The waffle incident, priceless
  5. I think many of us have been in your shoes. No one is perfect, we do the best we can, but sometimes make the wrong choices. Our animals love us anyway, and we have to learn to forgive ourselves, because they would.
  6. how scary for you (and poor Irene)
  7. hoping for the magic pill for Plummer
  8. Wonderful news! So glad he did well (and it's over )
  9. I am so sorry I can't imagine the pain of loosing two in one day :f_red
  10. My goal is always to head off the other dog and prevent contact. Even friendly contact, because one of my dogs is leash aggressive and does not like other breeds. If a loose dog runs up to us and I can't head it off, there will be a fight, Fletcher will see to that. I am sorry if it offends or scares some of you, but I really need to do whatever I can to prevent contact. Scaring the crap out of the other dog is my first choice, with non-lethal (hopefully) harm a last resort. I think I will stop reading this thread now
  11. Taser and stun gun are not exactly the same thing. (I didn't know this before) A stun gun has to have the end with the electric part in contact with the target. A taser throws out two "lines" with the electrical part on the end, so yes, as Christopher said, one prong could be on each target.
  12. I am glad to hear he had a good night! I hope he heals quickly, and is not too traumatized. I know you must be, traumatized, that is
  13. No, the current doesn't transfer. So, if you stun the attacking dog, your dog (and you) are safe. Of course, if it is a pack attack, you would have to stun each dog separately! I don't know the answer to what would happen to a little dog, my guess is, not good. I wouldn't stun a small dog, I would be trying to pry it out of Fletcher's jaws (real life experience). Being aware of your surroundings is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do, for your dog's safety, and yours!
  14. An air horn would probably work for a lot of dogs. Dog hearing is so much better than ours, and obnoxious loud noise like an air horn would probably make most run away (I know it would me!) Apparently, though, there is something about the "electrical" sound a stun gun makes that is particularly effective. It would be a lot harder to use with multiple dogs, I have only ever had to deal with one loose dog at a time. I just don't know...
  15. I want to prevent trouble if at all possible, so I like the idea that the sound of a stun gun will scare an aggressive dog off. If the worst happens and a fight actually starts, it seems like the best way to break it up with minimal damage. There are no guarantees, I know that.
  16. OK, I came back from our morning walk, and after trying to juggle three dogs and a walking stick (and a poop bag, eventually) I decided I needed another alternative. The only loose dogs we saw were a couple of Chihuahuas that were quickly corralled by their owner and we were far enough away that Fletcher didn't react. I am thinking stun gun. I have been reading reviews, and more than one person has said just the noise has been enough to frighten an aggressive dog and prevent an attack. Plus, if the dog does attack, I can zap him without hurting my dog or myself. I like the idea of a baton (the distance thing again) but don't want an additional alarm. Going to do some more research.
  17. I am so sorry, what a horrible time you have had! I hope Suds and your broodie will be OK :candle
  18. I have had several encounters with loose dogs, although they are fairly rare in my neighborhood. Luckily, most were more curious than aggressive, and I was able to run them off with shouts and foot stamping. I like the walking stick as it would be a way to fend them off from a bit of a distance. All that being said, the one time there was an actual fight, the other dog slipped through an open gate, charged down the driveway, and the fight was on before I could do anything. I was very lucky that the owner was right there, and we were able to seperate the dogs pretty quickly with no serious injuries. Fletcher is big for a greyhound, and very leash aggressive. He WILL fight. But, he still has that paper thin greyhound skin. I guess what I am saying is, I like having something that could prevent an incident, but if a dog is determined to attack, there probably isn't much I could do to prevent it. Other than carrying a gun and shooting the other dog, which I am not sure I could do.
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