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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. She probably goes into the bedroom fine because it is her safe place. Coming out reminds her of what ever scared her, so the hesitation and so on. At least, that is my guess A runner couldn't hurt, maybe she did slip one time when you weren't home. One of those times when you so wish they could talk!
  2. I'd still want to know why, but in the mean time, have you tried beet pulp? Could be she has developed a food sensitivity, so even going back to her former OK food won't help. Unfortunately, the only way to figure that one out is an elimination diet. That's long and slow!
  3. I am going through the same thing with Molly. She has always been quirky about her food, but has generally responded (eventually) to "eat or don't, that's what you are getting". She got weird again after I lost Fletcher, and I just don't have the heart to take a hard line. She is 11, and if adding half a tin of sardines to her food makes her eat, then sardines she gets. As Batmom said, there are worse things!
  4. I would talk to your acupuncture vet about it, he may be able to order it even if he isn't on their list. If you want him to do a consult with one of the vets on the list, Dr LaCombe is our vet, 602-418-6545
  5. I agree that they all (collars, leashes, harnesses) are just tools. Some tools will work better on some dogs that others. I think it is interesting that some people have said that they think a harness is less effective on pullers. I had a Boston Terrier who pulled like a Mack truck, and with that thick neck, a collar might as well have been a limp noodle for all the difference it made to him The harness was so much better for him. Hijack over
  6. I am glad to hear she is a little better. I agree, something spooked her, and you may never know exactly what. I would keep treating the positive behavior, and ignore the spooky behavior as much as possible. Stick to a routine, that will give her confidence, knowing what to expect. She will probably always be susceptible, and you will just never know what might set her off until it does. But, each time you will know better how to get her back on track!
  7. I agree with stopping the meloxicam, or any NSAID. Maybe keep her on the Flagyl until she is back to normal poops. If you can get the diarrhea to stop, I would say she still has some time left. You will know.
  8. My first grey would lay down for her treatments, but she was pretty weak in the back end and couldn't stand for long when we started, so that probably had something to do with it! Fletcher stood the whole time (big surprise!) Sometimes he would walk around a bit, but I kept him a still as I could. He never objected, except every now and then she would put a needle in (or try) and he would jerk away, so she would just say OK, we'll skip that one for today. It really doesn't hurt, like a blood draw needle. Hope everything goes smoothly! If your acupuncture vet does TCM, ask about "Hindquarter Weakness", it really helped Fletcher, but you have to get it from your vet.
  9. I am pretty sure there is nothing on this earth that smells worse than poop-puke!
  10. I used a harness for Fletcher (90 lbs) because he was very leash reactive. I was afraid he would hurt himself twisting and jumping around with just the collar, plus the harness (and a leash with a short loop) gave me much better control. I also switched to a harness for Molly after she hurt her neck. I use the WWW harnesses, can't think of any cons!
  11. So sorry you didn't get better news! Hope the meds will help.
  12. I had (have) one of Carol's harnesses and a Ruffwear harness for Fletcher. The Ruffwear was great, but was not something I wanted to leave on him full time. Carrol's is great for 24/7 wear!
  13. never heard of it, but the ingredients sound OK. millet is a grain, and Menhaden oil is fish oil
  14. I started feeding raw because Fletcher had IBS, and all processed foods caused him various levels of problems. A few years ago, I switched the girls to half raw/half kibble for $ and time reasons. I fed TOTW for awhile, because Fletcher could eat the TOTW Pacific once or twice a week with minimal problems. When I finally broke down and got a Costco membership, I switched to their Natures Domain (grain free) Salmon & Sweet Potato and have fed that ever since. The girls are still on the half & half regimen, but I may switch Molly over completely, as she likes the kibble better and she is getting picky in her old age. With lots of add in, of course!
  15. Sounds a lot like what my first grey, Sugar had. She did not react to the LS test, so vet said she technically did not have LS, but she did have lower back/spine weakness. I remember the term "spondylosis" was used. Acupuncture was a great help to her.
  16. Most vet's who do acupuncture are at least somewhat "alternative", so she shouldn't have a problem with the raw feeding Hope it helps!
  17. Not sure if this is the same thing or not, but Fletcher's arthritis first appeared in his right shoulder. It later showed up in the left shoulder as well, but not as bad. He never raced.
  18. hoping it hasn't spread and you have many more good times with your girl!
  19. Sounds very much like Princess Molly when she hurt her neck. I have no idea how she did it. I hope that's all it is for Silver! Just remember if that is what it is, it takes weeks or it to really heal.
  20. The girls get Joint Health (along with Fresh Factors) I think there have been clinical trials that say it helps and trials that say it doesn't Personally, for both my dogs and myself, I find it helps, but more so in the beginning. As the arthritis gets worse, it seems less effective, but it does still help some. That's just my take.
  21. I am glad that my klutz dog had had his dew claws removed, but it was done when he was a tiny puppy. No way would I have done it when he was an adult.
  22. I have never used it for that, but I would say it was worth trying. I know my vet would do a few points to relax Fletcher before she started on the rest of his acupuncture, so such a thing is possible. Whether it helps Sunshine or not, you won't know until you try.
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