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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so sorry. It is always hard, but to lose one you have had for so long, and your first, a little extra pain
  2. :yay there will probably be some adjusting in their relationship as the new pup settles in and gets used to her new life, but it sounds like an excellent beginning, adjustments should be minor.
  3. Thank you for sharing this. I hope it helps a little to know that you didn't miss anything and you did everything you could.
  4. I have no idea if it is possible, but given his background I think a check up with a specialist is a good idea. Poor boy, he is so lucky to have you now.
  5. You may end up with two dogs that seem indifferent to each other, rather than BFFs, but it is pretty rare for two greyhounds to actively dislike each other. Not unheard of though, so a foster with intent might be a good way to go.
  6. Good news! Hoping everything is ok now. I too can discuss my dogs' (and cats) elimination habits at great length and detail. lol
  7. It is more work and expense, but not double. I prefer having multiples, I think they enjoy having other dog(s) around, as well as their people. Most of the greys I have had would do fine as only dogs, but were clearly happier to have a companion. I can't think of any problems that were caused by having two instead of one.
  8. Hard to lose two so close together
  9. Hope it turns out to be nothing! I always keep some Gas-X on hand as Fletcher's IBD could give him gas, usually in the middle of the night Sounds like that may not have been Henry's problem this time, but it can't hurt.
  10. Sounds like a plan! I hope it helps. My super fireworks hater is gone now, but one of my girls is somewhat bothered by them. I think at least part of it was reacting to the other dog's fear, so I am not sure how she will react this year. Melatonin does help take the edge off for her, you might try adding that to the mix.
  11. As long as she maintains her weight and her vet has cleared her, I would try not to worry (notice I said try ) Could it be the heat affecting her appetite?
  12. Greys (and other dogs, and people for that matter) can have trouble maintaining their weight as they get older, but what you describe does not sound like "old age" weight loss. I would take her to the vet ASAP.
  13. Glad you have an answer and an effective treatment! and thanks for the update, I also hate medical thread where I never find out what happened
  14. What a special friend I am so sorry his time ran out
  15. My first greyhound developed some back end weakness when she was about 11.5 Based on the standard LS test, it wasn't that, but x-rays showed (layman's terms ) the cushiony stuff in several of her vertebrae had worn away, so that when she moved the wrong way, the bone rubbed/pinched a nerve. Hers came on very suddenly, she had had some minor arthritis and suddenly one day she was in pain and could barely walk. Steroid injections gave her immediate but temporary relief. She was put on Metacam which helped, but a couple of months later she had another "episode" where she suddenly couldn't walk at all, could barely stand. I was sure I would lose her, but the steroid shot worked again, and I started her on acupuncture. That saved her life. In about 6weeks, she was 80%-90% normal. We did do Adequan shots as well, the first one helped while the acupuncture was kicking in, after that they seemed less effective, so we stopped. She also had a heart condition, and I lost her at 12.5 to complications from that, but right up to the end, she was walking just fine. So, not information about LS like you asked, but I hope this helps!
  16. What a special boy! I am so sorry for your loss
  17. It sounds like Magic is still doing well, so glad to hear that! I hope you have many, many more good times with him
  18. Just give him time, he probably isn't broken, just a little slow Although, I have to say, Sallie probably qualifies as defective, she doesn't roach, doesn't get on the furniture, doesn't roo, but she does bark
  19. I have heard that the Heartguard meds are actually good for 45 days, they just say monthly because that is easier for people to remember, but check with your vet or adoption group. It probably depends also on how common heartworm is in your area.
  20. How terrifying for you! I am so glad to hear that he has much improved, I hope he continues on that path
  21. my vet said I could use the human ones, but picking the strength is trial and error. I am happy with the Thorne results!
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