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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I did this when Fletcher was first diagnosed with IBD, while we were still figuring out what he could eat. I sliced the canned food about 1/2" thick and baked it on a cookie sheet at about 250(F) until they were dry, I can't remember how long it took, maybe 1/2 hr?
  2. hoping it is "just" HGE or IBD. Those are not fun, but can usually be managed.
  3. I hope Peggy is on the mend! If she does recover with no other issues, I would suspect a flare up of IBD/IBS/clolitis as well. The Manuka honey will help with that.
  4. No one knows your dog better than you, your friend was cruel to say such a thing. For what it's worth, if my 13 1/2 yr old dog was struggling to get up, had stopped eating, and was pacing and panting, I would have thought it was time too. It is human nature to second guess ourselves in a situation like this, but I am sure you did what was best for your dog, no matter how hard it was for you. Shame on your friend for making it more difficult!
  5. I think the hardest of all (for us, the people) is when an animal's spirit is still willing, but their body is failing them. Most of my pets have reached a point where they show me they are ready to go, but I did have one cat that was never ready to give up. His body finally quit on him, but he never said, "I'm done". From what you have said about Poodle, he may be the same. Keeping him confined in an area with rubber backed rugs when you are gone is a good idea , he should be able to get himself back up, at least for now.
  6. Glad you found a food that agrees with your boy. Gas is definitely not something you have to live with!
  7. Kingman=fast track No, you are in for a slower pace for sure! Welcome
  8. I have rubber backed mats everywhere. None of my dogs has been particularly afraid of slippery floors, but as they have gotten older, they tend to slip, and I don't want them hurting themselves. Tuesday Morning is a great place to pick up a bunch of non slip area rugs for cheap, if you are not particular about the color/pattern I mostly get several smaller ones, easier to throw in the wash.
  9. I am so sorry Duke was a fighter, and you were right there with him. Sadly sometimes you just can't fight hard enough.
  10. A couple of people I know use it and have had no problems
  11. it is hard to lose a dog you love, whether it is yours or someone else's (there are GT dogs that I still miss, and I never even met them in person) Each person, each dog, each situation is different, and I have to believe that the owner knows their dog and their situation better than anyone else, and respect their decisions.
  12. I can see using one on a dog with a strong, thick, muscular neck (like a pittie) while he is being trained, I tried one for awhile on my Boston Terrier who pulled like a freight train, but in he just ignored it. In the end, a harness worked much better. But on a greyhound? Never. and for statuing? So wrong!
  13. I wouldn't make any decisions until you visit him, but try to listen to what he is telling you. I hope he can rally, but if not I have been there also, I know how hard it is
  14. it is so hard to see them in ICU, but he is getting the care he needs. Good news that he is stable, that he starts to recover!
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