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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. hoping the steroid shot buys her a little more time. It is so, so hard when their spirit is still there, but their body just can't.
  2. Glad to hear he is fine Answers are nice, but sometimes with these guys, you never really know what it was, so as long as he is OK and it doesn't happen again, answers are a luxury!
  3. I hope the vet can think of something to help her. It is too bad that acupuncture doesn't work for her, but consider the Adequan, it helped my old girl with her back end weakness.
  4. I do remember you and Egon, I am so sorry
  5. I am sorry you didn't get better news. I hope you have many good days ahead with Brady.
  6. When I told Molly to the oncologist, I was expecting just a consult as well, and was surprised that they wanted to do the first treatment right away! I did, and like you, I think it was about $300. I didn't follow through with more treatments, so yes, you can stop at any time. I hope the lovely Miss Nell does well with the chemo and it helps prolong her life!
  7. I agree, that sounds like way too much food! I would give him that much per day, split into two meals. Did they say why to give him the rice? Also, you can probably expect a little loose poop for a few days, just because of the transition. Welcome to the world of greyhound poop lol
  8. I don't have enough medical knowledge to help with the blood work, but I did want to say for an older dog, upper 70's, even in the shade might be too hot. Many of them do become more sensitive to the heat as they get older. That would not explain the weight loss, of course. I hope you get some answers
  9. Goat's milk is more digestible than cow's milk, but as I just give a little bit to the dogs and cats for a treat, I don't worry about finding raw.
  10. I am so sorry, hard when the losses come in multiples
  11. I was so afraid of this, my heart is broken. I can't even imagine how much harder it is for you
  12. Remolacha

    Alan - 5 Years

    I remember beautiful, gentle Alan
  13. :beatheart :confetti :beatheart (not much personality? that is like saying the ocean isn't very wet )
  14. It sounds to me like he is somewhat timid, and even more quirky that your average grey but I wouldn't say he is a true spook. My first grey was very timid and shy, and acted a lot like Kingsley. She relaxed quite a bit after she got used to me and our home, but that took several months, and she was never comfortable away from home. I would reassure him when he is afraid, continue to build your bond (four months really isn't that long), he will probably always be happier in a familiar environment and just with family, and probably always a little jumpy, but I bet in a year he will be much more relaxed
  15. I am so sorry. Whenever they leave, it is too soon.
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