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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Definitely have the vet check her neck, I switched one of mine to a harness because she kept tweaking her neck.
  2. Yeah, now that I have Val, he gets until she finishes eating her food (which doesn't take long!) and then it gets picked up or she will eat it. I figure, if he really wants to eat, he'll learn that it won't be available forever
  3. I am putting this here instead of the food or training sections, but I am not sure it is a health issue. Hoping for some new ideas. Back in September, Conner started refusing to eat his breakfast some mornings. He always ate dinner, so I didn't worry much at first. He started refusing more often, and I had my vet check him over, but everything else was completely normal. I thought maybe he had just decided he didn't want to,eat in the morning anymore, as I have heard older dogs sometimes do. He is 10.5 and definitely not a morning dog. Just about the time we were going to run some blood work, he started eating regularly in the morning again. Then he stopped, again. I have tried nummy additives, makes no difference. I tried offering him some of the different things he eats (he is raw fed) one at a time to see if there was one thing he had gone off of. Nope, ate everything. His poop has been completely normal the whole time. The mornings he doesn't eat, I put the food in a plastic container in the frig and give it to him for dinner, and he happily eats it. He eats treats, sometimes he will eat some kibble, but not often and not much. So, anyone have any ideas? Anything we haven't tried other than a lot of fancy tests? Or should I just expect this to be our new normal?
  4. Does she have any old injuries on another leg? The reason I ask is Conner has an old injury on his back right foot, and several months ago, started limping on his left front leg. After clean x-rays, he saw a chiropractor, who explained that as four legged creatures, if dogs have a chronic injury on one side, they will often develop something opposite as compensation. The chiro has helped him a great deal.
  5. I will always remember Princess Aria and her pearls Welcome back!
  6. Ben was such a special, sweet boy. I am so very sorry
  7. It is not grain free, but has a ton of beet pulp, which is why it works well for many dogs with soft poops. Not all dogs have a problem with grain.
  8. No personal experience, I would do just what you are doing, send her blood work to Dr. C and see what he says. I do think, at her age, a clot is probably more likely to be a problem than bleeding out, but of course, there are no guarantees.
  9. I want my new girl Val to put on a few pounds, so I have increased the amount of regular food she gets a bit and added some canned food, about 1/4 can per meal. Canned puppy food is even higher in calories. This may take awhile, but slower is better.
  10. I've never dealt with lupus, but my dr recommended a high dose of fish oil (3000 mg/day) for me to help with my arthritis and I have been using the Costco/Kirkland brand which has 1200mg/capsule, 684mg Omega 3. Don't know what dosage you would give Cocoa, but they are reasonably priced and I trust the brand.
  11. I am so sorry I have lost two like that
  12. I am so sorry for your loss, but how lucky he was to find you
  13. I've had a couple of greys with broken toes. The one who broke an inside toe (weight bearing) was the most troublesome, but even for that I didn't go to an orthopedic specialist! So yes, I think that might be overkill If it were my dog I would take him to the grey savvy vet and see what they have to say. They should be able to remove the toe if necessary and check to make sure nothing else is going on without paying the specialist prices. Good luck, greyhound toes can be a pain
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