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Everything posted by MerseyGrey

  1. We were told that Buddy had been attacked before we got him. We have had some success in trying to get him to look at us when another dog approached and then treating him. It didn’t take him long before he would look to us just when he saw another dog, and we moved on to treating him when he allowed the other dog to approach and he behaved well. He has done very well which is one of the reasons I had to look for healthy treats! He had a snark at another dog last week who got a bit too sniffy for him (and I was distracted by the other chatty owner so I missed what happened) but that really been our only setback in over six months. It definitely can be done and someone here recommended a book that was easy to get on kindle which is what I used to start his training https://www.amazon.co.uk/Feisty-Fido-Help-Leash-Reactive-Dog-ebook/dp/B001DA99CG/ref=sr_1_8?crid=1ZDDKB6YWRXTW&dchild=1&keywords=patricia+mcconnell&qid=1587569489&sprefix=Patricia+mc%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-8 and also ‘the other end of the leash’ By the same author, which I didn’t get but is often recommended on this forum. After Buddy got set upon by a staffie last summer we were so glad that he wasn’t wearing a muzzle as he would have had no way to defend himself, and I think that this is part of the problem with muzzling a dog - they then go on the defensive and snap first, ask questions later. However they are a good idea while you are getting to know him and read his body language. I’m not very experienced with greyhounds (Buddy is our first) but we’ve learnt a lot in the last two years, and a lot of that has come from this forum. You’ll have lots of fun learning together!
  2. Hello and welcome! We’ve had Buddy (also a big boy at around 33kg post racing weight) for just under two years and we were startled at how quickly he felt like we’d always had him. He’s a bit heavier now (37kg at his last weigh in, after losing a few kilos) but we have spoiled him a lot. I have been hopeless with training him. I can get him to lie down to have his teeth cleaned but anything else I’ve failed at. It’s not that he doesn’t know the commands, it’s more that he doesn’t like them. Stay usually means I’m doing something interesting and he wants to know what’s going on. He is the nosiest dog I’ve ever come across. I tried to teach him ‘down’ earlier with a piece of gammon. He looked at where I was pointing, looked back at me, bed, then back at me as if to say ’are you for real?’. We got there after a few minutes. Healthy snacks - it turns out that Buddy really likes red peppers, raw carrots and broccoli stalks. He also loves bite size shredded wheat. Popcorn without oil or any other additives might also work and is low fat. We muzzled him for almost the first year on walks as we were told to by the adoption centre. I wish we hadn’t as he has started to respond so much better to other dogs without it. He was quite reactive to other dogs at first and certainly he can be snappy as he gets overwhelmed when other dogs get in his face. If they approach him slowly he responds pretty well. It might be a good idea to keep Sampson muzzled for a little while if you think he has a high prey drive - an interest in smaller dogs may - may - suggest he has. The muzzle probably isn’t bothering him as much as it is bothering you and it will give you a bit of time to work out if he has any triggers. I haven’t worked out how to play with Buddy yet. He seems very content to play on his own and have me watch him. He’s not a retriever and he doesn’t like to share. He’s caught me a few times with his sharp teeth when I’ve not been quick enough to pull my hands away but it’s not aggression, he’s just very focused on what he wants. Which is anything he hasn’t got! Or anything I have got. As for toys, I can highly recommend a toy that should come with every adopted greyhound - standard issue honking hog. Buddy loves his and is currently on his fourth. I have to stitch them up periodically and trade them in for a new one when it gets beyond repair but this is without doubt Buddy’s favourite https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Outward-Hound-Kyjen-Hedgehogz-Squeak/dp/B0000AH9UH/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=kyjen+hog&qid=1587491487&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-8. enjoy your new boy and I look forward to hearing lots of stories in the future!
  3. Yup. Buddy’s a grazer too and we have also had the grassy poop treatment. I know they eat grass for all kinds of reasons, but I’m sure when he goes on grass eating frenzies, that it’s to do with worms. I’ve only seen him eat grass once to make himself sick, which our German shepherds used to do frequently. Most the time I think he just enjoys the grass. Buddy also eats those sticky plants that you would throw at each other’s backs as kids (and sometimes still as adults...). I’m not sure if you have them in the States. Here they have many names including cleavers and sticky buds. Apparently they are part of the coffee family. Maybe that’s how he gets his caffeine fix
  4. This is what I was thinking as I read your post. But it depends on how good you are at not touching that money for other things. I’m in the UK and have no idea if $7500 is a lot or not, but it will depend in part on how old your dog is, because in general, a younger dog will be healthier, an older dog might have more medical needs (although a dog of any age can require a trip to the vet. Thank goodness we don’t have to worry about rattle snakes here!). i don’t know what it’s like in the States but our insurance doesn’t cover dental cleaning and extraction, which is something you might need as a greyhound owner, which is another reason to do the above. Mainly though, I wanted to say try to relax and enjoy your experience! It is daunting when you first bring your pup home (I spent at least the first year second guessing every decision I made and wondering if mine would be happier in another home). We’ve had our boy for nearly two years now and my biggest worry at the minute is if he’s getting enough beauty sleep while there’s always someone at home during lockdown. Enjoy your first day at home with him!
  5. Have you tried giving him a frozen Kong when you leave as this might help with keeping him occupied and reduce the barking? Depending on what’s in it you might not want to give it to him everyday but you could try and use it interchangeably with a toy that keeps his mind active until he tires himself out. It might not work but is certainly worth a try.
  6. Similar here with mine. He has one room in the house that he favoured for peeing in when he first got here but after shooing him out a couple of times he got the message. He’s our first hound so I can’t tell you how he compares to females but I expected him to mark more than he did so I was happy (except for the time he peed on my antique chairs. Then I was not). But it really wasn’t much of a problem. It definitely wouldn’t put me off getting another boy.
  7. Happy birthday Logan. You’re looking good for an older gentleman 😍
  8. Happy birthday Nova! Your silver face makes you look very distinguished
  9. Buddy’s a funny one...on the few occasions when I have had to go to work at the weekend in the past, he would have a total meltdown, even though he wasn’t left alone because my husband would be here with him. Two weekends ago, we did our usual weekend routine - long walk in the morning, relaxed breakfast with a prolonged cup of coffee and off to work, followed by a meltdown. This past weekend, we did the same thing but no meltdown. The difference? I decided to wear my usual weekday work garb rather than dressing in jeans, which I have always worn for weekend work before. He barely opened an eyelid as I left the house. Jeans obviously say to him ‘she should be at home’. At least one of the men in my house notices what I wear...
  10. I agree too! We had to rescue a Terry’s chocolate orange from Buddy that someone had carelessly left around during our first Christmas with him. It was very scary and involved growling and snapping and even trying to trade up with some turkey wasn’t easy - Terry’s chocolate oranges are amazing after all. But he hasn’t really done it since, and we have had to extract other things from his mouth (mostly dead animal carcasses which he always manages to sniff out). It’s now almost 18 months after that incident and we don’t have a problem dog, he’s just your average greyhound (I want it so it’s mine) but not aggressive with it. Hopefully yours will turn out the same.
  11. This is a bit of a cheat as it just a picture of Buddy, but there happens to be a houseplant (poinsettia) in the background. I have tried to kill this plant, but it just won’t die!
  12. Happy birthday Miss M! Here’s to a happy and healthy year ahead ps does your caterer do outside events?
  13. I saw this on Instagram. Your photos are amazing! I’m tempted to fly over to California for a shoot!
  14. That’s just showing off! Love the Canada face masks!
  15. Yep. That face would get lots of kisses in my house. They leave such a space when they go 😢
  16. I’m not working from home (I’ve been on holiday this week) but I am never one to pass on an opportunity to share a picture of my beautiful boy! Hubby will be working from home from next week although I work for the health service and will be at work
  17. Is there just one? Buddy had sticky blisters last year from being near dirty water (a canal in the UK). But he had several of these, and unfortunately I didn’t see closely enough if the skin changed colour on the periphery
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