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Everything posted by MerseyGrey

  1. 😀 we have a result... Buddy is now even going to his new bed when we’re not around. He also sleeps so well on it that he doesn’t wake up as we’re moving around him. Previously he would lay awake and his eyes would follow us around the room. Often he would get up and follow us if he couldn’t see us. Now he just lays there slack jawed. He is so chilled on it!
  2. Whatever she is, she is 100% gorgeous! Does she paw you incessantly, even when you are already stroking her? Does she circle her bed for the perfect spot before settling off centre and hanging most of her body off the edge? Does she appear to you as a nose from the edge of your vision as she inspects everything you do with a questioning look on her face? If yes, she may well be!
  3. Is the cheese discussion the same as the olive/hoohoo discussion? If so here it is...
  4. She is so pretty! She looks like she has perfectly applied eyeliner on. Buddy loves to tear the stuffing out of his hedgehog when it’s at the end of its tenure. We dutifully refill it’s so he can take it out again
  5. Hijack away! I hadn’t read the whole thread when I put this post on but there are lots of names I recognise, but many I don’t. I would still love to know what other peoples’ hounds have done to surprise them, too!
  6. Ditto for me with the chewing... And although our boy settled in really well at home (no whining when we went to bed, no waking us up in the night ever) if we take him away on holiday with us (ah, holidays, remember those?) he would be restless in the night so maybe Ringo is just getting used to your place. Ten days is just the start of your adventure, and you can read as much as you like but while many greyhounds have lots of personality traits in common, they are also very individual between themselves in the breed so there is a certain amount of feeling your way through your first few months. It sounds like your are UK based, where did you get your dog from? Depending on how long they have had him they might be able to tell you a bit about him, especially if he was fostered rather than being in a kennel. Our adoption centre left us feeling terrified with every little blip and bump along the way but if you can, try to relax and enjoy having him and it will be a much easier process for you all. Good luck!
  7. He is gorgeous! I hope you overcome his stubbornness when he’s settled in a bit better
  8. 😢 oh god sorry. This sounds crappy all round so I hope you have some better news when you consult with Dr Coulto. Otherwise best wishes and lots of love to you and your hounds.
  9. Happy birthday Kate! I hope you had a lovely day xx
  10. When Buddy used to wear a muzzle, he would stop near the end of our walk and rub his face on my thigh until I took it off. I don’t turn his food bowl only because he is a hunter and I would hate to remove the thrill of chasing his food down from him! But in most other matters, he gets his way almost every time. I’ve become the dog owner I said I would never be and there is virtually nothing that either of Buddy’s humans wouldn’t do for him 😍
  11. Sorry for your loss 😢
  12. I would love to have seen it, and at the same time hope that this never happens to Buddy! His olives and lipstick put in an appearance yesterday
  13. Lambie is making the Y’ from ‘YMCA’.. Annie is making the C. What a team! Can we get an M and A?
  14. We have a result! Not sure how permanent this is but we'll take for now. We chucked come kibble down for him, and we’ve cleaned his teeth on it, and while he doesn’t look completely at ease in these photos, he is currently sleeping on it. In the second photo, he looks like he’s trying not to fall off the bed! I think this is how I look when I’ve had a few glasses of fizzy stuff 🤪
  15. I would but Buddy’s a needy, attention seeking nark and I don’t think it would go down well!
  16. Well, moments after that photo was taken, we discovered that at some point he had sustained an injury to his back foot - later still we found a tuft of fur on those steps that was talking about earlier, and he has lifted a flap of skin and was bleeding everywhere! So that cover had blood all over it and has been washed. I’ve patched him up and will see how it looks in the morning. We put his only bed down in its place while the new bed was outside, and he’s bled on that too, poor boy. Seems like we can’t do right for doing wrong!.
  17. Progress! Hopefully by the weekend we might have hound on a new bed 🤞
  18. It’s taken me ages but I’ve just worked out what this stands for!!!!
  19. The centre of the bed is in the garden soaking up the late evening sun. When it comes in I’ll put his black blanket on it which smells more like him. We tried putting his old bed on top of his new bed yesterday (I too am a bedstacker and his old one is destined for the pile in his sulking corner in the tv room) but he was having none of it. I’m certain he will get used to it when he feels like it. Last December, we adjusted the landscaping of the back garden so he had steps to get to the grassy area which is raised. It took him about three months before he decided that they were safe to use! Contrary boy.
  20. thanks for the advice! He keeps taking cardboard from the bin to his new bed, then he remembers that he doesn’t like it so he carts his cardboard outside to shred. I wondered if it might be the smell. It smells fine to me but clearly I hadn’t accounted for which smells offend him - particularly since he eats poop
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