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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. We convinced Kasey that his bed was good by first allowing him to lay on a blanket on the floor. We moved the blanket onto his bed and bingo....never looked back.
  2. 2 weeks and expecting her to not run out the door when you open it is not fair. It is your job to protect her as she still doesn't know the rules about living in a home. Maybe I've misunderstood but you should consider leashing her if you need to amswer the door for a guest until she "gets" it. Keep in mind that sit isn't a natural position for greys as well. My Ryder can stay in a sit as long as I want him to which is unusual for the breed, but my Kasey, forget it, he'd sit for a second -enough to get the treat from my hand.
  3. I have really good luck with Leba II for teeth cleaning and CS orally to keep stinkiness at bay.
  4. The Olewo Beets are also available on Amazon, but to be truthful I find it doesn't do a thing other than making dark stool! LOL I think I do it more for my benefit than for Ryder's!
  5. If she's able to give her rice, and hasn't done so yet, might be a helpful option. Her guts are just really upset and slippery elm should help.
  6. Often, what starts on your plate is usually way more enticing for them to eat. I conned Kasey into eating food that way and I ended up eating Pizza often and he got the Pizza Bones (crust). My Kasey was always a picky eater and he did lose a lot of weight after he turned 11. His ultrasound was clear though, so there wasn't an indication of an issue with his insides, he just didn't have an appetite. If you are able to get an ultrasound, that is a really good first step to rule anything else out after you've done your blood/urine testing. To be fair, what seems to be the norm is just a decrease in food intake naturally as they age, but obviously it's worrisome.
  7. Gee wiz, what a sudden onset. Hopefully everything is much improved when you get home!
  8. When Kasey was undergoing chemo he had terrible bouts of D and I felt awful for him, not to mention the mess (in my house too). My suggestions above that I gave didnt always work. I took him to the vet and I got Tylosin (100mg, 2 capsules every 12 hours). They were a life saver. I'm just mentioning this in case the D is still around after to try slippery elm, etc, that you can get something to help if you can't resolve it on your own.
  9. I'd be worried about something neurological going on Gentle scritches
  10. I'd start with fasting, I know it's the last thing you want to do when it looks like she's lost weight but the system needs to settle. Then start in 24 hours with some broth and rice. That is it. Add in some slippery elm the next broth/rice meal if that goes along well. Continue this for a couple days and then transition to regular food while keeping with the Elm. Note though that if you are still using antibiotics, you'd have to space out the dosage when giving slippery elm as it coats the stomach, therefore meds aren't as easily absorbed. Forti Flora can also work, especially useful when on meds - and also encourages eating (but you mentioned a probiotic so I think you are good). I use Pepto in a pinch but that is really a bandaid solution. The Big D is AWFUL, and I feel for you, and for her. Gentle scritches.
  11. There is a little wee tooth at the very back that is so difficult to get to. Thankfully, my Ryder had both of those pulled last year (and it didn't grow back so I'm lucky I don't have to do any funny maneuvers back there). I use a dental spray which has done very well in keeping the majority of Ryder's mouth clean. After his latest dental though, I have been brushing only the teeth that develop the bad gunkiness. IMO something is better than nothing.
  12. Seems to be a common thing that they just don't eat as much as they age. Kasey was always terribly picky, so it was hard to get food into him normally. When he was sick though, it got more scary. I'd say if your hound is otherwise healthy, one skipped meal isn't a major concern.
  13. I still haven't had the chance to free up space to post pics or I would have It really is amazing the differences between the dogs. Kasey had a needle inserted for chemo weekly for a month and a half and encountered zero issues. This guy....a couple hours and bruising. I'd guess it looks fairly similar to the Kili pic.
  14. It's been 1.5 weeks since Ryder was in for his dental. I immediately noticed when I got him home his "arm" was rather red, and bruising was setting in. For certain he didnt have a needle properly inserted I guessed. Today, while his fur is growing back, I continue to notice bruising in the same spot, that doesn't seem to be going away quickly. I don't recall bruising from the needle ever taking this long to dissipate. While I am not overly concerned enough to bring him to the vet, just wondering anyone's past experiences?
  15. Greyt update! As with people, practice makes perfect!
  16. Maybe he sensed someone/something behind you...... dooodooo do doooo... (enter twilight zone music here)
  17. I was hoping not to hear that. Kasey had intramuscular version and I was holding my breath about seeing this bump on another white leg...... May I suggest daily massages on the foot below the bump.....I lost Kasey because of lack of circulation to his leg. I'm so sorry to hear this about Percy.
  18. Agreed. It's got nothing to do with hungry. It's excess stomach acid. The extra acid has nothing else to digest, therefore it comes up because there is too much and there is nowhere else for it to go but out.
  19. There is a similar post about this from another member. Throw her a pair of cookies just before you climb into bed. It will help keep food in her tummy to get her through to the morning. 2 cookies every night won't be much regarding your overweight concern.
  20. Kasey did this. It was acid reflux, and required daily maintenance with Pepcid. Never happened again after that. Try to record the episode and show your vet to help with diagnosis.
  21. Ryder throws up bile every morning like clockwork - he's my alarm system UNTIL I started giving him bedtime cookies regularly. Basically, he just needs a little extra in his tummy overnight to get him to the morning hours and brekkie time. Problem resolved.
  22. Thanks for your input Krissy. I picked up the meds and had a quick breakdown of his exact problem and how the drug will help. We will try for a week (1 40mg tablet every 24hrs) to assess the efficacy. If it makes a difference we can go onto a lower dose or alternating schedule. Because I will be out of town for a few days and I'd prefer to monitor and assess myself, I will not start him on this until next Saturday (the next time I'll be home with him for a weekend). She did warn me about potential effects on liver/kidneys but we wont have much concern about that for this initial week period. I'm just concerned about any ongoing need but she did reassure me that it is one of the safer meds to use. I was also able to view his x-rays, where she pointed out a little dot on his shoulder where the muscle meets the bone. Its so minor she can't even say for certain if thats where his issue really is, but given that he's limping on that leg, its as sure of a diagnosis as any. What gets me is he's been limping off and on like this his whole life. Could he really have developed inflammation 5 years ago that never went away and just progressed like this?
  23. When I went in for Ry's consult earlier this month, the vet actually said because his teeth are in such good shape with the exception of the molars, because he is so well behaved, I could likely scrape myself. Now of course I know the damage that can be done if I don't know what I'm doing, and I don't, but to hear a vet say that generally, you can go ahead and clean your dogs teeth with a scraper if you are able, was a big wow for me. After this dental, even though it went well, it's prolly his last one. I will be as diligent as I can with brushing now more than ever. I even bought a scraper, but I want to get some pointers before I try to use it. And if I should maybe get other things too, and I could just do it all myself!
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