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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. What a relief to see the news about surgery. I'd recommend not lifting him and try to get stairs or a ramp but that's just me. I had a harness for Kasey to help him get up when he couldn't. It supports his front and back end. Got it off etsy and it might take a few days for you to order and receive, but might be worth it! It's custom fit too, it's lightweight and he can wear it 24/7 which is important when he needs a lift and is already down and you can't get the harness onto him https://www.etsy.com/listing/225448995/greyhound-assistance-harness?ref=related-0
  2. I'm not sure what's the lesser evil. Standing/walking around for 4 hours, slightly nervous and panting but getting tonnes of mental stimulation and some affection, or laying in my house 8 hours while I'm at work. While this sounds like a pro for daycare, this is the second time in as many outings he has cramped up and is as stiff as a board 4 hours after I bring him home. Got him meds tonight for it. Sigh. Is he out of shape or what? Do I keep going with this?
  3. Brought Ry home from pupcare (where he stood and walked around for 4 hours). I went to school (he slept the whole time). Came home. He did not greet me at the door. I walked in and he was standing but hunched in a curl. He walked a few paces to me and decided instead to lay down. It took me about 10 mins to convince him to get up again so I could loosen up those muscles. His muscles quivered at my touch and I'm certain he was having a muscle spasm, sort of like when you just move the wrong way and you've tweaked your back. I got him up and moving and then called the vet. She has RobaxIN in stock as I pretty much told her that's what I want to try at this point. I don't know what else to do. My schedule at school is winding down for the term so I can take him to chiro again starting next month, but both the meds and limited visits are short fixes.
  4. Half day 2 today. He'll be there until noon. He already is walking around a little more on his own and not following the leader *quite* as much. Again, click Gym (the one with the big blue dog) http://www.dogtopia.com/mississauga-meadowvale/webcams/
  5. Gee. Well 3 weeks is a long enough time for cat scratches to no longer be concerned about after antibiotics I would think but I really dunno. Was there a scratch where that sore is? I'd say this is perhaps from a face in the bushes instead. Doesn't look pleasant that's for sure. Swelling huh. Maybe she got stung? A sting wouldn't leave a welt like that. Horsefly? They take nice chunks.... Yup. Vet tomorrow for sure. Fix her up yet again
  6. I'd chalk it up to hitting something and getting a bad break and not let your mind wander to osteo. It's a shame though they don't think it can be saved. Thoughts for Jake and for you.
  7. She could be hot. Eliminate blankets and turn your heat down a degree or so (or up your AC since I see you are in hotlands) and see if it makes a difference tonight. My Kasey did this nightly, more so as he aged. I thought it could have been LP but that was dispelled by the vet. The house was just too hot for him to sleep comfortably (which made me frustrated because it was too cold for me at his temp)!
  8. I agree with Batmom to get Tylosin, as I mentioned a while back. Get some to get her back on track. You need it prescribed. Also dont give SE with it, as it inhibits meds from being absorbed. You can give it to her hours before or after but not at the same time. But if you havent been trying SE, then just go right to Tylosin.
  9. My goodness, 3? Oh my, he shouldn't be developing these that early! Keep on with the removals. This sadly might be a long and continuous fight.
  10. I don't even know where to begin. Sorry just isn't enough. I pray that exact memory does lessen with the passage of time in order to ease your pain.
  11. Kasey had a bladder of steel too. (Called him the Tanker Truck) Glad she finally went!
  12. Have you been taking her out and she's not eliminating or is she just not getting up from her bed wanting to go out?
  13. I wouldn't bother soaking it if it hasn't poked through the surface. Kasey had some on his feet forever that never seemed to bother him that were small and under the surface. Duct tape stays on until it falls off itself. It will do all the work for you. If it falls off and the corn isn't ready, just put a new piece on. But don't put a piece on it so large that it takes up the whole pad.
  14. Kasey had these every day. He graciously adorned my walls with them with every morning shake. I try to beat him to this and pick them out with a Q-tip. That dog would let you do anything to him I swear, knew I was coming to help when I got a cotton swab in my hand...... Ryder - he gets them extremely infrequently. I think some dogs are just built differently.
  15. Your removal looks promising, but they are awful and often do return. If you happen to have wart remover because it's so fresh, you can put that on in the centre to kill any root that might be there. Worth a shot since it's exposed and the skin there is not hard. It helped slow down Kasey's regrowth so I thought i'd suggest it. Kudos for aiding a pup in need! Is he walking better now?
  16. It's so off and on its hard to say. Sunday for example, no limp (he had finished his Onsior), but 2 days prior (still on meds) - limp.I actually watched him follow the leader today and noticed it, so I really have no idea! I bought a 5 day package when I picked him up which can be used as half days so essentially I have 10 half days. Today's trial wss free I plan to take him next Tuesday, and the following Tuesday (both half days as those are the days I have school in the aft) so stay tuned! (Of course I'll reprompt on this thread) They gave me a report card that says: my first day at dogtopia I was a little nervous but then I started to gain some confidence. I played with the room attendant, she is my favorite! My favorite activity is to play follow the leader and sometimes making my own path. They included 3 pics as well as emailing me a couple hours in to let me know how he was doing. I must say I'm thoroughly impressed with the facility and the staff. Even my tour on Friday to check it out was great. We got home he immediately drank, but then also went for a play session with me in the basement. I hope this will lift his spirits and make him a dog again after Kasey left us.
  17. I won't be going into the room to get him, they will bring him out. He's been put into a crate for a little downtime (it's lunch). I brought his bed so they have it in there, he might finally lay down! I bet he'll be pooped. Thanks guys. I'm going to try to do this as a half day on a weekly basis, seeing as this may have worked out ok!
  18. A new doggie daycare opened up close to my work. I took Ryder there this morning for a half day to see how it goes. There are 4 other dogs in there with him, everyone is getting along and one person is in there at all times for supervision. It has a live webcam you can watch too! If anyone is interested, you can watch him simply follow the handler around all day LOL. Hey, at least he's not standing in the corner! http://www.dogtopia.com/mississauga-meadowvale/webcams/ Click on Gym (the first vid box with the blue dog) - he's currently in there until about noon today. I've been able to get the vid to successfully load on my tablet or phone, but not on the computer. So if you get an error message, I'm sorry! (It seems to work better on Chrome and not Firefox?)
  19. Thanks. The issue here is that I cannot take him to regular therapy appointments which is why I must resort to meds. Chiro works but I can't take him regularly.
  20. As a long time Springtime user, I've regularly used Fresh Factors and Joint Health twice a day, however, take a look at the powder called Longevity. It has so many more ingredients that benefit joint health and inflammation. I used a tub that I got for free with my FF and JH order, and want to switch to that once I use up the rest of the tablets. I have had great success using supplements for both my boys.
  21. Geeze. That's a lot of bruising. Kasey had blood drawn from the jugular only once, but he did not bruise a bit. Actually he NEVER bruised for any blood draws. That's not to say they don't and every dog heals differently. Ryder's little leg prick for a dental only went away end of last week, so that was about 2 weeks worth of bruising there. You have reason to worry because that looks scary (although truthfully I think it's fine but you never really know). Is it worth going back to the vet to show them just for peace of mind? While it's not preferred, vets will draw from the jugular for reasons that a leg vein is not sufficient (mostly because they need a large amount of blood in one go and it's the best vein to do that with).
  22. Ryder has been on Onsior for his one week trial. I thought it may have been helping but yesterday he was limping just the same as before. Now which road do I go down on? As I suspected, I don't think it's a bone thing, it's a muscle thing. What meds would work better on inflamed muscles? Is it worth asking the x-rays be passed along to an Oncologist? If it's a muscle thing though, I'm not sure there is much to see.
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