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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Thank you! I never even heard of methocarbomol either! Sounds pretty safe if your 8 year old is using it. Glad it helps! I took Robax this weekend and he took his Robax. Funny both me and him are on the same thing at the same time! I just overdid it as a weekend warrior - not sure what his problem was - he didn't wash the car or spring clean!
  2. Ry is on methocarbomol for his limping and it certainly helps and I don't find that it messes up his balance or anything, also doesn't seem more sedate but it works on his sore muscles. He is 75 lbs and is given 625mg every 8 hours when I notice him being very stiff. He's not on it all the time, just when I think he needs it and he's 8 so it might complement your 12 year old if given regularly. Also, I had Kasey on gabapentin for LS. That worked rather well but found that we had to find the right dosage to make it just right, but he was also on prednisone so that's my experience. Scritches to Rainy.
  3. My sister's sheltie has a partial jaw amputation after cancer was discovered as well, and lived a few more years beyond that amputation and lived rather well. From what I recall there were no major issues but certainly he had to learn how to eat all over again. It's very possible that they can live a healthy life after the amputation because from what I recall, there isn't anything major in the lower jaw that would prevent a good quality of life. I would guess the meds Murphy was on may have messed him up a little, and of course he's wondering what in the world happened to his jaw. I agree with all statements made above by greysmom, phantom pains, gaba might be better than tramadol. Is your vet grey savvy or could get in touch with one that might better benefiit Murphy regarding pain and sleep? Curious if you could do other things during the day with him that might make him more tired and more likely to sleep at night, perhaps his sleep cycle has been disturbed based on the prev med schedule.
  4. Thinking of you tonight and how crushed you must feel. I hope you are both at peace in your own ways, and we're here for you when you are ready.
  5. A trail of noms....good job. It's common to be sore after a chiro session, as well for them to be even more sedate. Alignment just releases tension and bad energy, and the muscles and bone have to learn to work in proper harmony. Please try to continue going if it's not too hard on him. It does work, it does get better (let's pray it does for you).
  6. I've been there. In fact, I'm still there. Ry hates compressor like sounds, heaven forbid I use my Tassimo machine or we go outside and he sees a big garbage truck or bus. Only once did immersion work with him (he's due actually this Summer I intende to try again) but I wouldn't recommend it unless you are incredibly patient and have a lot of time. I bought him a Thundershirt but it doesn't seem to help, but has on other dogs. You could try that?
  7. We're a pretty good crew here and many have been down this path as previously mentioned. Stay strong, thank you for your posts. The best gift you are giving right now is you are spoiling him during his last days and that it's on your own terms and not something else that will take him from you.
  8. They shaved her! She didn't have a skin so smooth belly?!?!?
  9. Amazing and heartbreaking. I had to let Kasey go when his body failed him but not his spirit, and had someone come to the house to do so. It was so hard to realize that this happy outgoing dog was going to leave me all because he dragged a leg around like an anchor. He had LS too (but the leg issue was unrelated to that as cancer is what claimed the leg), and was so skinny as well. He'd fall, I'd scramble and strain to get him up, he couldn't get up from his bed often but I did have a harness to help. He'd go wherever I'd go. I know 100% what you are going through, taking care of your aging kid as you run the house on your own, holding your life together and keeping him comfortable. There sadly comes a point when there is really nothing more you can do. I threw all the money and care and time and love into Kasey and we just couldn't win. The decision is ultimately yours but it is incredibly difficult to get to it. I would look at it in the light of, can anything you do now make any improvement tomorrow or after that? They never are around long enough. Hugs.
  10. After hearing about your move, I would actually wait until you do that and set up shop with perhaps a new, reputable grey vet in your area. It's one thing if your current vet has "worked" on your dog before though so some history there might be useful for the new dental before you move.
  11. I have a little familiarity with this but likely not as much as others, nor enough to really guide you but - Kasey's health was fine pre-dental, and after his dental they called to tell me they had trouble "getting him back" because his heart had a nearly undetectable murmur. His dental was aged 8 and it was his last one after that scare. They did note it on his file for any future dentals but I never took him to get them done again.
  12. My goodness! Glad there is progress. For what it's worth, I put Kasey on Dermoscent (liquid capsules between shoulder blades) to help his skin "toughen up" and be able to resist environmental allergies. It also helped grow hair back extremely well. Just thought I'd mention it for your arsenal.
  13. You could offer lunch, provided you are home. There are people here that feed once, twice and three times a day I believe. Just depends on your scheduling.
  14. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten bruises on my face from a totally innocent bonk from Ryder. He doesn't bite but he surely flicks his face and head at me for kissies. I often just need to be careful and pull my face out of harms way when he's that pent up. No other advice but love the air snapping!
  15. 9-5'er here. Which means it's actually like 8am-6pm for the boys to be alone. NEVER an issue. Only until Kasey started getting sick and then I got a webcam to monitor him. Drove home when he needed me. I at times will leave a radio on, but for the most part they really just sleep. Make sure pup has a really good bathroom break before you go and after you get back and you are set. Might have to work him up to getting a bladder of steel but usually it's a non issue. I think it's good to take time off to get your pup acclimatized to your house and to supervise, and during that time start working towards leaving pup home alone for a few hours at a time before you get back to your routine.
  16. Not stiff at 5pm! Happened around 9pm though instead, 12 hours after his pill. I really am astounded at this cramping/limping.
  17. Yay, she encouraged him to lie down on a cot, so I'm pretty happy about that. She was petting him and praising him - of course he didn't stay down long! I had asked them to move one off to the side so I'm glad they did. If he learns it's ok to lay down, he may be able to relieve some muscle pain!
  18. Ryder is hanging out there again til noon. Click Gym linky in first post. I gave him methocarbamol (Robaxin) this morning BEFORE we went, hoping that might alleviate some stiffness.
  19. Awh. Well he's grumpy cuz he's in pain and can't move about and be his normal self, and you guys are doing so good!!! Perhaps a change of med is in order? I am not sure but he shouldn't be so reluctant to move I would think. Again, consider the 24/7 harness. It's so much easier to help him with leverage. It will get better. It's hard to see it, but every day will get better. Chin up guys.
  20. Which paw is it? Are there corns? Are any toes swollen or out of alignment? Have you massaged the legs to feel for any heat?
  21. I have no idea why I was thinking he might be in a cast.... Well if he's peeing on his bed/spot, can you makeshift something waterproof first so you don't have to keep changing the bed? Maybe put his bed in a very large garbage bag and then top it with lots of pee pads, then blankets and towels? Maybe line the whole under area (like the carpet within the xpen) he's sleeping in with pee pads too. The pee pads for the most part should keep the urine under control and I presume he won't be laying in a puddle that way either? I'd also guess as long as the wound isn't laying right in the pee, it's safe to just not change it until he decides to move. While he's standing just change everything up really quick? The poor boy, I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to get up.
  22. Ouch, rough night indeed!! Yeah he's prolly peeing from all the meds and fluids and all those things. Do we get to see a pic of the poor chap?
  23. I can't tell you how much relief he'll probably experience from going to chiro. I use it for Ryder and it works really well, you just have to maintain a schedule. That alone will help him a great deal. If you want to add supplements to his diet, I've been using Springtime's Joint Health and Fresh Factors. Very simple to add to food, or can eat them on their own. He's just grumpy cuz he's in pain I guess, and that would explain the growling. When you do put a leash on his collar, stand back and tug, don't kneel there right in front of his face. But that often should get him up when he's reluctant. You can also get a harness that can "lift" him and help him when his body just can't do it and needs some umph. I'm certain more will chime in but it's a common thing as they age and all we can really do is help them as best we can with alternate meds instead of going to Metacam (although than can be considered too).
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