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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Sounds like a visit might lift his spirits! Maybe he'll eat if it's coming from you? Keep hanging in there.
  2. I too had to show a "trick" for obedience with Ryder, and actually I'm still working on perfecting it. It's called "back" or "back-up". Essentially if he's too close to me and I need room, I tell him to "back"...and he should just move his body a step or two backward away from me to give me space. The result is 2 things....I get more room, but more importantly many greys dislike backing up, and forces their limbs to move in a direction they don't really normally would. Kasey would always prefer to turn and reposition, but he learned "back" really well and the "trick" made my life easier. I can now make Ryder "back up" all the way across the room now....but some days are better than others
  3. IMO necks are pretty hefty, but I think feet are relatively ok. Certainly give him a break over the next week or two though...let him heal nice first.

    Mulberry "irene"

    What a great story, how lucky of her to find you, and you to find her.
  5. Ahhh, the clear the room type. Often food change helps, but I don't know what he's on, how long etc. I'd start there to be honest. Different foods work differently for different pups. Have you tried a probiotic? Not sure how much that helps in the wind dept but it calms the stomach. Yogurt also does the same thing
  6. That was beautifully written. May Pippin run pain free. Hugs.
  7. Couldn't be more right with that statement! Hang in there.
  8. Thinking of Pogo. The days immediately following surgery are some of the worst. Keep us posted.
  9. Gutted to read the diagnosis in such a young pup. Please spoil her rotten.
  10. Sounds like he's exactly what you need. Congrats.
  11. I wonder if it's got bee propolis, might be why it works on corns so well.
  12. I heard the news this morning, they just said "a SWAT dog was killed". RIP officer.
  13. It sounds like the risk of Rocket moving during a delicate surgery like that would be high, so to air on the side of caution I would guess sedation is necessary. Now there is mild sedation where they are just on the brink of being knocked out and then there is knocked out. I think you are on the right track tho to pursue a dental and the eye thing at the same time. Considering he handled anesthesia previously without major complication, sounds like you should kill two birds with one stone. A more savvy vet might be more appropriate though if you don't feel right. Wishing you all happiest of thoughts
  14. Bell's Palsy? I had it happen to a (human) friend. It was caused by an ear infection. I don't know if there is a canine version?
  15. Have you tried walking him? How is he outside of your home when exploring the neighbourhood? Will he do a 1 and 2 on a walk?
  16. I've used Leba II with great success. I have used Healthy Mouth as an additive to water and I find that it doesn't do the job and actually that my boys do not consume as much water as they otherwise would. Put a bowl of Healthy Mouth beside a bowl of plain water, and the boys will drink the plain.
  17. What a cutie. Here's to many more adventures!
  18. I use an x-pen, but it can be kinda heavy, however the advantage of it is, I can open it up if there is a fence or a wall available - giving the pups more space to roam. I use it primarily in the backyard when I'm hanging out there since I don't have a fence, so for my situ, it works best for me. I did debate getting that portable one above - which would be especially handy when camping, and IMO would work best for your situ as well.
  19. Thinking of you. Many prayers. Take care of yourself, how traumatic.
  20. Update on this? Kinda curious as to the diagnosis.
  21. I second the Pepcid. Kasey had a funny case of constantly licking his lips and swallowing and trying to get something down his throat when there was nothing to get down. Vet said it's acid reflux. To be truthful, even if it's not and you've tried Pepcid, you haven't lost anything other than the cost of the package, since it is fairly safe. The only thing is don't give other meds within a 2 hour span of giving Pepcid. I always gave Kasey 10mg 15-30 mins before feeding (he was about 60lbs). I think they recommended 15mg actually based on his weight, but cutting a tiny pill in half seemed pointless and 10 always seemed to do the trick. Bile in early am is a sign of an empty stomach. However you say it's brown, which is weird. Early morning empty stomach bile is typically bright yellow. I would give some bedtime cookies to keep a little something in there overnight and try the pepcid for a couple days to see what pans out.
  22. I'd make a trip to the e-vet if you are able and if it is still bleeding. If they are still attached it's almost worse than if they are ripped clear off.
  23. What a great adoption story. Cherish those happy ones and smile. Rest well Molly.
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