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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. My goodness. How awkward of a place huh? That is definitely a head scratcher with what to do in the interim. Hoping Wednesday is a good day.
  2. Thanks Krissy. Is it a reasonable med? What I mean by that is it a mild pain reliever? Is it heavy on kidneys, etc. moreso than above mentioned Previcox? Should i expect him to remain on this for a while? Is it usually reasonably priced? (I didn't get the full details when I picked him up, but I trust the vet after our intense discussion when she called in the afternoon giving me the update.)
  3. Upon discharge, there is a note here that they ordered something called Onsior (Robenacoxib). I was told to come back and pick it up on Monday. Whatsat?
  4. Experience? Ryder had x-rays today while going under for a dental. I wanted to rule out anything major (specifically bone wise) before beginning a course of treatment for his intermittent lameness. Left side shoulder - she has not noticed any bone issues, however, what the x-rays shows is something called Bicepetal Tenosynovitis = inflammed muscles. This corroborates the feeling that chiro really helps him, and that it's more of a muscular issue and not bone. To that end, she recommends an inflammatory to help him, however she suggested to start with an injection of Cartrophen and see how he responds. From what I read it's a spaced out treatment of 4 subcutaneous injections generally performed annually. I shall ask for further confirmation and pricing. I also suggested perhaps using a muscle relaxant as I explored the potential use of Robaxin a couple years ago, which she has admitted she has used, but isn't sure how well he would respond to it. The only other options would be NSAIDs, Metacamm, Deramaxx, etc. I suggested to let it sit with me to mull over for a few days, which is my cue to ask the wise on GT! I think he would benefit from some relief, but I feel Cartrophen (after reading about it) and Metacamm are too "strong" to use? I'm not sure how to proceed. Anyone have experience treating this? Is it common/normal in greys? He's limped all his life! Edited to add - she did say she could send them to a radiologist to confirm. At this point I refused, since I think based on what I know and I agree and am satisfied with her diagnosis, there isn't really much reason to send them along for a second opinion. What do you guys think? I have the greyhound savvy vet up the street that would review them for a second opinion (not a radiologist). I'm not sure there is a reason to send them to Couto.
  5. Doggie done dental. They said he did amazing and was awake and everything went smoothly. I heard him whining and carrying on in the background of our conversation LOL Very little bone loss in the jaw, no issues with the teeth, maybe a very minor bone loss around one of the roots of the molars, but nothing to be concerned about. With regard to the x-rays on his shoulder - I shall start another thread! But my boy is all good and I'm picking him up in 2 hours
  6. Any open staircase was a problem for my Kasey. He was a "bounder" and would jump up a flight of stairs in 3 jumps. Because there were no backs he refused, and I'm happy with that, likely because his legs would go through if he slid and they would break. We therefore had to avoid hiking in areas with open stairs (like access to a bridge) or he was carried up them. What would be more concerning with an open staircase is if the stairs are carpeted or not (ie wood -therefore easier to slip). Ryder very diligently walks up the stairs one at a time and it is a non issue.
  7. Tomorrow. 8am. He's getting loved up lots tonight. I remember i need to grab a urine sample in the morning and I have a cup. Any tricks? I think this might be the first time I've brought that in!
  8. Just looked this up and read this -http://pets.thenest.com/rhabdomyolysis-greyhounds-6571.html Is it a muscle strain? I've never heard of this before. Or is it something as a result of the dental? Curiour because my boy is going in on Friday for a dental and x-rays for a recurring limp because of sore muscles so I'm trying to piece this together. Thinking of Chase
  9. Ry turned 8 in October, but he's been limping on and off since I got him at the age of 2.5. I had Kasey on Gabapentin for LS, but I don't think Ryder is there yet and thankfully! I will remark to the vet Desi' suggestions and see how we make out when I pick him up. I'm not familiar with carprofen.
  10. Pepcid is a wonderful thing. Kasey was on it for years, first as needed and then prior to every meal. Good to hear there isn't anything major!
  11. I have read that, and she actually told me on the phone that they will be using a substitute but I didn't catch the name - so I'm sure that's why!
  12. As always need good thoughts as the day approaches. Ryder had a dental this time last year, where it was decided to leave the big toofer (I believe it's the first molar) on the bottom to see if I could keep it clean and safe. Well it's still nasty no matter how hard I've been trying to keep it clean. There is a pocket where two of the teeth (molar and 4th I guess) "meet" and the situation is the same on either side of his mouth. Best case, they just clean them up, and we're good to go. Or they take out the "littler" tooth (#4) that is against the bigger tooth and stitch up the "hole" to be tighter to the tooth to prevent it from getting more dirty or infected. Or they can remove the big tooth and/or #4 on one side Or worst case, they remove 2 or all 4 Of course they will x-ray and at that time will decide if there is any sort of abcess at the root that determines if the teeth have to be pulled. The vet admitted he really really doesn't want to pull the big teeth, so they will do everything they can to get them all cleaned up and in good shape. What's unfortunate is that the rest of his teeth are in pretty immaculate condition, hardly any tartar (so I must be doing something a little right) but they are in such great shape they will do just a light cleaning throughout. A dental really isn't needed with the exception of what could be lying beneath the gumline on those big toofers. I did ask for Amicar in case he does get them pulled. I also suggested Arestin (as per RedHead who's vet used it for Teague). They will look into these antibiotic beads to see if it would be beneficial for Ryder. Who knows, they may save him a lot of pain, and me a lot of money!!! I also spoke to him about Ryder's limp and that it is time to get him on some meds to manage pain. We did some trotting in the parking lot and it was noticeable (like he had a rock in his shoe). I just wish I had time to take him to chiro regularly to get him fixed up but I can't. On that note, we are going to get x-rays done to put out any doubt of bone issues (every x-ray he's ever had has been negative) and once he's clear gonna get him on something. I'm sure he'll recommend Metacam or something - but I wanted to inquire here if that is the best suggestion? He has very sore muscles that get tight and knotted. Is Metacam really the best for something like that? I'm sure he's also developing some kind of mild arthritis but I'm not sure I want to start using the heavy hitting meds first. Thoughts on pain relievers (likely for the rest of his life)?
  13. I'm sorry to read about Riley. It's totally worrisome when they won't eat. When you go to the vet ask for FortiFlora. It's a probiotic and helps to put the stomach back into a rhythm (it's a powder you sprinkle on food) - I know Riley won't eat BUT there is something about this powder that smells yummy and encourages eating so you might be surprised. When Kasey was refusing food, I tried many things to encourage him to eat, however, if Riley is eating stuff Riley isn't used to eating, it might just cause him to get a bout of D and no one really wants that. I also grabbed some cans of High Protein Gastro stuff by Royal Canin. Any little bit he ate made me happy because it was just loaded with calories. I also use Slippery Elm to get stomach's back into working order, as well as CS orally to get rid of any bugs, but if he doesn't have D, I'm not sure how much that would help - however these things settle a stomach down that has been put through the ringer with meds, etc. so I'd recommend some FortiFlora and trying to get some different but good foods into him if you can. You know what it's like to eat when you don't feel up to it or are nauseated, etc. but 10 days is a long time.... Thinking of you.
  14. Interesting. My chiro said to stop using Ry's harness. Guess it just depends on how they pull.
  15. Thank you folks. He's leash walked (no fenced yard here) so chances of encountering wild mushrooms are rare. Haha, just tried, turns out he doesn't even care for it! Problem solved! Probably only likes them sauteed like mommy!
  16. I feed raw. I have some sliced mushrooms in my fridge that are near expiry and I won't be using them. Can Ryder have some?
  17. Kasey always had enough lean and angle that he never peed on himself. Ryder....well nearly every time he goes it happens. I simply give his legs a quick wipe down with kleenex that I keep at the door. It's how they pee. Better outside and on their legs than inside in your house on your floor I always say!
  18. Happy 13th Birthday Kasey. I'm sorry I couldn't help you make it to this milestone. Love you nunnie, miss you everyday. Thanks for visiting me now and again - it makes my heart happy through my tears. Ryder also still looks for you, I'm glad you come by to visit him too.
  19. I don't think I would be able to get him close enough! I have had actually limited success with idling fire trucks.......there is usually a truck load of firemen that are busy doing things to distract him from the sound of the big scary truck. Presumably if something else interesting, but REALLY interesting, is going on, he'll give it a second look - but if it's accompanied by a bang - lets say a dock lowering to the ground or a moving van and people moving furniture loudly, all bets are off. I can't imagine what would happen if I get him a comfortable distance close enough to a truck and a person and an unexpected sound happens....it might just send him right into the air (or the ground!)
  20. Well really any big truck for that matter, or a pickup that's diesel and idling, or a cube van or a moving truck or a bus or or or. Ryder has now gotten to the point where he's on the lookout to HEAR the squeaky wheels of a truck. And if he gets sight of a big truck it's game over. We were walking this morning, and he did his #1 and #2, but our 10 minute walk usually yields one more little #1 and #2. I also am aware I'm going to be a little late getting home today and to top it off, he was rather thirsty this morning, so his tank will be maxxed out by the time the day is done. He saw the garbage truck and immediately turned to run the other way. I gave in, because I have tried many many times in the past and it just wasn't worth fighting him today to overcome the fear. So we walked back home the way we came and he was determined to just get home. No additional sniffing, no other attempts to eliminate. Big time army march back to the safety of base camp. I thought, let me just finish getting ready and in another 20 mins I'll take him out in the backyard. So we go to the backyard and he thinks about peeing, but is humming and hawing. So I thought, lets just go out to the blvd where his favorite fire hydrant is, he'll go there! As soon as we peaked through the trees, there was the garbage truck! MY LUCK! So back to the house we went. I decided after the truck passed, we'd go again to the hydrant. The truck was BACKING UP on the other side of the road. Clearly this truck was out to get Ryder today and was stalking him. I feel bad for the guy on one hand, but on the other hand nothing bad has EVER happened to him. He's 8, I've worked with him since 2 to get over his fears of loud sounds (compression type that is related to trucks, and idling, etc.) and I really don't see any point to continue to do so. I'm just here to vent.....
  21. I feed this. Perhaps you's be interested in similar ground raw. Www.bigcountryraw.ca
  22. While I won't touch whether he should even have it because of his disease, isn't 81mg "baby" aspirin and that's what's used to give to adults for blood thinning on a daily basis? I would think if that's used on full grown adults that the dosage might be rather high for a grey.....
  23. I find a well rounded supplement just in case you are worried is Fresh Factors by Springtime. It really has the minimum requirements of everything IMO. Been feeding it for years over here with raw diet (have you considered raw ground?) I understand Bernie will take chunks to bed, but ground with appropriate ratios works and usually it's not something they can just drag around the house! While I'm now gravitating to "Longevity" by Springtime for even more balance, I feel that you can't go wrong with a tablet or two of Fresh Factors with every meal. Interesting on your crock pot cooking though. I'm sure any dog would just LOVE Bernie's slop.
  24. Kasey had a bit of the shakes from it but not wobble. I agree with your concern of being too high. As I mentioned in your other post, I played around with it quite a bit until I felt it was just right. It has that flexibility so don't worry about giving less than the vet suggested. You know your dog better than anyone, and not all vets, despite their best intentions know everything about greyhounds or each dog breed for that matter.
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