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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I thought Kasey started developing this and when he was having all his issues, I mentioned it to the grey savvy vet. He said in no way was Kasey experiencing it. You would know for sure....it would seem like the dog cannot catch it's breath, and constantly, not only when they are excited. Thinking of you and toofey Percy.
  2. 1. My bowls go in the dishwasher when I run a cycle. I was obsessive initially, but have cut back.....never an issue unless you have kids that stick their hands in the bowl and then in their mouths, imo. 2. Chunks are fine, or you could try to train them using a towel. Or restrict feeding to only in the kitchen with a gate or chairs or something. Keeping it on the tile is definitely a plus though. 3. Mine adjusted pretty immediately, should not be experiencing D, re-consider and re-measure your ratios. You shouldn't be having D on raw. You are either feeding too much organ or not enough bone. 4. Probiotic helps for sure, but there might be an underlying issue regarding the D. 5. Chicken skin is fine, but I would limit it. Fatty stuff doesn't do their livers much good and if he's already sensitive, that's something to be cognizant of.
  3. Couldn't be a better kind of update. Amazing the size of that cut though huh? Incredibly right about never underestimating a bump. Healing thoughts sending your way.
  4. I still think you should give Slippery Elm a whirl
  5. Forever limping. Thank you.
  6. Because Kasey was on prednisone at the time, I was limited to certain meds that I could give him. Gabapentin is really the best med for this and Tramadol if he's really in pain. Prednisone to be fair, also helped to reduce any inflammation. There was an injection we were going to try if I was able to wean him off prednisone, but not sure how well it would work either and he'd have to be mildly sedated to have it done as well. I lost him before we could try any other alternatives. While supplements don't really work on the spinal issue, Lou may be having a bit of arthritis as well to contend with at 14 years old. You could also try giving him some Glucosamine or Omega oils to help lubricate the joints in his legs. Also invest in a harness you can help pick him up with. Kasey on some days really have a rough time getting up, and some days refused even the two stairs to get up to the front door. Keep Lou walking and moving if he is comfortable to do so as movement will help, and actually try to walk him up and down small inclines like grassy hills, etc. Also making him back up to manipulate leg movement in other directions as all of this forces the joints to move and his muscles to work.
  7. If it's where I think it is, I don't think there is anything there to use to stitch! I'd be more concerned with depth as opposed to length. If it's a cut, flush it with some Colloidal Silver if you have any or even Ouch less Baindaid rinse or something that doesn't sting, to keep it clean a couple times a day for a couple days, and let it heal up on its own. Prevent your boy from licking it if you can. It's not a place to even apply a bandage....their skin is so thin and they are so boney there!
  8. It's so difficult, I can hear it in the words you type. I too had it done in home. Spoil her rotten tonight. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Thank you for the update. She is so lucky to have you!
  9. Hopefully it's nothing serious. Otherwise I'd suggest super super super bland for a week or more to get something into him. Just rice and broth - thats some carbs and some liquid to prevent dehydration. Thinking of you.
  10. Awwwwh, woook at daaatt faaaaccce. Awh, she's a fighter, and people are fighting for her. Can't WAIT for the happy ending!!!
  11. I'm very sad to read about your grey cross. There are good suggestions above, and I tend to side with greysmom, but only you can make that decision for yourself. Love her up as much as you can and make her very comfortable. And of course it is always easier on the outside looking in. It just sounds like there are several issues, some of them severe, that are not in your favour. My Kasey had a cancerous tumour very high up on his hind leg and there was a suggestion of amputation, and I immediately knew that was just not something I want to put my 12 year old through that was also battling LS (essentially a pinched nerve in his back that prevented signal being sent to his legs to give the order to stand up). Given he was already shakey on his back end, it would not have been fair to take one bad leg away and him having to learn how to operate an already weakening and compromised body that was also going through chemo. He also was extremely happy and incredibly stoic right until the very very end, and had a very high tolerance for pain. The fact that the front part wasn't ready to go, but that the back end was already gone, that's what was the worst and hardest for me. That's the best example I can explain to try to offer a suggestion knowing that she is just as compromised as he, or perhaps even more so. Thinking of you during this very difficult time.
  12. I vote Springtime. The boys have been on Fresh Factors and Joint Health for many years now, and when I first put Kasey on it after him not being able to jump on the bed well anymore, within 2 weeks it was back to his normal springy step. I've now moved on to use the powder additive Longevity, but Fresh Factors is an amazing first step. The Advanced Hip and Joint contains an additive that reduces inflammation (similar to the claims of Tumeric) I tried Tumeric and the only thing I noticed was an incredibly stinky dog! The stuff just oozed out of his skin. Blech. I couldn't be done with that bottle fast enough, and the stuff isn't cheap!
  13. Ryder's limp seems to only be noticed by me these days! I think I'm crazy LOL. Chiro helps him. Get pup checked out by the vet, listen to what course of action they would advise. At this point I would request x-rays just to put your mind at rest. Then, with a relatively "clean bill of health" you would be able to pursue something like chiro, as you wouldn't want them to manipulate something that they shouldn't! Add some supplements to help. Greyhounds are notorious for these sorts of things...they are racing machines and high performance athletes. One chiro once told me that it made the most sense for the dog to be "more lame" on their left sides because they race around the track in a counterclock wise direction, thus creating a lengthening of the right side of the dog to compensate and extra pressure on the left side. When pain is alleviated on one side, often you'll notice the other side limping....par for the course with these guys. The chiro was the pres of American Veterinary Chiropractic Association for years and had a pretty extensive background so what he said made some sense. He works with racehorses also.....counterclockwise runners there too. It's treatable, but takes multiple sessions to see results.
  14. Do you have any pics? Lets see her sweet face!
  15. I can't imagine how badly you want to say farewell to 2015. Losing three in such a short span of time is dreadful. I'm sorry for your loss(es).
  16. I'd like to add, that walking actually prevents injuries. if Kasey had run of the old backyard during his older years...(moved well before Ryder was in the picture) that he likely would have hurt himself big time because of how silly his zoomies were. He actually broke one of his back nails TWICE at the nail bed during high performance turns. Walks help keep them in control and prevent injuries for other dogs that don't know any better!
  17. Mucosy means an upset insides big time. Meals aside, are you doing anything on the side to help with an upset stomach? I would like to recommend some Slippery Elm in powder form if you have access to it (found at health food stores). I feed teaspoons of it mixed with water which makes a slurry, and you just mix it with the food he's eating. Note that his poop will be mucousy coming out with this, but that's by design....what it's doing is coating his insides so that the stomach lining is gaining some protection from some of the stuff that he is consuming. This also lines his throat, bowels, intestines too. Just thought I'd put that out there. Helpful info -http://www.carnivora.ca/html/featured_products/supplements_and_health_care/slippery_elm/index.cfm
  18. Healthy Mouth doesn't do anything for mine. Leba II is a dogsend though.
  19. Well with all she's got going on it's no wonder that even her pee is off the charts. I'm sure you'll (or the adoption kennel as I'm reading) get her all fixed up in no time. It will be a happy Christmas for her, I just know it.
  20. Walks. Walk walk walk. Walks do amazing things for dogs. They help bond with the owner, they get to explore the sights and smells of the neighbourhood, they do their duty and they check all the local pee mail, they get stimulation and hopefully get tired physically and mentally because they are no longer bored. Long walks and exposure to different things have helped Ryder. He's intensely fearful when I open the freezer, of my Tassimo machine, my old Italian espresso machine, roofers and now any kind of truck - idling diesel pick up to a big loud scary garbage truck. We just keep trudging on, because some things we just can't control like when a big scary truck is going to come around the corner or when for just once I want to have a cappuccino in the morning or like you, when the loud scary dishwasher starts running because you need clean dishes for the next day.
  21. Nightly sure is odd. Hope removal of potential static is the answer. I've had Ryder wake up screaming only twice and I nearly screamed too! It's just a terrifying sound. He had pulled a muscle in his shoulder and leg somehow and we were off to chiro as soon as I could get an appt. But what corroborated this theory was wimpering when he laid back down, therefore he also wasn't waking from a bad dream (which I know that has been the case before as well). How he could pull a muscle in his sleep tho....who knows. Even we sleep funny from time to time and get kinks in our neck. So indeed, a muscle cramp could also be likely, but nightly is a little strange. Keep us posted!
  22. I haven't heard of powder additive in food, but there is liquid additive for water called Healthy Mouth.
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