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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. How old is your Rudy? I'm assuming you had ultrasounds done which might have lead you to know there were tumours? I'm so sorry you are going through this and I pray you do not receive this diagnosis in a week. Hemangiosarcoma is commonly spread to the internal organs, and from what I understand from Kasey's vet when we were going through a different strain of hemangio, is that if it is discovered in the internal organs, the prognosis is rather grim. Kasey and I only made it through one round of chemo before it took him from me, and hemangio never did hit him on his insides. It is my personal feeling that with the aggressive stage he was already at, that it really was perhaps a fruitless last ditch effort. Chemo didn't buy us any time and I wish I used that time instead to make him more comfortable and spoil him. We were thinking about trying radiation next, but Kasey didn't make it to that appointment. I would suggest not to do chemo on your fur kid if indeed it has spread to the organs as I understand it is not effective - I'm sorry I'm so upfront, but this sort of thing just guts me to the core after what we went through.
  2. Ryder has had intermittent limping, and actually pretty severe seizing up at times. He is comfortable when I give him a muscle relaxant as of late. I attribute his extra groans to this, just muscle/body pain. It could be that in Dino or not, but I'd be looking for other signs/symptoms before getting worried about his groaning.
  3. Ry is doing it now. I asked "what's up buddy?" And he gave me a bigger sigh. He's 8 as well and is nestling into his bed a little further as I type....
  4. Like all the above, this is all incredibly new for him. Every dog acts differently. Kasey took about a year to fully open up but after that wasn't he the biggest social butterfly! Ryder, he took about 3 months. Your new pup needs some time and he's been through a huge change in his life. The crate is likely his safety zone right now too. It is familiar to him. Your house is a big scary place to him right now, and he's most safe in his crate. Consider covering it with a blanket to make it more den like and comfortable. If he likes staying in there, let him. The stairs will come, but you might be expecting too much too soon. When the time does happen, your hound might prefer to either take the stairs one at a time or bound up a whole flight. Both of mine navigated the stairs differently so I know! To help teach him, take him to the bottom of the stairs, turn ALL of your lights on so he can see everything, and carpeted stairs are best. Stand RIGHT behind him so he has no where to go and can't fall, and place a high value treat (like a cut up hot dog) and put it about 3 or 4 steps up. Gently move one front paw up a step and if he does that, praise praise praise! If he stretches for that hot dog you let him and PRAISE. He has to feel comfortable and happy. He already had a bit of a fall, so you need to be slow and make this the best experience EVER right now. I would then stop and try again the next day and maybe encourage that second paw up a step. There's lots of good threads here about stairs. And about brand new pups. We're all here to help lend a hand. Just be patient with your new friend!
  5. What a whirlwind ride you are on. Thank you for the pupdate, and keep on taking good care of Elvis as he is clearly still in the building!!!
  6. No advice, but thinking of you. As I've read on many other posts, the first few days and even weeks are trying. Hang on and keep helping her fight and carry through, and try to stay ahead of the pain.
  7. Sounds like she's training you pretty good. It seems to me that she's pushing her boundaries with you a little bit, but of course it's worrisome that she's not eating much. Advice above about checking teeth is good. Have you considered raw? My Kasey was the pickiest eater, and then he developed allergies which made it nearly impossible to find a good kibble food for him. Switched to raw, he very rarely turned up a meal (and when he did it was because he was sick).
  8. I'm guessing some sort of spider or bug bite and a reaction to the venom/poison
  9. I am so sorry to read this. Know he was loved and was exactly where he wanted to be at the time of his passing, with family. A sudden onset of sickness like that, a flu theory above does actually make sense, but it's so tough to know. I recall all bloodwork was good based on your previous posts.
  10. No experience but hugs to you and your houndie.
  11. Anti inflammatory shots work well but without knowing what the underlying cause is (much similar in the case of meds), it's tough to say what pup might be experiencing. My Kasey as he aged would pant and be uncomfortable when the house got to a certain temperature, a temperature that his human didn't like it to be kept at but it was kept at to keep Kasey happy. He exhibited signed of rear end drooping when standing which eventually was diagnosed with LS (treated with gabapentin). Is your pup experiencing any other symptoms other than panting or not eating? Sounds like general discomfort at this point, but anything else you are noticing?
  12. I can't read this thread. I'm very sorry that you (and many here) have had hurtful and bad experiences.
  13. I put a foot long chain with white plastic coating in the bowl with his food. Heavy enough that he had to eat around it. Visit a home depot or something and just get them to snip off a piece.
  14. Turning a sad story into a happy one. Congrats and I hope they can heal your hearts little by little.
  15. Not crating is certainly a solution, but that also requires a transition, i.e. taking plants away from the area he might reach until he stops showing interest in eating them (that was my experience anyway). Your pup may do many interesting things when you are not home, so you might consider baby gating off a space, etc., until he's gotten used to having space without you there. There is lots of good info here if you can search some threads for idea, many of us have been there, done that. Good luck!
  16. I'd say if you are used to giving that and Jake responds well to it, to stick with it, although I do understand your desire for something fast working. I am unfamiliar with that med, but IMO stick with what works? Also I just thought, if he experiences pain, if he might mentally start regressing about trying to walk on it better, etc? With reduced pain he won't have to think twice about using it and just continue to get goofy bringing more strength to that leg unbeknownst to him?
  17. I've always thought the shaking is a sign of two things: a loose or bothersome tooth, or an ear problem. Tooth removed or ear gunk dealt with and shaking stopped.
  18. Well, I hope you aren't COMPLETELY out. I'd give him one if you notice he's in pain and then give him as needed as opposed to regular. Eventually the pain will go away as he heals but he might still need some help now and again.... just my thought. I have tried to "push it" before, oh just wait a day and I'll give him one tomorrow.....I almost always regret it, and now give at the first sign of discomfort.
  19. That is so crushing. I'm so sorry to be reading this. Godspeed to both, running pain free.
  20. Gaba does do good things. Play with the dosages until she gets comfortable. I will warn you however, that if you see her shaking/tremor like, it's her body coming off the gaba. Happened to Kasey, it's a side effect of coming down off the gaba (and it's a common side effect). It's a good sign that they are ready for their next dose tho!
  21. Greyhound Savvy Vet : http://www.caledonvet.com/index.html Caledon Mountain Vet - Dr. John Brajkovich He was Kasey's vet during cancer diagnosis and treatment and consulted with Dr. Couto.
  22. Will Juneau withstand going to chiro? Often that helps compensation issues on other legs....I just don't know if she'd but up for that or if it would put more stress on her. Also, will she do water? Perhaps underwater treadmill?
  23. I have heard Ryder cry out twice because of a tweaked muscle. We went to chiro to get him readjusted since he's had a known limping issue as long as I've had him, his xrays always clear. It as always could be nothing, or it could be something. We're fortunate it's not O in his case. Get some x-rays for peace of mind and move on from there.
  24. I've been the one making suggestions to my vet for meds for my dogs for years based on experiences and guidance from this forum. You just need to trust that your vet is open minded and wants what is best for your furkids. Have you gone to another vet for second or third opinions?
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