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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I dunno WHAT is going on. Came home to Ry who's whole front chest area and right front leg completely saturated from his saliva, as was the couch and pillow area he was laying on. I didnt notice him working on himself before I left work so he must have done all that licking during my 45 min commute home. I had to go to class so off I went after dinner and a walk and on camera again he was licking his paw incessantly. Came home it was dry. He has ever since Kasey had to leave been licking his paws, its a religious occurance between 3-4pm. Is this Bravecto induced? Lepto shot induced? Increased anxiety of being home alone (its been 9 months sans Kasey)? He doesnt lick when I'm home, ever. I find it might just be a comforting thing only in my absence. Nothing is wrong with his paw nor is it licked raw. Sigh.
  2. I'm so sorry all this happened to you and Brady in such a short time frame. Run fast Brady, now pain free.
  3. I think your suggestion Carronstar is great! I as well thought about those grass potties for Kasey when he started refusing to go outside in the winter. I was going to train him to use them in my garage. It's not a crazy out there idea, but I was worried about training him to go and then maybe he would associate that with going in the house etc. Then I realized, he has never ever ever gone in the house and would be mortified to do so and the garage was an extension of his house and he would likely never be trained to do it.
  4. Thanks! I don't know if it's the Bravecto doing this or the Lepto shot. He has never had a reaction quite like this to any shot or yearly prevention med like this. When I give him Bravecto in August again I shall be watch him again and if he acts off at that time the product just isn't for him IMO. While I appreciate the fact it works on Ticks I fortunately haven't had to deal with those yet (but we still take hikes so and apparently they are already prevalent in my area), so while Tick Prevention is a nice thing to have, I won't administer this if it's an issue for him. I need the flea protection though, had them occur two years in a row on both the boys, so I want that for sure.
  5. Scritches. Looks like he's pulling up his "lame" leg with his body to get it to move forward, so he's compensating in his shoulder and back for the limb that is hurting - at least that's my take on it.
  6. I'm looking at the big pad that's a bit crusty too. Might that also be a bit hurty? I agree looks like the corn is still there. Try duct taping it back up again and see what happens in a week. Only put a piece that's about as big as the corn though, the rest of the pad needs to breathe. I chopped up little rectangles and put one right across the pad that usually seems to stick better than a little circle.
  7. A little more of the same actually. I see him panting a bit at home right now which isn't his usual. He had two HUGE poops this morning that weren't that great but I expected that since he barely did anything yesterday. Ate this morning like usual though, and finished off my cheerios as he does every morning. He was rather gassy at night - burpin', fartin'. I thought he might puke but nothing happened. It'll be 48 hours at 7pm so I'm curious to see how he'll do when I get home and take him for his walk. I'm heading to my parents tonight with him in tow so maybe he'll perk up a bit and feel better. Every body has an off day, he just happens to have his right now I think.
  8. Yeah, I'm sure whatever it is or the cause will pass, but kinda making me watch him like a hawk tonight. Thanks for the tip about the shot. He spit up some more water after he drank tonight (that happens commonly with him) but kinda weird night with his spit up on the porch twice. I'm thinking of giving him a Pepcid before bed.....maybe that might help calm his stomach? I've given it to Kasey religiously because he needed it, so perhaps it couldn't hurt.....I don't think it'll do anything with the Bravecto given 14 hours ago....
  9. Came home. Walked him. He "spit up" just as we got out the door and again when we got home, both times on the porch. Kinda slow on our walk, one very small poop which is unusual, not overly happy to see me arrive home but still greeted me, etc. I fed him and he was sort of picking at it not very interested like my usual hoover, but then consumed it and laid down. He's sitting there panting, occassionally whining. Very weird. He also got one shot yesterday for Lepto aside from Brevecto this morning. I'm not overly alarmed but will watch him. Watched him on my camera all day while I was at work. Nothing different in his day at all and I checked the house in case there was a surprise. Very strange!
  10. Mmhmm thanks! I gave it to him this morning and he gobbled it like I thought he would. The thing that frustrates me is that there isn't an all in one, so really you still have to protect for heartworm once a month anyway. Just sent off my mail in rebate too - a whole $15. Better than nothing.....
  11. Is there anything bad about them getting a "double dose" for the flea prevention in Bravecto and then the flea prevention in the Sentinel?
  12. I work those same hours and I have never had a pee issue in the house ever. We also don't have pee breaks overnight, so really that is a longer portion of time that they don't go out to eliminate as well. Is it bad that they Kasey & Ryder, had/have to hold it that long - probably. Could they do it? Yes. Could they do it on a daily basis? Yes. Do I feel bad? Yes. Life circumstances don't always allow our schedules to work out to give them a mid-day break. Would it be beneficial? Absolutely. I am not in a position to have someone come in mid day so it is what it is. I agree with the above posts to perhaps put pee pads down and just be happy she hits those! How long have you had your girl? Have you worked her up to those hours in the past or did you just get her recently and have that expectation? Not every dog is born with a bladder of steel, but I also believe some dogs can learn to hold it for longer periods of time if given the opportunity to work up to it. I'm fortunate to have had two tanker trucks.
  13. Yeah, they told me separate, and in my case it's the 1st of the month for heartworm and tomorrow for Bravecto....I guess that's far enough apart! I had no idea though the 4 degree tick emergence though. Makes me wonder if I should bump the annual up to April instead of May.
  14. What was really bad for me was having one dog go for dental and the other not. The stink eye from one missing out on breakfast was pretty atrocious! Deep breaths, they will be fine, it's always SO nerve wracking, but they will do great! Plus you have our collective good vibes right there with you.
  15. You have to do the Sentinel monthly though with the Bravecto right? The three times thing with Bravecto is less convenient when you have to use a monthly heartworm med! I'm certain Ry will inhale it. He's a food lover, and eats Springtime from my hand. Thank you for the reassurance of the product.
  16. Ryder had his annual in-spek-shun today. Typical with these annual visits is the whole heartworm, flea medication dance. I am going to try Bravecto for the first time, he has been on Sentinel for the past 2 years. Bravecto http://www.bravecto.ca/en is a new med that protects against fleas and ticks. A dog actually came in today prior to our visit with a tick and they live in the same part of the city as we do. I also take Ryder hiking and, well, I would prefer not to chance Lyme disease. Bravecto however isn't an all in one, it doesn't cover heartworm, so I have to give heartguard separately for that (and apparently staggered since you shouldn't give them in the same dose). I have 3 doses of Sentinel at home that Kasey didn't use last year, so I might be doubling up on flea protection but will cover the heartworm part with it, while still getting tick prevention all year round. Surprisingly you can mix and match meds with Bravecto in this manner as they have extensively tested it with other heartworm meds (like Sentinel). Apparently my vet has used it with greyhounds with no ill effects, and a recent presentation she attended indicated that it is safe for the breed. With that said - has anyone used this before? It's relatively new on the market and nothing right now protects against ticks. Their website is also offering a rebate, and they are really promoting this brand all over the radio up here. Experiences?
  17. Holy <enter expletive here>. How friggin amazing. Who is getting hamburgers tonight!?!?!
  18. I feed loose powder, about 2 tablespoons and I make it into a "slurry" by adding some hot water, and then I mix it with his food. Glad to hear it was a short lived bout of D!
  19. I often do broth with rice when tummies get upset. I also tend to use Slippery Elm at the first sign of off poop. I also give collodial silver orally when it lasts too long. Also to be truthful in my arsenal is also Benefibre which I keep some on hand when poops are not their best. It sounds like Sweep picked up a bug amd should be back to normal in a few days. Spring time is naturally the grossest time of year where things are decaying and seem extra yummy to try. Its amazing how fast their tongues work when you arent looking. For spring bugs I go the CS route. Crossing fingers that your house remains stink free!
  20. Those memories made me smile. I'm sure you will smile through your tears. I'm so sorry.
  21. I'm glad to hear. I'd like to offer to watch your pups for a couple hours so you guys can have a bit of downtime, perhaps catch a dinner minus pups? I can't imagine how much this might have derailed your plans, or the constant worry nagging your minds. Timing for this might be tricky tomorrow as Ry is heading to his vet for annual shots, but let me know and we'll see what we can do if you are interested.
  22. I keep a bottle of CS on hand for things like this. Little cuts, scrapes etc. and I just spray some on there. It helps prevent bacteria from setting in that could cause infection. Keep an eye on it
  23. She's still adjusting to your home as it's only been one week. Everything is incredibly new to her, and she's lost all she has ever known, (twice - the track and foster) so it might take a while for her to come around to things in your home. Have you given her something to do when she's in the crate? Often filling up a Kong with peanut butter and kibble should keep her busy for 15-30 mins (freeze it and it might last even longer). This does a few things, reinforces that going into the crate is a good thing, and takes her mind off of you leaving. If she's comfortable in the crate, making it more den-like by putting blankets on would be helpful. Also think about putting on a radio softly in the background so the home isn't dead quiet. Acclimatizing her will take some time and work, but be patient and she'll reward you!
  24. I think Abreva is for cold sores so I wonder if you used the wrong thing on the pad and it's become irritated and infected that way. I used a wart remedy on Kasey for 2 days after his corn was hulled and no issues there. Try soaking the paw in a warm epsom salt bath. Put some warm water in a tall yogurt container and mix some epsom salts in. Put paw in and try to get him to stand in it for about 5 minutes. Do this twice a day if you can. It will help alleviate any soreness in the paw, and make the pads soft enough for you to take a good look at them in case something else is in there that might be bothering him, a sliver for example.
  25. My grey savvy vet is also closed on Sunday They are in Caledon though. Depending on your timing driving through to Hamilton, you might be able to stop in early Monday morning? It's by no means close, but.... Caledon Mountain Vet - http://www.caledonvet.com/ My regular vet is a little closer, but if you are able and choose to wait till Monday, there is no one better I'd recommend a broken toe to. Dr. John is extremely familiar with greyhounds. They are also with the Greyhound Health Initiative if that helps you at all. I know of a couple of vets that my boys have seen over the years, and there is only one that might be "on the way" to Hamilton tomorrow. Knowledgeable guy and staff located in the south end of Mississauga (pretty much bordering Oakville), but we don't go there anymore because he's expensive and was not really close to the house! http://southdownanimalclinic.com/ They are open on Sunday from 11-1pm
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