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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. Does anyone feed Nature's Recipe Grain-Free Chicken, Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Recipe Dry Dog Food to their dog ? I am looking for a new food for Ruby again and found this one on Chewy.com and liked the ingredients. It didn't tell me how much to feed a 60 lb dog a day and it only comes in a 24 lb bag. Lately she has been on ProPlan Sensitive Tummy Salmon food and she will only eat it if I put sprinkles or mix in other goodies. It also is so crumbly it makes such a mess and she is not one to lick the dish when she is done. Chewy.com has the 24 lb bag for 43.99 I believe. Is that close to what you are paying ? Where do you buy it ? I hate cruising the dog food aisles in Petsmart and having to flip over the bags, so would love to find one reasonably priced that has free delivery such as this one. Also, what about gas issues with this food ? Thanks !
  2. Will say a prayer for Tatum that the lump is just a lump and nothing more.
  3. So sorry you lost your beautiful girl. She knew she was loved.
  4. I would assume the bones in fish would soften quicker than chicken bones. I know when you buy canned salmon there is the back bone of the fish in there and they are really soft. When I cooked the chicken, I took off the skin and cooked it about 20 hours and then added the other stuff. I forgot that I added carrots too. I felt like there has to be an easier way though, it took 24 hours and the house STUNK. I made a ton though so she is set for a while.
  5. I think she would like it and if she has no problems with switching food, I say go for it. I have been doing it with Ruby lately and she loves it. I just don't know how much to feed her so I feel better when she eats her quota of kibble most days. I did a mixture of chicken thighs, sweet potatoes, spinach and peas in the crock pot for 24 hours (so the bones would soften) and then thickened it up with some dried mashed potatoes.
  6. What a sad day for them, I am so sorry your friends lost their Lily.
  7. Sounds like a great place to shop. I am going to give them a try. I just hate when you order something and 2-3 weeks later it shows up. 2-3 days sounds fast. Thanks.
  8. I saw Chewy.com listed today in one of the topics and had never heard of it before. It looks like they have really good prices and free shipping if you spend $49. DO any of you use them and if so, how fast is their shipping ?. I am thinking about switching to them to have my dog food delivered. They also had the Ark tooth cleaning treats I buy for $3 less than Amazon.
  9. Sending prayers for Sweet Tori............she has a special place in our hearts.
  10. So sorry for your loss Dan. Sounds like you two had a wonderful relationship. May the happy memories live on and make you smile.
  11. I would never in a million years let Ruby off leash anywhere. She escaped once out of our yard and luckily we found her 9 miles away playing with some little kids. She had ran until her paws were so bloody she couldn't go any farther. I am just so thankful that we got her back alive.
  12. So very sorry to hear this. Wishing you happy memories of Pudge.
  13. Great......thanks. I will look into the advice posted. Appreciate the replies.
  14. I was just going to add the salmon oil because I thought she might need it. If they don't need oil, easily left out. Ruby will literally picks chunks of anything she doesn't like out of her dish, so the apples or any fruit would be goners. She also doesn't like carrot chunks or green beans so anything put in there would have to be pulverized. I didn't know noodles were a good idea, never heard of that. Wouldn't they make her more gassy since they are just made with white flour ? Oats are a great idea and I was thinking about sweet potatoes occasionally too, although she won't eat them if they are in chunks either. Super picky and that is why I am considering this. Will check the calcium. Is she only getting that from the turkey neck bones ? What about Chlorophyl ? Is that needed ?
  15. I think we have tried every calming supplement on the planet for Ruby, including prescription ones from the vet, all with no success. It has been a rough journey and I feel so sorry for her when there are fireworks, thunder storms or other things spazzing her out. Sometimes there just isn't a good answer. We even tried a every day tranquilizer for a while and finally just gave up. Hope you can find something that helps.
  16. I have a friend who has a GS who has really bad skin issues, along with some sensitive tummy stuff going on. She has tried all kinds of commercial and prescription dog food with no great success. She has started cooking for her dog, and the dog seems to be responding well and her skin is healing, no dandruff, no itching, no loose stools, good appetite, etc. Here is the recipe and I am wondering if you feel it is balanced ?. I am considering trying it out on Ruby but want to make sure I am not missing any key ingredient that she needs.. 3 lbs lean turkey burger 1 b spinach 1 lb carrots 1 lb peas she cooks all this together and covers it with 1-2 " of water and then simmers about an hour. She then adds enough plain dehydrated potatoes to make a mash. She then adds 4T of olive oil (I was thinking I might try salmon oil) and that's it. She said her once picky GS scarfs this down and is doing well with her weight. I don't know how much she feeds at a time or how long this batch lasts. She also uses the same recipe to make dog biscuits, just makes them much thicker, rolls them out, sprinkles them with parmesan cheese, and then bakes until crunchy. So what do you think ? Ruby is currently on Proplan Sensitive Tummy and is better, but still having gas issues. She also doesn't really like it and only eats about half of what the bag says she should for her weight, although she is not really losing weight right now. Not ready to go raw with her but she does get a turkey neck twice a week for teeth and entertainment. Sound balanced ? Would you add more bone than the 2 turkey necks a week?
  17. Heartbreaking.......so sorry you are going through all of this. Praying for your Joey.
  18. Just reading this for the first time tonight and wanting to send some healing prayers your way. So happy to hear things are looking up for sweet Nell. She is a very lucky pup to have you two looking out for her. God bless you all.
  19. So she would only need red meat once a week then ? I have never given her pork and for some reason, it weirds me out. I was always told about pork having to be cooked really well because it has worms and it isn't something we eat because of that. Probably isn't true but yuck. Thanks for all the help figuring this out. I am going to give it a try when I get back from vacation and see if it works. Her tummy has settled down a bit on the Proplan Sensitive Tummy food but it is so crumbly and messy. She isn't one to lick the bowl so I always have to clear the dust out of the bowl before each meal.
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