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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. The news said the bulk of the thunder hit over Salem and Woodburn and we got hit pretty hard. The fire was only 6 blocks away so I knew it was intense. I honestly would be OK with her being stoned out of her mind rather than what happened the other night. I was afraid she was going to have a heart attack. Will ask for the Trazadone and see if it works. I hate the 4th of July because of this.
  2. Yes, these are what I bought. They are a lot cheaper on Chewy.com and Amazon though. I just got them for $13.?? on Chewy. I also cut them and only give her 1/2 each night. I feed them on her bed and have never noticed a stain. I had the same problem with Greenies. These are smaller and she doesn't drool as much. They STINK though, but she loves them. I am sure the turkey neck helps, but I have been giving her those for years. I really think these work. She is 7 and her canines are white and no plaque now. Her breath is good too.
  3. I have been giving Ruby 1/2 of a Ark Naturals teeth cleaning treat every night, and 1 turkey neck a week, and her teeth look great. She is 7 1/2 and her teeth are pearly white and no bad breath. I just started the Ark Naturals a month ago and I am impressed. Her canines were starting to look a little orange. They are a little spendy but I only give 1/2 of one so they last quite a while. She loves them too but they STINK. Congrats on your new pup.
  4. A month or so ago I bought a bag of the Ark Naturals teeth cleaning treats. I have been giving 1/2 of one to Ruby every night since, and a turkey neck once a week. Tonight I was looking at her teeth and they look white again, even the canines that were starting to turn kind of orange. Could this possibly be this simple ? Has anyone else tried them and had success. Luckily I just bought another bag of them and she loves them. They sure reek though.
  5. I saw that pigs ears were mentioned in another thread and I am wondering how many of you feed them ? For some crazy reason that I can't remember, I think that I read not to feed them to greys. She is allergic to beef but no other issues that I am aware of. I used to feed them to my Golden all the time and they were a huge hit. So are they safe to feed ? How often ? Thanks
  6. I finally got my order and it took 13 days to get here. I contacted the online chat feature on day 12 when it didn't show and they told me that it was really unusual, but I should be getting it soon. No we're sorry, no excuses, no nothing. I told them they need to remove the little van and sign in the top right corner of their website that says "Fast 1-2 day shipping on orders over $49." I don't think I will use them again. I can go with Amazon and get it in 2 days for a couple dollars more. Bummer though because I liked the autoship.
  7. Tonight we had a horrible thunder and lightening storm and Ruby was absolutely out of her mind for over 2 hours. She paced back and forth, tried to run at both doors, went in and out of her crate and panted and drooled. It was awful to watch and I felt helpless. I tried shutting the door to her crate when she was in it but she just whined loudly. Usually she likes this and quiets right down. I know I have asked about this in years past, but I have got to try something else for her so that we don't spend the entire month of July in a panic. She has tried all the OTC meds, Thunder shirt, and Dap diffusers and collars. I have had her on a couple of prescription meds that didn't work, one being Valium. I am going to make her an appt. for next week to take her in and get something. What do you recommend ? As a side note, the lightening caused a house about 7 blocks from me to explode into flames and burn to the ground. The 2 people escaped and I am now wondering if the combo of the lightening and sirens made Ruby worse than I have ever seen her. Very sad.
  8. I did go online and track the package.. It says it will be here tomorrow. That will be 12 days at least if it comes tomorrow. Seems like a long time since they claim "Super Fast Shipping". Not sure I will use them again.
  9. OK..............no fast shipping for me. I ordered about 10 days ago and nothing here yet. So far not impressed with their "fast shipping". It was 4 days after I placed the order that I got an email saying it had been shipped. Guess it was sent by turtle. Waiting.
  10. I use a raw egg on top of the kibble and also parmesan cheese when Ruby is being a picky butt. These 2 tricks work 99% of the time. I have also switched her food many times thinking that was the problem, but she does this with any food. Good luck.
  11. I placed an order 2 days ago on autoship and saved 20% on the total. Hope it comes soon as I want to get Ruby switched to the new Fromm food I ordered.
  12. Have you looked at the Chicken A La Veg from Fromm ? I liked the ingredients and just ordered it today from Chewy.com for Ruby. Hoping things work out with it.
  13. Will be watching this post as I just ordered Fromm food for Ruby. Hope it works
  14. I am so sorry for your loss and will keep you and your family in my prayers. She looks just exactly like our Ruby.
  15. Welcome Ugly Baron............you are Gorgeous !
  16. I am so sorry, please know that I said a prayer for Diamond and for you.
  17. No advice, just some prayers for sweet Tori.
  18. When I looked at the definition on Google it said that by-products can contain the bodies of diseased animals, road kill, euthanised animals, beaks, etc. I do feed Ruby chicken feet and turkey necks, but that is as far as I am going to go. I understand the use of liver, hearts,tripe and others, just not the other stuff described. How would you ever know what you are really feeding ? ugh,,,,,,,just UGH.
  19. I have been researching dog foods trying to find a new one for Ruby that is grain free and does not contain beef, due to an allergy. I noticed a lot of the foods have chicken (or beef, turkey, etc.) by-product in them. I had no idea what a by-product is, Googled it, and now I am horrified. Ugh. Nasty. I can't believe that stuff is allowed in any type of food for any animal. I am hoping that I have never fed her one with it in it. How is it companies are allowed to use garbage and rotten and diseased junk to feed our pets ?
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