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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. Ruby has a heart murmur also. The first time the vet said it was a stage 3 and the second visit he and another vet said it was a stage 2. At this point we have chosen not to take her to a cardiologist, at the suggestion of our vet. He said they will put her on meds, that she may or may not need. She is happy and seems healthy and playful. so for now we are just watching her.
  2. Wishing the best for Desi and hoping he gets to head home for his big birthday celebration !
  3. So sorry to hear about Brucie's passing. Run free sweet boy !
  4. Ruby can hold it all day too. Her usual routine is in the morning after she eats, after dinner and before bed. If the weather is nasty though, she will just wait.
  5. That's what I am worried about. If I know she has been OK with salmon in the past would it be OK to switch quickly ?
  6. We have been feeding Ruby Fromm food for the last 4 months with great results. She is one that tends to get bored with her food and not eat very well off an on. She has been on the chicken flavor and I was wondering about switching her to the fish one next. I have never switched flavors without switching brands, and am wondering if I can just switch flavors or if I still need to add the new flavor in slowly like I would do if it was a completley new brand of food ? I am planning on getting a smaller bag to make sure she likes it. Thanks
  7. I agree. No one should be treated like that. I would call around to find out if any other clinics in the area have greyhound experience. Hoping it is just the corns and nothing else.
  8. Here too. I have heard too many scary stories about the other ones.
  9. I have no advice or knowledge of this issue, but will be sending prayers that all goes well and he recovers quickly. I am so sorry all of you are going through this.
  10. My girl is 7 and so far has not needed a dental. I rarely brush her teeth anymore but I do give her a turkey neck weekly and use Ark Naturals Brushless Toothpaste daily. The vet says she has minimal tartar at her check ups. No bad breath either.....YAY.
  11. I am so sorry. Please know that it is nothing you have done, you were just giving her care. Sending you hugs of comfort to help through this difficult time.
  12. Thank you for sharing this. I have tried just about every product known to man with no help for Ruby. I will give this a try.
  13. Sending healing thoughts to Henry.......Poor Guy
  14. Happy to hear that he is out of surgery and all went well. Now on to some quick healing.............
  15. That was one heck of a good deal on a pizza. So sorry to hear you lost Poodle. His name always made me smile when I read about him.
  16. I agree that heat might make the sweliing worse. If she will tolerate cold I might try that. Sending healing thoughts for your girl.......
  17. I am getting frustrated with Ruby being so darn picky about her food. She has a lot of issues with gas, so we try to stick to simple foods and ones without too many ingredients. Lately we have been feeding the Fromm chicken and something, and at first, she gobbled it down. Now she is back to picking at it and I worry she will starve to death. I am tired of trying to always come up with one that she likes and wasting a ton of money. Do any of you just keep feeding a food you know works well for them and let them either eat it or not ? I know she will eat it if I doctor it up every time, but I don't really want to have to do that. She does not lose or gain weight. She doesn't get any treats if she hasn't eaten a meal that day. Anyone else just give them the food and not worry how much they eat ?
  18. Well I heard today that McDonalds uses wood filler in their burgers, so someone must think it is good for us. I always wondered how they could sell a triple cheeseburger for $2. I wouldn't feed this to my dog. We don't eat at McDonalds either.
  19. I was thinking Borax was not safe to use like that. Am I wrong ?
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