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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. So sorry you lost Haka.............prayers for all of you !
  2. Our vet said it sounded like a 2 to him. We are going to take his advice and wait the 2 months to see if it continues, and I am monitoring her heart rate per his request. If the murmur continues, she will have the Echo done. He is grey savvy and that is why we trust him. Obviously if anything changes we will get her in ASAP. Thanks for all the advice and info.
  3. Thanks everyone for the info and the hugs. The vet said he didn't feel that labs were necessary at this time, and he said because of the murmur, the heart labs would be abnormal and still he would recommend waiting the 2 months. I really trust this vet and he has a lot of experience with greyhounds. He did say if the murmur is still there, he will do a chest x-ray to send with her visit to have the Echo. He is really good about not running up the bill just because. We of course are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure she is healthy, but if he was comfortable waiting, we are too. If anything changes we will take her in ASAP. He did say he didn't think her murmur has anything to do with her new clinginess and weirdness. He just said to continue to watch her and if it worsens we will do more investigating. She did have labs 6 months ago that were all normal, except a slightly high thyroid, which when ran by you guys, was actually normal. He said she shows zero signs of thyroid issues. I just checked her breathing and it was 10 also. He didn't say to limit her exercise but to not over work her. No extra long hikes, etc....that she is not used to.
  4. Been feeling that Ruby just was acting weird for several weeks now so took her into the vet today and he discovered that she has a heart murmur and a pretty "loud and big" one. He asked a ton of questions and then decided we are to bring her back in in 2-3 months to see if it is still there, and if it is, we will take her to a specialist to get a Echo done. He said not to over run or walk her but other than that, no restrictions. She is only 6 years old so I am freaked out of course. Does anyone here have a dog with a murmur ? What did you do ?
  5. Ruby is acting weird and my husband and I are grasping at straws. Her vet appt. is Wed. to discuss her strange behaviors. In the meantime, we have increased her exercise and play time by almost double and were wondering if there are any puzzle toys that might be helpful. We bought one in the beginning and she had no clue how to work it. She's a sweet girl but not the brightest. Any simple ones you can recommend ?
  6. She is a very pretty girl and I am glad she is doing so well. Hope it warms up a bit soon !
  7. You sort of lost me on this one ???? She isn't showing any symptoms of UTI's and doesn't ask to go out more than her usual 3 times a day.
  8. This kind of freaks me out a bit.....I know a lady who's dog would not leave her alone, kept getting into her face and smelling her breath and just would not stop. She had been avoiding a colonoscopy for years and decided to have one because of her dog. She ended up having stage 3 colon cancer. I know dogs are so intuitive. Weird coincidence is my colonoscopy is scheduled for next week. And, my husband is having surgery in 2 weeks but there is no way she would know that since it is minor and no one is freaking out. No vision problems that I know of, what are common dementia symptoms in dogs ? Never thought about that. I pray this isn't happening, I am not ready to have anything wrong with my girl at all (not that we ever are). She is the first dog I have ever felt so attached to. Love her ! Ruby is 6 1/2.
  9. Thanks everyone. I made an appt. for her to see my favorite vet and she is seeing him next week as he is not there this week and I really only trust this one guy. She has had some iffy thyroid labs in the past so maybe that is it. Appreciate your ideas .
  10. We only cleaned out a closet but haven't packed anything yet. We also decided not to move yet because prices for bigger houses are insane. I don't think the cleaning would affect her since it is pretty common around here. She just ran to her crate for no reason. I even went outside to see if there were any fireworks and I cannot hear a thing. I just went and talked to her for a while and she seems fine, no panting or shaking like when she is scared. There is something wrong !
  11. I find this ridiculously funny. Maybe because I didn't know anyone liked lime green Jello
  12. I don't even know how to explain what has been going on with Ruby. You know that feeling you get in your tummy when something is off ? I have had that for the last few days. For the last few weeks, Ruby has been getting up and going to each person in the room over and over and over, which she has never done before. She usually just ignores everyone. We can't leave the room without her coming to check on us if we are gone more than a minute or so. I don't think this has anything to do with the holidays because nothing has changed and no one came over except my grandbabies and son, who she adores. To say she is clingy is an understatement, and she didn't do this even when she was new. No new foods or changes in exercise. No tension in the house. Today when I went to lay down to read (like I do every single day), she came into the room and crawled into her crate, which she has never done except for at bedtime. She stayed there until I got up. Tonight at dinner I put some popcorn into her bowl, which is her favorite snack of all time. She ate around the popcorn and left it all in the bowl. This has never ever happened. No fireworks going on, no rearranging of furniture, nothing. I just have that feeling she is trying to tell us something. The only thing that I can see physically is that she is shedding terribly, but this happens every year. Any ideas ?
  13. If it continues, what about moving the new one into your bedroom to separate them ?
  14. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. How sweet that you got to talk to her by phone so that she could feel comforted.
  15. I agree with calling animal control, for your safety and the next persons. How rude can people be to not even ask if you are ok ? What a TOAD.
  16. I give a frozen one to Ruby once a week and she goes nutso. I put it in her bowl outside and she takes it and runs around like crazy, flips it in the air, throws it around a few more times and then settles down to munch away for about 30 minutes. Her teeth look much better since I started giving her these, even though I brush her teeth 3-4 times a week. Good luck.
  17. I usually don't come in to this forum because I just can't handle it. Today I did and the 1st thing I read was your beautiful poem. Thank you so much for sharing that with us. Bless you.
  18. So happy to hear that he is doing well after the surgery. Heal up quick Henry.........
  19. So very sorry to hear this. Will be praying for a positive outcome for Henry...........
  20. Ruby just came in from enjoying a frozen turkey neck and her front outer toenail was so bloody I couldn't tell where the blood is coming from. She wasn't limping when she came in and it is hard to wipe all the blood off to see exactly what is going on. Seems to be tender to the touch but other than me poking at it and trying to wipe it off, doesn't seem like it is hurting her. Nail looks intact. She was out in the grass and I know there is nothing out there that is dangerous for her, not worried about glass, etc..... She is now sleeping on a blood soaked bed, peaceful as can be. Would you do anything with it ? Wrap it ? the bleeding has stopped and she is not licking at it but she was very interested in the blood on the bed. Anything I need to watch for ? Thanks
  21. Great to hear she has a wonderful new home and that you are happy.
  22. So very sad to hear about Lucas. Prayers being sent up for peace for you and your husband.
  23. Welcome.........and "hello" from my Ruby !
  24. Busderpuddle


    So sorry............sounds like Shadow had a wonderful life with you !
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