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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. I am so sorry you had to lose Paul. What a beautiful boy.........
  2. I have never heard of these either. I am curious what the Knox gelatin is for ? Ruby is a picky eater at times so I will be keeping this recipe. She is allergic to beef but am assuming I could use ground turkey. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
  3. I was going to suggest maybe the fireworks too. I know last year the noise went on for over a week, but Rubys weird behavior lasted a couple months afterwards. Good luck and I hope you get to the root of the cause soon.
  4. Sending lots of prayers for Huston that all things go as planned and he heals quickly. Let us know how things are going.
  5. I am so sorry.........may your memories always make you smile.
  6. Sending good thoughts and prayers that Greta is healthy as can be........
  7. I have no advice, just wanted to send you good thoughts and hugs...........
  8. I have been really happy with feeding Ruby Fromm. We do use the chicken one however because she has allergies to other proteins.
  9. Ruby was prescribed Xanax yesterday for thunder and fireworks. We had tried all of the other things you mentioned with no success. Hopefully the Xanax will help.
  10. We took Ruby to the vet today to check her heart murmur and to get some medication for the anxiety that she has when there are fireworks and thunder. We also told him that lately she has been sitting up from a dead sleep, her ears perk up and she stares at a spot (the spots change) for several minutes. This has been happening the last 3 weeks or so. The vet said that she may be having "focal seizures". A few days ago I was in another room when I heard what sounded like a fall. I got up as quick as I could and came out to see Ruby getting up off the floor and shaking her head. She seemed to be OK and laid right back down and fell asleep. I didn't think much of it at the time, but now I am wondering if she had a seizure. It was a very loud thud, and there was no way that she fell off of anything. She never gets off her bed which is only 4" tall. He ended up giving us some Xanax for her and telling us to keep an eye on her. She has had recent lab work and all was normal. As we were leaving, he grabbed her muzzle and was petting her and talking to her. I heard him ask her if she had a stroke. For some reason, that comment didn't register with me until I had left the office. Has anyone heard of focal seizures ? Appreciate any comments.
  11. So sorry.........just seeing this now. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for your Tori, our first ever Secret Santa girl. I will miss seeing her pretty face on here. Hugs to you Jenn Karen
  12. Ruby does OK with her muzzle on, but I have never left it on for an extended time. I put it on when I trim her nails, just to keep her used to it, no other reason. Tomorrow is the day and I have to admit I am really nervous. I hope it goes well............. will let you all know. Thanks again for the ideas on how to go about this.
  13. Great idea having them meet on neutral ground. I will make sure that happens and hadn't thought about that. I am sure my friend does not have a crate for her dog. She sounds like a pocket dog that doesn't leave her side. I have never met hers. I am anxious to see how it goes, and a bit terrified. I know greys can be quick, so I will not be turning my back or getting lax about the visit for a second. We have been considering adding another dog, so this will also help with that decision. Appreciate the advice.
  14. My best friend in the whole world is coming this weekend for 2 days and is bringing her chihuahia (sp?). Ruby has never been around any small dog, except for the one that nipped at her heels on a walk a couple years ago. She was not aggresive with that one at all and I ended up kicking it off of her. We don't take her to dog parks and there are no other dogs on our walks that she is exposed to. So basically, she has never been around dogs of any size. We were told that she is not cat safe. She shows no reaction to cats when out for a walk however. So obviously I am worried about this visit. I told my friend that Ruby is not cat safe and that I had no idea how this would go. She said that her dog stays glued to her side at all times. I know that I will need to muzzle Ruby when they first get here, but any other recommendations ? I would hate for something awful to happen and I just don't know what to expect. Ruby usually lays on her bed at all times. She doesn't even get up when visitors come in. I am afraid this little dog will be a whole different ball game.
  15. Goodbye Billy.......run free
  16. I don't know anything about dogs with kidney problems, but I used to work for kidney specialists and there usually are no warning signs in people until they are very ill and blood tests show what is wrong. Sending up good thoughts for your pup that all will be OK. My Ruby has a bit of a kidney issue too, but nothing that we need to do anything about right now.
  17. Similar to Greenies with a soft center. I think they smell disgusting and almost gag when I open the bag each night. Did you feed a whole one ? I have been cutting them in half because they are so expensive.
  18. Thanks everyone. I will ask for Trazadone if that is not one we tried yet. I don't think it was. I know Valium didn't work and I threw some expired out the other day. Her appt. is not until June 10th and I sure hope we can get something that works fairly quickly. Does anyone know of an injectible ?
  19. Sending you positive thoughts and hugs
  20. After the thunder storm the other night I have to get Ruby something to calm her down occasionally. I made an appt. with the vet but it is in a couple of weeks. I know we have tried Valium for her before when her SA was out of control with no results. Does anyone use Xanax ? How much do you give your dog and how often ? Does anyone know of an injectable medication I could ask for that would work immediately ? I don't always know when thunder is headed our way. Thanks
  21. Really ? Ruby loves turkey necks and starts getting hyper the minute she sees me open the freezer to give her one. I feed them frozen and in place of a meal. I also feed them outside because she throws it in the air 2-3 times, does zoomies a few more times, and then settles in for the snack. I can't imagine that all over my house. Ick. The bag I bought did not have anywhere near the amount you mentioned KF_of_Georgia of the Ark treats. The large ones have maybe 20-25 pieces in them and that's why I started cutting them in half. That might be the ones for little dogs. I will try to remember to count them when I open the new bag.
  22. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. Prayers for you and Vicki.
  23. What a beautiful story. I am so sorry for your loss of Wren.
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