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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Your tribute is beautiful and it is so obvious he was well loved.
  2. Wow.........I have to say that looking at those bags of beef and chicken makes me wonder if I really want to raw feed. UGH. "The cows brought in are processed that afternoon and placed in a cooler over night at 32 degrees. The next morning they are deboned and further processed. All products below are inedible and are not for human comsumption, these are only to be fed to your dogs and cats. A black liquid denaturant has been added to each package. All products are frozen unless specifically requested. Bag sizes cannot be changed. Any item specially ordered to different sizes will be subject to a $0.05 per lb increase. All items are subject to MN sales tax unless tax exempt. Forms available upon request." Is it really safe to feed my dog something that says it is not for human consumption ? It said the black liquid denaturant was charcoal. Is that safe in the long run ? Do you unthaw the large bags and then re-freeze it in serving sized portions ? Do they tell you where the cows come from and why they are able to sell them so inexpensive ? Thanks for sharing........
  3. Great, thanks. Do you ask for something special from the butcher to get the meat so cheap ???? I looked at beef the other day and there was nothing cheaper than $2.29 a lb and that was garbage burger. And Ruby gets diarrhea horribly when she has beef, so I would need to try pork or venison but that is pretty expensive stuff. Could I do mainly chicken and just add in beef liver and hearts or would that not be enough red meat ?
  4. OK.....a little confused. $55 a lb ? That is pretty expensive beef chunks. Do you ask the butcher for something special so that you get the big bags that you are buying ? Is it already calculated out to be 10% bone ? PM'd you.......... I fed no antibiotic and no salt added chicken for $1.99 a lb. Seemed reasonable but I had no idea how much to feed. Cannon Butt - Diarrhea ??? THANKS !
  5. Redhead- Thank you so much. This is the very info I was hoping for. I have a couple of questions about what you posted. 2-3% of 60 lbs - aprox. 3 lbs a day ? when you say you feed half as raw meaty bones, is that like chicken legs, pork ribs with bone, etc. ? How do you know if you are giving too much bone ? Any kind of bone they should not eat ? I know they can't have cooked bones. My girl has borderline kidney problems, any concern about that ? fish oil- how much a day ? dehydrated raw food - where do you get that ? is there any need at all for vegetables and fruit in their diets ? eggs ?
  6. OK, I have just about had it with all the gas Ruby is tooting out and am once again giving some thought to raw feeding. I know this has been discussed a million times on here, but I just have a few basic questions. What is the calculation so you know how much to feed ? Do you take skin off ? How much bone do they need ? Is it OK to stick to one kind of meat (such as chicken only) or should you rotate ? Do you supplement with a vitamin ? If so, what ? What else does their body require ? such as veggies, roughage ? carbs ? fats ? Do you feed once or twice a day ? What do you do when you use a kennel for boarding ? I gave her 2 chicken breasts last night without bone and she loved it. No tooting last night either. Gave her kibble this morning, all ready lit the candles for the day. I am not really thrilled with doing this, but if it will make my home and her tummy feel better, I may try it to see how it goes. Thanks !
  7. No, She was just tested for worms in late January and she doesn't eat a thing in the yard. If this continues I will take her in again. Thanks everyone.
  8. This whole dog food issue has my head spinning. As you might know from my other posts, Ruby was on Natures Domain from Costco and was doing great for the last year and a half. We bought a new bag and the gas is horrendous. Decided to switch after posting about it on here and I got ProPlan Sensitive. When my husband was carrying it in, he said "I can't believe YOU are going to feed Purina to Ruby". I asked him what that meant and he said Purina is junk and again, he can't believe I bought that. Now he is not a dog food expert and the rating looked good. Is there something I should be concerned about here ?
  9. With Ruby's recent gas episodes I have been wondering about giving her probiotics. I know nothing about them for dogs and when researching online, find a lot of the talk about them seems to come from the sellers of the products. I have used yogurt with probiotics lately to see if that will help her gas but no luck. Anyone use one for gas issues and it helps ? What brand ?
  10. I know it was fast but I thought if the old food was giving her so much gas, maybe she was uncomfortable, and a few people suggested I switch her to another food as soon as possible. Maybe that is why the new food is giving her gas and I need to wait a while to see if it improves ? Poops look normal and are at the same times as before the switch.
  11. a week or so ago I posted about Ruby having really bad gas on the Natures Domain salmon food she had been on for a couple years after opening a new bag. Several foods were suggested, but the one I saw most frequently recommended was ProPlan for sensitive tummies, so I bought that. The first day I mixed it half and half, horrible gas. Each day for 4 days I added a bit more of the new food and tonight that is all she got. I am going to take the Nature Domain bag back to Costco so wanted to switch her quickly, and felt like if it was causing her so much trouble I should make the change fast. So far tonight I have sent her out twice to go potty (which she didn't do) and the gas is WORSE ! I honestly don't know how it could be, but it seems worse. She is snoozing away and doesn't act miserable. Is this normal and her tummy needs to adjust to the new food ? She seems to love it and gobbles it up which she hadn't been doing with the old one. Did I switch her too quickly ? She was recently tested for worms and all was clear. No new treats, no new stress. Stick with it a while to see if it stops or go look for a new food ? I hate this food switching game and it always seems like we end up back with the Costco food. Thanks !
  12. I freeze everything and most things turn out well, maybe a bit mushier than when they went in. Give Tori a big hug from Ruby. We have a soft spot for our SS pup.
  13. I disagree with this. I could walk Ruby until the cows came home and she would NOT poop or pee. She never has and I truly doubt she ever will. We took her hiking shortly after getting her and we were out for about 6 hours. She would not go potty and rode the entire way home and peed and pooped the minute she was in our back yard. Not every dog will go. My husband routinely walks her for an hour to an hour and a half every day and she has never gone. I agree they should be walked every day though. I like the borrowing the neighbors fenced yard idea. That's brilliant.
  14. I love the red one too. Do you have a 1" one with Dragonflies ? If so, I'll take it as long as it isn't purple. I had trouble getting into your site............. Thanks, Karen
  15. Wow...............that sounds wonderful and I bet she is feeling a lot better. I love coconut oil and use it as a moisturizer on myself too. Great stuff with antibacterial and antifugal properties.
  16. Yes, she just had her physical in January and luckily, she is not a poo eater. She hasn't been anywhere either other than around our blocks here and she doesn't stop to sniff, pee or poo. She does all that stuff in our backyard. ProPlan Sensitive should be here today. Anxious to see if it helps.
  17. We tried TOTW a year or so ago and did not have good luck with it. I ordered a large bag of ProPlan Sensitive from Amazon.com and it was only $38 for the bag, which I thought was really reasonable. Sure hope it works for her. We are under about 7" of snow and where I live this never happens so I didn't want to wander the streets. Amazon to the rescue and free shipping in 2 days. Fingers crossed.
  18. I have never heard of this one but will look for it. Do you buy it in a pet store or grocery ?
  19. OK, sounds like I need to find something else. Had a lot of trouble in the beginning with a food that didn't upset her tummy and thought we had finally found it. The food smells the same, the bag looks dry, and I know Costco will take it back. She is allergic to beef so I can't switch her to that one. Any ideas of what might be very similar ? Is it too rough to switch her to buffalo, venison, or other meats quickly ? Thanks for all your help.
  20. Ruby has been on Natures Domain food from Costco for a couple of years with no problems. Initially she had a little gas, but it went away quickly and life has smelled pretty pleasant. Last week we opened a new bag and Ruby is farting us out of house and home !!! Tonight I counted 8 stink bombs between 6 and 10 PM. So disgusting that I had to spray the house and plug in a Scentsy burner. It is awful and I am wondering if anyone else is having this issue. Could it be they changed the formula ? Got a bad batch ? UGH.........I don't think I can handle it much longer and it is 28 degrees tonight and I can't leave the windows open. Not a single thing changed in our house, no new stress for her, no new treats. I know I can add some yogurt to help out, but wondering if I need to try another brand ? Ideas ?
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