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About sobesmom

  • Birthday 09/22/1974

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    North Central PA

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Greyaholic (9/9)

  1. Hi! I just wanted to say welcome to GT. Ask LOTS of questions. So many great resources here. Just remember, each dog is an individual. No matter how much research you do, you'll have specific questions for the dog you get. Best of luck to you! It's an awesome adventure!
  2. Take a breath. Relax. Transition takes time - you knew that going into this. Trust your instincts, and read your dog. Your dog is telling you she's overstimulated. LISTEN! That said -Back up. Make her world much smaller. Just the house. Just the backyard for potty. Start her world small again. When she's cool with that, and she will be, expand. One step at a time. You did too much - too fast. Been there, lived that! Many of us make the same mistake with our first greys.
  3. So - IMHO - what's your issue, and what's your end game? Some people don't want digging because is messes up the yard. Some people don't want it because children my fall. Various other reasons, all valid. And in that situation - address the issue. Not easy, but it can be done. What I think I'm hearing you say is that your reason is worry that the dogs will get hurt by stepping in the holes when running. If that's the worry - don't. They know where the holes are. Let them have their fun. No harm, no foul.
  4. I only fostered one broodie - and unlike most of my fosters - she walked in and OWNED the house. My Pushy male that usually put fosters "in line" an "teaches the ropes" - no thank you. She'd never been in a house before, settled on the couch in 5 minutes. Time to trim nails - she laid on her back, on the couch, of course. Odd things she'd never seen or experienced before - ok- I got this. My young snarky female, that always had to be first - stepped back for "the lady". Easiest foster ever. She went on to be adopted by a Baptist minister and his wife. She attends services, and according to them, seems to seek out and sit quietly beside those who need her most. She also attends children's church services, and is very well loved.
  5. Hi - I'm guessing that you're in the UK? I'm in the US, and I know situations and "norms" are different. In my experience, bloat is very uncommon. I've never had a problem letting my my dogs out or exercising immediately after a meal. I've actually never heard that it it could be a concern (again, possible cultural difference/difference in breeding). A little more info may help. How many times per day do you feed? How many "outs"? How many walks? Is there a specific spot he is peeing in the house? Is it a "real pee" or just a "squirt mark"? Have you changed his diet? Just trying to get an idea of your schedule. G-T'ers loved details, and the more you can provide, the better advice we can offer. (BTW - there is no "wrong" schedule). Also - it's not uncommon for a new dog that's doing great to have some setbacks a couple weeks or months into it. Especially greys that settled in relatively easily. You just get feeling great - and BAM - they revert. It happens A LOT. Go back to basics. Lots of "outs", lots of positive reinforcement, and the best of luck to you. I know it's frustrating, but hang in there, and you'll figure this out. If you need a little comic relief - I had a dog at my house that I was dog-sitting for a friend for a weekend. I had her outside for 3 HOURS - in December. I finally brought her in and she immediately pooped IN MY SLIPPER. My very expensive Minnetonka slipper. The left. She turned out to be a fine dog, but the slipper story was told for many years. Oh - it looks like you're brand new to this site. Welcome.
  6. Joe - IMHO - not a "delicate" question - a normal LIFE question. My first grey, Sobe, took a BITE out of my DH when we had sex when Sobe was new to our house. I think he was "protecting" me, and had no idea what's going on. We stopped everything and dealt with an upset dog. After that , we learned to shut the dogs out of the room. Mac is probably confused.. Human sex makes no sense to dogs. So - Put him in another room when the mood strikes.
  7. Pick the dog that fits your household. Gender doesn't matter. When I went to adopt my first grey, I thougt I wanted a "small female". I came home with a large male. IMHO - be blind to gender, size, age, etc. Find the dog that FITS in your home. Fostering is a great option for figuring that out.
  8. I'd suggest - tough it up - get in. I had a foster years ago that was terrified of vehicles. My neighbor, a horse-trainer, saw me struggling to get the dog in the car. He offered to help. He said - This is what I do to load skittish horses. Looped a leash under the hind quarters, pull, and up and in we go. It makes them get in, and when nothing terrible happens, they get it. I only had to do it twice. It's very effective.
  9. No shame in that. I whole-heartedly agreed with going with a group that fosters before adoption. I had 1 grey that wasn't fostered and it was ROUGH - and I'd already had a grey of my own that was fostered. To have a first grey that wasn't fostered is very, very hard. You seem like a kind and thoughtful family. You'll find the right dog!
  10. Also - I wouldn't bring another dog in yet. In the future, sure. But not now.
  11. I completely agree with the others. Take it slow. I'm sure everything you read told you they need long walks. Your dog will be FINE if he doesn't get his full cardio in for a month or three lol. "keep his world small" is perfect advice. And then a little bigger, then a little bigger. I had a foster that didn't go 15 feet out the door for 2 weeks. Then we went 30 feet away for 2 weeks. I thought yeah! So I took her outside the yard - into the real world, and she statued. And then I carried a 75 lb dog home (not easy). Too much, too fast. So, we started over, and within a few more weeks, she was out in the world, and could go anywhere. Just don't rush. You rush - you go backwards. Slow and steady progress is the key.
  12. I agree with that - if you have a friend with a dog that could come visit and "do their business" in the yard (garden) that's very helpful. Even if you keep your dog inside when it visits - the smell will encourage your dog. Don't worry! It's early. This will resolve quickly!
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