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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. She didn't throw up all night but went to her crate last night about 7:30 and laid there all night. She seemed fine but her going in her crate like that before bedtime only happens when she is scared. I gave her some more plain rice this morning with a little warm water and she ate it. I have an appt. to see the vet today at 11:00. Unfortunately, my favorite vet is out until Friday. Praying my girl is OK.
  2. I gave her about a half cup of rice with a Ranitidine pill in it and she seemed like she was starving. About 20 mins. later, up it came. Poor girl.
  3. I was just getting ready to give her a little rice but she threw up again on the rug. It looked like her kibble from morning, undigested, with some bile. I put her outside and she lapped up quite a bit of water. She doesn't get anything other than her normal kibble each day so I know it isn't something that disagreed with her tummy on a normal basis. I have been feeling like something is a bit "off" ever since the 4th of July when her weird behavior started up. I am thinking a vet visit may be in order tomorrow. Am I just being a nervous pet owner ? Should I give her something for her tummy ? Would you still feed after she vomited again ?
  4. Sometime during my nap today (3-4 PM) Ruby threw up all over her bed. It looks to me like she ate what she threw up since there are only some big brown stains on her bed, but 3 piles of them. She seems to be fine otherwise and I don't know if I should feed her dinner or not ? I hate to starve her but she has never thrown up before. I am boiling some white rice now just in case. What do you think ?
  5. Very handsome boy..........Welcome Home Dane !
  6. What a beautiful girl..........I am so sorry for your loss
  7. Love cow doggies..........I am so sorry for your loss
  8. Ruby started going nuts a few nights before the 4th of July with all of the fireworks going off. She was hiding, panting, drooling, shaking, etc......... Here it is the 18th of July, the fireworks have been gone for days, and she still starts in with the panting, shaking, pacing, running to her crate, etc.....although lessened, every single night when the sun starts to go down. I thought it would just phase itself out, but it continues. She will go out for her last turn out OK and doesn't seem bothered by it, but I can count on that panting to start every night around 8 PM. Our routine is the same, she is getting plenty of attention and walks, she sleeps normally once we go to bed. Would you take her in for a vet check ? We have never seen this behavior before, except when she had SA when we would leave her in her crate in the beginning while we went out. That was a couple years ago and has completely resolved itself.
  9. Ruby started going nuts a few nights before the 4th of July with all of the fireworks going off. She was hiding, panting, drooling, shaking, etc......... Here it is the 18th of July, the fireworks have been gone for days, and she still starts in with the panting, shaking, pacing, running to her crate, etc.....although lessened, every single night when the sun starts to go down. I thought it would just phase itself out, but it continues. She will go out for her last turn out OK and doesn't seem bothered by it, but I can count on that panting to start every night around 8 PM. Our routine is the same, she is getting plenty of attention and walks, she sleeps normally once we go to bed. Would you take her in for a vet check ? We have never seen this behavior before, except when she had SA when we would leave her in her crate in the beginning while we went out. That was a couple years ago and has completely resolved itself.
  10. I hope when I get old I can eat nothing but raspberries and ice cream. I think the tuna is just fine.
  11. I wonder if I am buying the wrong sanding tips for mine ? Seems like I can only get about 2 trims before needing a new one. I buy the replacements at Amazon.com when needed for about $3. I don't know what model I have either but it works great and Ruby seems to enjoy it. Mine doesn't hold a very long charge and I recharge it before each use. Have to admit though, I wait way too long in between trimmings.
  12. I know I would be going nuts if 6 extra people showed up. Show her some extra love and I bet she'll be back to her old self soon.
  13. Same deal with Ruby. I can pet her in her bed, her crate, grandkids can lay on her bed to watch TV, and she is just happy to be getting attention. I also flip her over when her feet are sticking out too far or she is invading my space. She could care less. I also walk over her all the time.
  14. I will keep an eye on her for overheating. Thank you for that info. She will let me sit beside her and I have been laying with her most of the night, but she has now put her self in her crate. I am not going to make her go out to potty tonight and will just get up with her if she needs to go in the middle of the night. Her breathing has slowed a bit now that she is in her crate. I will have to prepare next year before the 4th gets here, although we have tried so many meds with her in the beginning when she had the SA.
  15. I should have added that we have tried Benadryl, Melatonin, Xanax and Valium in the past and they all amped her up. I was hoping the new herbal stuff would work but it isn't helping her. I started it this afternoon at 1:00 and just kept giving it to her every 3 hours as directed. Can they breathe so rapidly for hours on end without any problems ? Her heart is racing. I don't want to take her anywhere and I don't think she would go. She wouldn't even go outside earlier to eat and I didn't hear a thng outside. She did eat this morning with no problems. She hates car rides too so those are not relaxing for her. I see that you live in Canada.......it is the 4th of July so lots of noise and fireworks going on.
  16. I don't know what else I can try to help ease Ruby's fears tonight. She is panting, drooling and pacing. Her breathing is so fast I am afraid she is going to have a heart attack. I have tried 3 pills of the Happy Traveler herbal pills I bought earlier with zero help. I have a loud fan on, the curtains pulled, the TV turned up as loud as I can stand it and I am laying beside her on the floor. Any other ideas to help her make it through the night ? It is only 6:30 here now and it is only going to get louder. I am trying to remain as calm as I can so she doesn't feed off of me but I am so worried her heart is going to explode. This is sad !
  17. OK, there is seriously something wrong with me. I kept reading the heading and kept wondering what the heck a puss (a kitty cat) would be doing coming from a boy part. Finally I had to break down and read the story. Puss.............ewwww, that icky yucky stuff. Now I get it. Hope all is well.
  18. Glad the limping has dissapeared and that you weren't hurt in the wreck. Better days ahead.
  19. So after 3 days of her constantly falling off and looking irritated, and constant circling, I decided to see what was wrong. I unzipped it to look at the foam inside and WHEW...........it Stunk ! It smelled like fish. I took off the cover to see if I could wash it and it looked like the cover was all shredded and wouldn't last through a wash. I called Dr's Foster and Smith and told them the issue and they mailed me a return label. I ended up buying her a larger round bed with a bolster that I think she is going to like much better. I just got it today and haven't laid it down for her yet. The other smelly one is going to be shipped back. So much for the 4" of orthopedic foam. The new one looks like it has about 2" and a cozy place to put her head.
  20. Can someone explain to me WHY this stuff is so good for them ?
  21. We get some every year when we bring our locker beef home and the first year I gave one to Ruby and she had diarrhea for 2 days. Not sure if it was the fact that they were beef or the marrow inside. I threw them out after that, but she sure did enjoy it while it lasted.
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