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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. Congratulations !!! Ruby would love a chef..........but it's not going to happen any time soon.
  2. That is a LOT of pumpkin. Did you freeze it again this time or can it ? Do you use it for other baking or just for the dogs ? I have never thought about freezing pumpkin but that is a good idea.
  3. HA HA ............She is on the Eat it or Leave it plan. I will occasionally break down and try something else out of guilt. but I have been trying not to worry too much. It's hard though.
  4. She will not eat peanut butter sandwiches. She doesn't like peanut butter, which is so weird. She ate her dinner again tonight but not breakfast. Of course I put shredded chicken on the kibble. She is just being a stinker and holding out for the better stuff.
  5. Great news so far. Hoping for the best for you and Taylor.
  6. You are LUCKY ! She has done this since day one. It is just frustrating to think she might be hungry. I never even put my children to bed without food in their tummys. Always seemed wrong to me. No breakfast again this morning but she ate everything last night.
  7. Here's the deal.........after skipping 3 meals, she gobbled up her bowl of kibble tonight because she had to be starving. I think she is yanking my chain and holding out for the better stuff, liked cooked chicken. I decided I was going to wait her out this time before any add ins, and it finally worked. She may be just a tad bit spoiled. She is sleeping with a full tummy tonight. Princess.
  8. no worms or parasites, she has been tested twice in the last 3 months. The satin balls are usually made with beef and she is allergic. I did make her some meatballs with ground turkey and she ate those, but I am not going to be cooking for her on a daily basis. I have made chicken jerky in my dehydrator and shredded it over her kibble and she won't eat that. I tried a vanilla Boost but she wouldn't take a drink. I don't know what to do with her. So frustrating.
  9. As some of you know, Ruby is a picky eater and tends to not eat for a day or two at a time. This wouldn't bother me if she wasn't losing weight. She is down to 56 lbs now and all her ribs stick out. We have tried all kinds of mix ins, bought her higher calorie food, added parmesan, eggs, fish oil, extra treats through out the day, no treats at all, warm water on the kibble, sardines, salmon ketchup, etc...... Nothing is working. Last night she would not eat a bite, and this morning she didn't even sniff the food. My husband and I are at the point of just saying "she will eat if she's hungry". This has been an issue from day one with her. She literally looks like one of those dogs from the commercials who have been starving. She is happy and playful, enjoys her walks and scritches. She has had several vet visits and there is nothing wrong, blood work looks normal, no worms. Vet just says to fatten her up a bit. Does it sound reasonable to let her be so stinking skinny and not worry about it so much ?
  10. So sorry she stopped eating again. Bless you both.
  11. Ruby is like this also but I never know if she will eat breakfast or dinner, or neither. I tend to fuss and worry over it all the time and have tried all kinds of mix ins to make her meals more appealing, but it no longer works. She is only 7. This weekend I had a major breakthrough with myself.........I am going to let her eat when she wants. If she's not hungry I am going to not fret and let her wait until the next meal. She is on the thin side but basically healthy. Good luck, I know it is frustrating.
  12. Ruby is doing better but she still is only eating about half of her food. I even put some low sodium chicken broth on it this morning and she left half, which she has never done. No more vomiting though thank goodness. I am using the Pepcid for a few days and will keep an eye on her. Thanks everyone. Edited to add that I know she is being a stinker because she wants to be raw fed.....ha ha
  13. Hoping the medication works well for her.
  14. I know that she hasn't eaten anything that she is not supposed to. This girl will barely eat her kibble and is not food driven at all. Most treats just lay in her bed unless it is popcorn, which she has not had recently. Tonight she ate about half of her meal and I had given her Pepcid about an hour before. She has not had any more vomiting.
  15. Sending good thoughts and healing prayers for Morty.
  16. She isn't really acting "off" at all except the vomiting. She still plays with her toys, wants to go for walks, etc. She will definitely be going to the vet if this continues, I just don't want to rush her there when every thing else seems fine and I haven't tried anything. I will give her some Pepcid and see if that helps. Hugs back at you AnnieBanannie Whisker Face
  17. Ruby is the pickiest eater on the planet, so her not eating doesn't surprise us much. Lately she has either refused her food, or eaten about half of it. Last night after eating half her food I noticed she was obsessively licking her lips and I put her outside, thinking she was going to vomit, which she did. A lot of mucous and some food. This morning I was worried about her not eating well so I put parmesan on her food. Again she ate about half and then vomited on the mat by the door. She is drinking, peeing and pooping fine. She has been on the same food for 2+ months. I know there is an OTC stomach med I could try but I cannot remember the name. Any other red flags pop up ? Of course if this continues I will take her to the vet. I usually rush her in only to be told there is nothing wrong. Thank you
  18. WELCOME KEANE !!!! I have no advice because Ruby will not wear clothes of any kind. Enjoy your new guy.
  19. Just now seeing this. I am so sorry for your loss, hate cancer. I pray that your heart holds many happy memories of your pup.
  20. No advice as I have never seen this before. Just sending healing thoughts...........
  21. Thanks everyone. Sounds like they might not be a good option for her teeth.
  22. I would think you would be safe gently flushing it with room temperature sterile water if he will let you. He may just have something in it that is bugging him. Good luck and let us know what happens.
  23. We had this same issue with Ruby when we were feeding THE GREEN BAG..........although she loved it, we couldn't handle all the scooping.
  24. Bully flakes are ground up bully sticks right ? Her tummy does not do well with the sticks at all so am a bit hesitant to try that. I will look into the liver powder. That is a good idea and I think she would like it. I tried mixing plain noodles into her food the other day and she picked around them. Guess they are not on her menu. Appreciate the ideas..........keep them coming.
  25. I am trying to get some weight put back on Ruby and have recently switched her food to a higher calorie one. She did great with it the first 3 days, but started being picky tonight and only ate a bit of it. In the past I have used parmesan cheese and chicken broth to perk up the food, which seems to work pretty well for a while each time. Does anyone know of a food sprinkle that is meaty flavored and smelling that I can try ? I would like it to be a dry powder type thing in case she doesn't eat all the food. Does anyone know a good smelly dry food or product that I could grind up to make it more flavorable ? I asked at the pet food store the other day and they only had some gross gravy stuff that was all chemicals and fats. I have thought about grinding The Green Bag up to add the sprinkle but not sure how flavorful it is. What about dry gravy mix ? Wondered about the sodium in that. How about ground dehydrated lung ? I just need a little something to perk her taste buds. Seeing all her ribs and hips sticking out is so sad. Thanks for any ideas.
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