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Everything posted by Busderpuddle

  1. I use beef or chicken broth (small splash) or a couple shakes of parmesan cheese from the green can. Ruby also likes raw eggs, so she occasionally will get one on top of her kibble.
  2. I have no idea what is going on but just wanted to let you know that Lulu is in my prayers...........
  3. We have had Ruby over 3 years and she has slept in her crate every night, with the door closed. She actually runs in when I let her back in from pottying each night and stands there until I scratch her ears and lock the door. She also runs in there when there are scary things like thunder and lightning. She seems to love her crate and doesn't make a sound until I get up each morning. I don't think she would like being in a separate room however. Congratulations on your new Couchbug.
  4. We fed Iams for a while too and and Ruby's poo looked good, but there were MOUNTAINS of it. It was a crazy amount so we switched her back to Kirklands salmon and brown rice variety. She has been doing great on it for quite a while now and no gas.
  5. My Ruby's race name was Cayenne Pantera. I wonder if they are related ? Hope you get him home soon.
  6. Great story and I love their little white tippy tails ! The coconut hat is perfect and I can't wait until your line of toupee's is on the market. Huge need for dog toupee's I am sure.............
  7. Hope Fuzzy is feeling better soon. Keep us informed.
  8. Welcome...........that tail will wag soon !
  9. I agree, this was not your or your dogs fault. If she would have had the dog on a leash next to her, your dog wouldn't have been able to grab it. I know this must have been scary for you though and I hope the little dog is OK. Please don't blame yourself.
  10. Enjoy your Omaha Steak tonight Buddy !!!! Hugs to you Pam.........
  11. Ruby is always a bit mopey and very exhausted when we bring her home from the kennel that we use when we are going to be gone more than a few days. There are many other greys (and other breeds) there and I know she just runs and runs and plays. I am sure she misses the other dogs but she soon snaps back to her old happy only self.
  12. ruby is a terrible water drinker so I will occasionally give her water with a few drops of chicken or beef broth in it to perk the taste up for her. Seems to make her drink more. I buy the low sodium kind or use the stuff I have made after boiling a chicken or roast. She has a slight issue with her kidneys so I worry that she doesn't drink enough fluids.
  13. So very sorry about Freddie............Run baby.........run
  14. Thank you for all the info. I will say my vet is not too keen on a raw diet so he is not going to be a lot of help. Will check out the resources that have been shared.
  15. I go back and forth on trying to decide if I want to switch Ruby to a raw diet. She LOVES the times when she gets the raw meal and I know she would be a better eater if I did it. She gets kibble twice a day now and usually will leave one meal untouched, and she is slowly losing weight. Down to 56 lbs from 62 when we got her. She has had a slightly elevated kidney function ever since we got her 4 years ago and I am wondering if an all raw diet would be a problem ? Would all the protein make it worse ? I know with humans, they need to watch their protein intake if they have kidney disease.
  16. Thanks everyone, that gives me some info to share with my vet. No, a urine wasn't done so will ask for that along with some more thyroid tests. Appreciate the information.
  17. Hoping it is only dermal and that they removed it all. Sending positive thoughts for a quick recovery.
  18. I am so sorry to hear about your Buddy Pam. I know you have had many pups over the years, I am not sure what kind of dog buddy is ? Is he a greyhound ? Will remember you and Buddy in my prayers and am sending hugs from Oregon.
  19. I took Ruby to the vet yesterday because she has been acting weird, shaking, panting, anxiety up, dull coat and she had 1 day of vomiting Tuesday which is now resolved. They drew some labs and he called me with the results. My normal vet who knows more about greys than the one we saw is out on vacation so I wanted to run these numbers by you to see what you think. I know greys have different thyroid levels that can be normal. Total T4 - 0.5 normal is 0.8-3.5 WBC - 3.3 normal 4.0-15.5 Creatinine - 1.9 normal 0.5-1.6 the vet that called said he recommends we treat the thyroid and try to increase her water intake for her kidney function. She has had an elevated Creatinine since we got her but this is a bit higher than the last time. so I need your expert opinions please before I can talk to my regular vet. Thanks !
  20. I am so sorry..........you are in my thoughts and prayers
  21. What about adding a probiotic to her diet for the yeast overgrowth ? Also, there is a product you can buy for the white stains that dogs get on their face and eyes. I don't know how well it works though and it probably contains peroxide.
  22. Just got home from seeing the new vet and he of course had no idea. He seemed more concerned with her anxiety issues than the vomiting. He looked back through her chart and is concerned that the anxiety might be caused by her thyroid, which we looked into a couple years ago and decided not to do anything. She has also lost 2 more lbs since January and is now down to 56 lbs, down from 62 when we got her. He said her tummy sounded and felt good and said to keep her on a bland diet for another day or two. We will get lab results tomorrow.
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