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Everything posted by BatterseaBrindl

  1. I'd try 'Taumeel' before putting her on a NSAID. http://www.traumeel.com/ I also vote for Chirop/Accupuncture... our vet is certified in both. Perhaps there is one in your area as well.
  2. that you get to the bottom of DeeDee's issues quickly.
  3. So very sorry for the loss of your little Rocky. You have made so many wonderful memories....always, always remember the good times.
  4. Oh Marc....it's beautiful. Exactly like your Dutchess. Nancy
  5. Tons of good advice here. Hope Bella feels better soon.
  6. Hope your boy is feeling better now! A vet appointment for a 'wellness exam' is always a good idea with any new critters. This gives the vet a chance to meet an exam your hound when the dog is feeling well. They'll weigh him, take his temp, look at his teeth, update any vaccines. This gives you a chance to meet the staff at the clinic and also ask any questions you might have. Then, if you do have an emergency situation, the clinic will have all his 'normal' vitals on record.
  7. So sorry Eric had to leave. You have such wonderful memories....Remember all those good times. I have the 'Big & Small' book.
  8. We've had good sucess with the canned tripe. Or try some canned puppy food.
  9. Yup...muzzle to keep her from licking it. I like traumeel cream or Colloidal Silver for scrapes like that.
  10. Agree with de-worming again. And again. I don;t think the Big D is a 'greyhound thing'. None of mine have ever had it, nor have any of the Greys we are friendly with. Switching food frequently can be hard on the digestive tract. Good luck with your handsome boy....He doesn't look skinny to me, either!
  11. So very sorry for the loss of your Faster. The memories you have are wonderful ...always remember the good times.
  12. So very sorry for the loss of your Tessa. Remember the good times...
  13. Ditto to the spray bottle of water kept in the fridge. A small kiddie pool is also a good idea...if he'll actually get in it!
  14. Truly heartfelt condolences from all of us here. Hugs to your pack. Nancy
  15. We are so very sorry your little Maxi had to leave. I wish I could have met her...she sounds like a real little pistol! Nancy
  16. Run free, Kong!! Condolences to his family.
  17. We have had two dogs - not Greyhounds - die of 'natural causes' here at home. Both were Dobes...who are known for their cardiac issues. One was 10 ...and on a lot of meds for heart issues... and more than ready to leave us. The other was a 7 year old who passed without any warning...most likely an cardiac event. We have fabulous vets who are more than willing to come to our home. We live in on a farm, and every one of our small Bridge critters is buried here in our 'Memory Garden'. I choose a small stone/rock, clean it up and paint the dog/cat's name on it and place it on 'their spot' and their collars all hang along the fence. Here is a portion of the garden a few weeks ago when the tulips were out
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