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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Sending lots of good vibes Wendy's way. Glad to see that the fever started coming down.
  2. It's never been an injection for us in the 8 years we've had Rocket. it's always been a squirt up the nostrils. Edited to add - after reading the response below, I'm thinking that the last time Rocket had it they may have given him the oral one. We changed vets last year and I'm thinking that the new vet was using the oral one.
  3. I'm very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. She's been here on GT for as long as I can remember and I especially remember your posting of pics when the pups would go to work with you. Run free, Passion.
  4. Just be yourself and answer questions honestly. When I did home checks I was mostly checking to make sure there were no obvious things that might be hazardous to a curious grey - things like prescriptions or inhalers sitting out where a hound could get to them, and that latches on gates were functional etc. It wasn't a pass fail, but rather assurance that we weren't putting a hound into a place where he/she was setup to fail and be returned, as well as letting us point out things that might prevent a trip to the E-Vet. Home visits were also a good way to talk about preventing an escape and going over door procedures. Several times I would pull up to a house and find a garage door wide open with no one around. That leaves one door between your grey and an Amber Alert. Most of them hadn't even thought about the fact that they were used to putting the door up in the morning and not closing it until they went to bed.
  5. I'd check to see if there's Vet Physical Therapy Practice with a water treadmill anywhere near you. They can probably design a program based on the issues, and the water will add some resistance for gentle exercise. Just a thought - hopefully others have some ideas as well.
  6. That's way too much loss in that time period. I am so sorry. Run free, sweet Phoebe.
  7. I found these instructions online when I was looking for a way to link photos on ICloud previously, but still haven't gotten around to trying it. I've been using Photobucket for years and haven;t taken the time to change, although each time Photobucket makes a site upgrade it pushes me a little closer to changing. The text below was found on another forum, so I'm assuming that it works. you can create public albums with iCloud that doesn't require you to upload photos on photobucket and the rest. Pick the pictures you want under Photos, create the album, choose iCloud photo sharing, and under "People" choose that the album is public. It gives you a url that will link to the pictures. You can add more whenever you want, delete etc. you can also set it to restricted so others can't comment or post pictures.
  8. It all depends on the dog. Your adoption group did you a huge dis-service if they didn't require you to read certain materials that cover most of these issues before adopting, There are several very good books about adopting a greyhound that would have covered all of this, and are required reading by most groups before they will accept an application. These dogs have never been around a home environment, out on public streets or had to socially engage with every day life prior to coming off the track. Everything you expose them to in home life is brand new to them. Think of it as you living in New York your whole life, and waking up in the streets of North Korea one morning. It's a major life adjustment for the dog. The greyhound you adopted will be an entirely different dog a year from now, and would have probably been your best friend. It appears that a working dog who has never been a pet is not what you were expecting or looking for. There is no shame in returning him, and I'm glad you made the decision that he wasn't working out for what you wanted in a pet early-on. You would have both ended up being miserable given that you wanted an instant pet, and the hound has no way to deliver on that while he learns what life in a home is all about.
  9. I am so sorry to read this. Spoil that little girl rotten.
  10. If you're unsure of the diagnosis or the x-ray reading, by all means get a second opinion. Dr. Cuoto will do a consult remotely using the images taken by your vet. The last time we did one the fee was $ 130.00. and it was extremely reassuring to have his input instead of an x-ray reading by a general radiologist since we were dealing with an unknown issue causing a limp. http://www.coutovetconsultants.com/ Wishing you and your girl the best.
  11. See if he will take a treat or two like a milk bone. His stomach is probably empty if you can hear it, so getting something in it like a milk bone, a couple crackers, a little canned food etc may help. When Rocket gets like this, I usually open some canned food and put it in his bowl to get something in his stomach. He never turns down canned food. He will usually eat his breakfast once his stomach settles an hour or two after eating the snack or canned food. if this keeps happening, then give him a late night snack before bed time, either a large milk bone or hold some of his kibble from dinner and give it at bed time so he doesn't wake up with an empty tummy.
  12. That was a beautiful tribute to your special girl. Run free, Deuce.
  13. Way too hot here in the desert to do any type of walk in June. Ours would have to be in January / February to be safe for dogs and humans - we even have our adoption group picnics in January because of this. . There were a few others held in the states last year in conjunction with the June date.
  14. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Stan. Run free, Stan.
  15. Tylan is pretty much the last resort when nothing else works. Most vets are reluctant to use it until they've exhausted all other possibilities. We probably went 2-3 years dealing with intermittent bouts of diarrhea and stomach issues until the vet and the U of IL Vet Med School both concurred that we had exhausted all other treatments and ruled out other causes. i wouldn't use Tylan as a first treatment, but rather after everything else has been ruled out, and only with the approval of the vet treating him. You can get Panacur OTC at most pet products stores or Agricultural Supply Stores. It's most often sold as Safeguard brand, but is made by the same company as Panacur C, just packaged differently for retail. Be sure to get the correct strength for your dog's weight and the correct number of boxes to treat per the instructions. There is also a similar product for Livestock that you don't want to use, so be sure that the packaging is for dogs.
  16. Rocket sometimes gets bouts of Stress Colitis. No rhyme or reason for it, but symptoms are fairly similar. Fortunately, it's not as often as your pup, but was before we got it under control. Given the repetitive nature as if it's almost on a regular cycle, I think i would probably de-worm him just in case. A negative fecal doesn't mean much, and a round or two of Panacur can't hurt. We put Rocket on Tylan when everything else that we tried failed. He has done well on it, but every once in a while we still need a food change. It seems like a particular food will work well for a long time, until it doesn't. Currently using Purina Pro Plan Focus Large Breed Adult and it has been great. Other than what I call "the last poop of the day syndrome" when things are sometimes runny after several poops in a row, his output pretty much bounces when it hits the ground using this food. We rarely get the stomach upset since starting the Tylan.
  17. I'm so sorry for your sudden loss. Run-free, Gracie.
  18. Time4ANap


    Very sorry for your loss. Run-free, UPS.
  19. Welcome. Most greyhounds do not like being kept behind a closed door in a room. It adds stress because they want to know what's going on in the rest of the house. If you need to contain the dog to a room, use a gate in the doorway and leave the door open. No problems with using a crate, but again, leave the door to the room open if the hound is in a crate.
  20. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run free, Gallo.
  21. Try using a fan. I found Rocket sleeping in front of our fan one night with the air blowing right on him.
  22. Just to add to what's already been posted, a negative fecal only means that there were no worms or eggs in that particular stool sample. Detecting and eradicating parasites is more a matter of timing and luck. if I had to guess, I'd think that rich food is causing the gas and diarrhea. I would definitely try a different food in the protein ranges posted above. The right food for your hound is the one that works for them no matter what the popular opinion of the food is. Many people here have had very healthy hounds eating IAMS Green Bag for many years while there is a faction of the dog world that wouldn't be caught dead feeding a food you can buy in a grocery store or Wal-Mart. It's all about what works for the dog. If the diarrhea continues after sufficient time with a food change, I would re-treat for the parasites, or if you see signs of them before that. Good Luck!
  23. I'm so sorry, Jan. You wrote a beautiful tribute. Paddy's picture with his bottle of whiskey is on our refrigerator and i see it multiple times a day. It's one of my all-time favorites. That picture just sums up Paddy so perfectly. It tells you all that you need to know, and makes you want to be his friend. Once again, i'm sitting here with tears streaming for a dog I never met because "he's my friend." We've all loved Paddy and Aiden since the day you announced their arrival, and we will all miss Paddy very much. Thank you for sharing him with us. Run free, Paddy.
  24. Yeah - I don't think Springtime offers it. I saw that the post said "car poop" and realized that I had left this morning's poop bag in the van. It's getting pretty warm here so we drive to a shaded area to walk, and I forgot that I had a loaded bag when we got home. Thanks for typoing!
  25. She will probably need another round of dewormer. Deworming is a matter of timing and luck. You will get them eventually, but it can take a while. A negative fecal only means there was nothing in that particular sample, not that they are completely gone. You may want to ask your vet about using Drontal Plus. The pill is pricey, but it usually works.
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