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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Rocket has been my nurse and primary caregiver for a few years now, so I know exactly what you mean about Ronee being your nurse. Run free, Ronee.
  2. If it helps, we run into the same kind of thing when out walking on the sidewalks here. We are in a 55 plus community, so we get 2 kinds of people, those who practically cross the street when they see us, and those who come running up and start loving on Rocket. Anytime we see someone approaching, I put Rocket into a "Wait" having him step off the sidewalk on to the grass and tell the people to walk past us. As long as they see that you have control of the dog, most are cool with walking by a large dog.
  3. Rocket has been having cold laser treatments for back end weakness. He loves it! He stands there while the laser is going, and if we have to take a break he goes right back to standing where the vet wants him so she can continue. We are also doing Adequan injections. Both have helped over the 8 weeks or so that we've been doing them, but he is starting to get weaker. I'm not sure how much longer either will be effective. I would do them both again because I saw the improvement in his mobility and the pain relief he experienced, even if it has only been temporary. He could also just be having a couple of bad days here, so we are keeping a close eye on the weakness daily.
  4. There are a number of people here who have been battling hookworms for a year or so. The current generation of hooks seem to be more resistant to the meds as time goes on. It is a battle, and is not out of the ordinary with a new dog from the track or a group. You may have to re-dose regularly for a while. The whole thing with the meds is timing, and there is really no way to know if you got them or not until you have several clean fecal tests in a row. One clean fecal means nothing except there were no worms / eggs in that sample. You can easily have another positive sample in several weeks, so stay diligent, and be sure to keep the yard clean as well as pickup immediately when out for walks. The sources that LaFlaca posted have good info in them. Hang in there. You will get through it, but it takes some time.
  5. I'm so sorry, Greg. As someone who had the pleasure of meeting both Ellie and my long time crush Bijou, I can tell everyone that they both only had eyes for their Daddy. They both barely gave me the time of day before wanting to return to their Daddyman. Run free, Ellie. You will be missed by many.
  6. When we lived in the Midwest, I normally put a coat on Rocket when the temp was below 40. We had some heavy (thick) fleece coats, and a couple of the lighter weight flannel housecoats made by Houndtime. The owner of Houndtime.com, Irene is a member here. The flannel housecoats are great for those nights when it's chilly on the floor or when it's cool and windy and the dog just needs a little covering. The heavier fleece is good for most lower temperatures that you will encounter. The coats are reasonably priced and Irene is great to work with if there are any special sizing requirements. Our boy has a huge neck and a "senior belly" so his most recent coat had to be somewhat customized. It fit perfectly after we did a little custom measuring and sent those measurements to Irene.
  7. I'm so sorry. There are no adequate words. Run-free, Sarge.
  8. It's not unusual for a dog recently off the track to blow it's coat. but based on the chewing it sounds like there may be some allergy issue. It sounds like a vet check is in order. Depending where you are, there could be many allergens in the air including ragweed. You might also want to check the pollen.com site for your zip code to see which allergens may currently be causing an issue.
  9. I think all of us here subscribe to " A day too early is better than a day too late." That doesn't make this any easier, but you should never regret freeing your boy from pain. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run pain-free, Blue.
  10. I'm very sorry for your loss. This decision never gets any easier and you relieved him of all that pain. That's the ultimate act of loving your hound. Run pain-free, Max.
  11. This. Do not second guess yourself. Most of us here live by a rule that says a day or two too soon is much better than day or two too late.
  12. We will miss seeing you too, Irene. We are hoping to still be able to get down there for a few days whenever we can make the next trip to MD to see my Mom, so will let you know if we do manage to come into town at some point.
  13. I wish. We had it on the calendar but it just isn't going to work this year. Rocket is having mobility issues now and getting in and out of the car throws his back end out of whack. He's doing much better after cold laser treatments and twice weekly Adequan injections here at home, but I don't want to risk re-injuring him. Taking him to someone's house to stay with them really isn't an option at this point and I really don't want to be on the other side of the country at this point if we were away and he re-injures himself. So - next year hopefully. Seems like we can only manage every other year since Rocket and I started getting old and having old age issues. The Golden Years - Pffffffffffffffttttttt!!!
  14. Let us know when you have an update. I've always hated leaving Rocket at the vet when they needed to keep him for a procedure or X-Ray, even for a few hours. He never seemed to care. I think it bothers us much more than it bothers them.
  15. If he's in that much pain then back to the ER is the right move. Hope he's feeling better in the morning. I feel bad for having you try to pill him and him hurting to that level. It's really the only other option when you have to get them to take the meds, so back to the vet for the patch and IV meds is the only choice in this case.
  16. Watch a couple of these videos - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+to+pill+a+dog
  17. Poor guy. Sorry you have to deal with this. Give him a little time to calm down from the vet visit. He should tire out and lie down eventually. Maybe try putting his pills in ball of canned dog food or piece of hot dog. He may just not want to eat at the moment in which case you may have to pill him. Good luck. Hope he's better soon.
  18. I'd say give him a few minutes if this just happened. If he has a limp or can't put weight on it, then a vet visit is definitely in order. Sometimes by waiting a few minutes whatever is happening goes away. You don;t want to show up at the vet and find out he must have had a leg cramp that has gone away and now costs $200 for the exam.
  19. Rocket spends most of the day in the AC here. I usually fill a regular metal dog bowl 3 times a day. More if we are doing walks which we aren't right now due to heat. Rocket is 85 lbs but he remembers 73, a very long time ago.
  20. Definitely a vet check. Panting can be an indication of some pain or many other things, many of which can be treated. Good luck. Hope your boy is feeling better soon.
  21. If it's just at night, I'd try some night lights and see if it helps. That might also confirm a vision issue. Also, as an experiment try a blanket at night or a light flannel housecoat like Houndtime sells. Could she be cold at night? Everything changes as they (and we) get older, so even here in the desert Rocket sometimes keeps a blanket on at night. We also had Allie who was 13 and absolutely loved it when you put the housecoat on her. It settled her right down many times when you couldn't figure out what was wrong. . Good luck.
  22. Do you by any chance have ragweed blooming in your area? That looks similar to what happens when Rocket encounters ragweed. Used to happen all the time in IL and we'd end up giving him regular ChlorTrimeton to help with it, but if it got bad enough the vet would have to give him Pred as a last resort.
  23. There have been a few people here who had greyhounds as service dogs. I haven't seen them on here recently but that doesn't mean they don't pop in now and again to read the site. Be patient, and if you don't get a response about service dog training, you might try eventually posting a new thread in the Training and Behavior category with a title that asks about using greyhounds as a service dog so the question is easier to spot. Good luck, and welcome.
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