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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Cletus: " I was in Chicago at the time - with my lawyer." The people on that street should be glad that the city responded so quickly. There's not much that smells worse than that after a few hours.
  2. Happy Birthday, Lila! Ask if you can get your learner's permit a little early.
  3. Is it wrong that I knew more of the dogs in that video by name than I did their human's names? There is nothing better than sitting on the beach with a group of hounds and their humans during GRTB.
  4. Sounds like a plan. Unfortunately, I have to be kind to my kidneys so I usually end up being the designated driver.
  5. Rocket's Daddyman might just be at that Ice Cream Social...and usually is. You can also often find us on the beach wherever Riverhound is hanging out, or where Camp Cocktail is setup.
  6. You will find greyhound people all over Rehoboth and Dewey and literally going to every restaurant. Many of the restaurants with outdoor patios or decks welcome the hounds as well. Back Porch Cafe and Mariachi are two local favorites, as is the Purple Parrot. Pickled Pig is interesting, and Dogfish Head has a new restaurant and brew pub there, but for us Dogfish has lost the charm of the old location which was kind of run down and a favorite of many for the last 15 or 20 years. The new place is a little too sterile for my liking. Out on the main highway just north of Dewey we really like Arena's Deli and Restaurant (dog friendly patio) and El Azteca for Mexican (no patio). Further north on the main highway, Pete's Steak Shop is one of our go-to locations for cheese steaks, and right on Rehoboth Avenue about 50 feet from the boardwalk, Louie's Pizza is my once-a-day bad habit for a slice or two of pizza or a cheese steak, or both!
  7. I grew up in the town where they are based. I always laugh when their shipments come because the name of the shipper at their company is someone I went to high school with. Rocket always did great on the Fresh Factors and Joint Health. We also tried their Advanced Joint product (can't recall the name ) but found it bothered Rocket's stomach.) We saw a big difference in him just a few days after starting the Fresh Factors when he started running and playing more than ever. We are still battling hookworms in Petunia, but will start her on the Springtime products once she is clear of hooks, I don't want to throw too many things into her tummy at once since the hooks have her stomach upset once in a while.
  8. Sounds like a story that Rocket would tell.
  9. Beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy. Run-free, Tavarish.
  10. Given that it started after the move, once you've ruled out parasites or hookworms, it could also be stress-colitis. We had similar tummy issues with Rocket for years before the vet said that was the only diagnosis left since the occurrences were so random. . We ended up ultimately changing food about once a year as foods would just time-out with him and the diarrhea would come back. He had far fewer issues once the diagnosis was made, and we had him on Tylan along with some Olewo Carrots mixed in his food. Pumpkin sometimes makes things worse, so I would lose that if it didn't help. Our go-to for a bland diet has always been Evanger's Organic Cooked Chicken (it's a canned dog food with nothing in it but chicken and a little guar gum as a stabilizer). it seemed to be easier to digest than home-cooked chicken or ground beef. I'd mix the Evanger's with way over cooked mushy rice or pasta, and now pretty much use pasta all the time instead of rice if we need bland food. Petunia and Rocket both really liked overcooked elbow macaroni. If things started firming up after a day or two, I would then add scrambled eggs to the mix until we got formed stools and slowly work back on to regular food. It may also help to feed 4 smaller meals per day instead of loading him up in 2 meals. As you can see, everyone has their different ways of doing things, so it may take a little trial and error to find the right combination for your hound. Should you need probiotics, the Rx Zyme and RxBiotic products work very well and can be purchased on Amazon.
  11. Chewy often has really good prices on toys, but one of the best places to check is the Dog Toy section at your local Wal-Mart. Some of the most popular toys among the hounds have come from there recently. That's where we got Honky Pig and most recently some good fuzzy and floppy toys with squeakers.
  12. Conner and Rocket were best buddies. Whenever they were together, you just automatically pictured the two old men sitting in the balcony on The Muppets (Statler and Waldorf) and knew that their commentary would be similar. The two were so much alike, and even looked enough alike that you had to check the collar to make sure who you were petting if you weren't paying close attention Chris and I met Conner and Ares the day before Jan brought him home. We were still discussing whether or not to adopt Conner and how Rocket would take a second dog in the house the next day when I logged in to GT and Jan had made a post showing him on his new couch at her house. I told Chris - "Jan stole our dog." We had no idea that she even knew about him. He definitely landed in the right place, as he had his own personal couch. The next time we saw him, he came to our house, walked in, laid on my feet and went to sleep. OK - maybe he's partly my dog too.... Ares went on to be adopted by someone else since he really needed to be the only-dog in the house. We loved having Conner visit or stay with us. He adopted the love seat in our living room as "his couch" and would lay on his back and watch television for hours. He made us laugh as much as Rocket did. Rocket loved staying with Conner and Val too. Conner, go find Rocket and I'm sure he will show you where Chef Seamie has the good bacon and the ice cream stashed. There just might be a little more "mayhem" at The Bridge this week. Love you, buddy. The two old men together at Rocket's "No Firewerks 4th of July Party" in 2018 Conner relaxing at the party
  13. That non-shedding greyhound fur gets everywhere, doesn't it?
  14. If Rocket was here he would be griping about all of the girlz in this house....
  15. About 110. it has cooled down for the weekend and is going back up all next week.
  16. The girls are hard at work today being retired greyhounds. Classes are available for those needing instruction. Foster Kate - Champion Roacher Petunia - Party Hostess Trolley - Manning the office today. Snickers - "Who says the guest bed is only Trolley's?"
  17. Run-free, Jamie. You had to leave us way-too-soon.
  18. Yay! Mary Pat will be there. It's been a few years since we've been there at the same time.
  19. Hi Mary Pat, Here's the link to the hotel list and the Discount Code that was sent with out GRTB Registration Confirmation if that helps. Book Your Room If you have not made your accommodations, please book your room now. Things fill up a great deal over the summer. As rooms fill up, hotels charge more and more for the rooms they have left. While some people think the fall is a slow season at the beach, it is actually the peak of wedding season for many of the Washington D.C. folks. Room rates can soar to $350 a night in October, so please book a room if you have not already done so. The Hyatt Place Hotel has four weddings during our weekend. Our Hotels page at www.GRtB.org has many hotels which give us a good rate at this time of year. Don't wait to book your room. Bring Fido.com You may also find rooms which take dogs (which we don't know about) on the website BringFido.com. The website will help you find rooms in any city in America. Be sure to use the coupon code Grapehound2019 to book your best rates.
  20. It really is scattered nicely throughout both towns. We stay right in the town of Rehoboth so that we can pretty much park the car on arrival and walk everywhere for meals, shopping etc. We usually take the car and go to the vendors in Dewey at least one if not 2 days depending on how many we get to on the first day and any special events they've scheduled, and we also use the car to meet up with friends on the beach in Dewey, as well as going to to the Ice Cream Social held by one of the adoption groups which is also usually in Dewey. Either way, wherever you stay you will want to have a car to explore the full event. The talks and additional vendors will be at the Rehoboth Convention Center along with registration, Also, parking in Rehoboth on Saturday and Sunday is usually tight, but that may just mean parking several blocks from Rehoboth Ave on a main or side street and walking into town a few blocks.
  21. Cletus says, "I was in Chicago at the time. With my lawyer."
  22. She has a key....she doesn't need an invitation. (Or maybe she's really wondering why her mother smelled like those dogs when she came home yesterday???)
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