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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. It was like getting a week's worth of entertainment in one walk. Milo and the pitbull trash-talking is hilarious.
  2. I have no magazines or books. You'll have to speak to the CEO.
  3. I got logged out after I made a post in Cute and Funny this afternoon. When I logged back in using Last Pass with WIndows 10 on Chrome, I got this error message. This has happened using Last Pass since the start of the new site software, but there doesn't seem to be an actual error since I am actually signed in at that point and can continue. The only real error in this case seems to be the error message itself. Sorry, there is a problem Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: 2S119/1
  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Run-free, Moody.
  5. I am so saddened to see Lorelei's name here. I've always loved the posts of all of your pups. Lorelei was very special and your tribute to her was beautiful. Run-free, Lorelei.
  6. I'd love to see the video, but many of us here won't click on a tiktok link due to the inherent security issues with that site along with others who are in workplaces that have blocked it from their employees. If you re-post your video using YouTube, it will embed in the post automatically for all to see.
  7. I think she mostly wants us to turn off the News channel.
  8. Petsupplyexpress.com is where we've purchased the hookworm meds for Petunia and Kate. They are in the UK. I paid for the express shipping and it still takes a week to 10 days to the US. They carry both Advantage Multi / Advocate and Drontal Plus.
  9. Thanks everyone. I will pass the messages on to Bella's Mom. Bella's sire was Dave The Dog, for those who remember him when he was on here. She reminded me a lot of him.
  10. Some of you may remember the sweet senior girl who stayed with us earlier this year after her Mom broke a hip and had to be in the hospital and then rehab. In May, out of the blue we had a call that came through the "neighbor grapevine" that someone in our community had a greyhound and needed to find a sitter for an extended period. Knowing that we had greyhounds, one of the neighbors contacted us, and later that day Bella was hanging out here with Petunia. Petunia and Bella were instant BFF's and it was just like she had always been here. We fell in love with Bella immediately, and quickly decided that if she couldn't return home for any reason that she could stay here forever. Her owner recovered and Bella eventually returned home. Petunia and Bella had one play date over the summer, but the AZ heat in summer is not conducive to much playing. Bella also attended "The Golden Girls Birthday Party" in July to celebrate the July birthdays of Trolley, Petunia, and Bella. We kept in touch with Bella's Mom and knew that she was having continued issues with her back legs, and she became progressively worse over the past few weeks. This morning, her Mom had to make the heartbreaking decision to send her to The Bridge. Bella is responsible for Kate being here now, because it became very obvious when she was here that Petunia needed a sister. Chris and I both feel like we've lost another of our own hounds. Bella's Mom is not on GT and does not use a computer, so we wanted to make sure that she was remembered here. Run-free, Bella and go find Rocket. Tell him I sent you and he will show you around up there. You will be missed by everyone who ever met you. Bella lounging at the birthday party Bella really enjoying the PB Sundae at the birthday party - that's peanut butter all over her nose
  11. Cletus... - That tail wag says it all. He was cold being closer to the ground than the others. Merry Christmas Campers. We love all of you!
  12. Kate's comfort level that this is home is slowly increasing. This girl would be comfortable wherever she goes, but she has figured out that this is home now. In our bedroom I have a column fan in the middle of the room that runs pretty much 24/7 to circulate air. Due to my thyroid issues, I have night sweats without the fan running, so that fan has been on for several years before Kate walked in the door. I recently noticed that she would try to beat Petunia to the slumber ball furthest from the fan at bedtime, and would be kind of restless if she ended up in the bed closest to the fan. I guess she didn't like the noise. Yesterday, Kate, Petunia and I went into the bedroom to take a nap and everyone settled down quickly, with Kate in a location that had the fan blowing on her. Just as I closed my eyes I heard a noise similar to "crash, boom, whirrrrrrrrr." I looked up and Kate had decided to take matters into her own paws. That fan was flat on the floor and sounded like a meat grinder running. RIP Fan..... Broodies........
  13. This handsome, silly dude walked through our door with an outside wind chill of 25 degrees below zero. He promptly peed on the artificial ficus tree in the living room because it was too cold to pee outside, and that tree then decorated his turnout area for years. Happy Gotcha Day at The Bridge, buddy. We miss you every day, Rocket. (Not a sad remembrance post - he still makes us laugh every day remembering his antics.)
  14. She hasn't figured out the new trash can although she watches intently every time we put something in it. So far we haven't had to use the lid lock on it.
  15. Kate washes the dishes of every dog here when we have guests. If we have no guests, she tries to clean Petunia's dish while Petunia is still using it. She's a great little helper.
  16. It's a tough decision, but ultimately you need to do what is right for you and for Luna. If you decide to return her, your best course of action will be to return her to your adoption group or another local greyhound adoption group if you your group isn't around any longer. They will do what's best for her and properly screen a new owner to make sure that they can care properly for her. Most groups are happy to work with you if your hound needs to be re-homed. We routinely see hounds here whose owners have to do what's best for them due to health issues or a death in the family that makes them unable to care properly for the dog any longer. Greyhounds are very resilient and moving to a new home is ultimately harder on us than it is on them. Any decision about visiting Luna would be up to a new owner, but you could ask the group to give your info to her new owners and ask them to let you know occasionally how she is doing. Best wishes to you and Luna.
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