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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Come to think of it my blocked salivary duct caused no pain at all, so there could be something more going on as Racindog said.
  2. Given the location it looks like it could be something related to either the mouth or the throat. Blocked saliva duct maybe? I had one in my cheek a few years ago and the cheek swelled with a big lump just like this. I don't know how it would be treated in a dog if that's what it is. In a human they have you suck on sour candy and the duct opens up. Just a guess on my part though.
  3. "I'm going to put this in my stash while the lady isn't looking..."
  4. Happy Gotcha Days and Birthday. I canKNOT believe that Aiden has been there for 7 years already. Seems like he just got there. Same with Cletus having just arrived a month or two ago... Looked like Miss Bea was enjoying the snack hunt!
  5. Not sure how we missed this post. Happy Belated Birthday, Kibo!
  6. That video looks like a certain member of our household who doesn't seem to get that she's almost 12 and shouldn't do things like that. If those old afternoon teen dance shows were still on, kids would be doing "The Mayhem."
  7. Sid, buddy.... No licking! Feel better soon! Petunia and Kate
  8. Gorgeous boy! Congratulations! Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Hookworm thread in the Health and Medical Forum. All dogs coming from the tracks and farms the past few years have a strain of hookworms that are resistant to the standard drugs used to normally treat them. There are special protocols for eradicating this strain and it takes from 6 months to a year to get rid of them completely. A clean fecal only means that the sample tested was clean, not that you are completely free of them. You will need at least 3 clean tests several months apart before you can declare that he is free of the hooks. There is much more info in that forum - but don't let it scare you. Following the new protocol or the modified protocol with your vet in the loop you will allow you to get rid of them, but it's a much longer process than it used to be. Good luck!
  9. Happy Easter to Cletus and all of the Campers! Cletus, did you save a Peep for your Mom?
  10. Somehow I missed this on Monday. Happy Birthday gorgeous girl!
  11. I'm so sorry. Run-free, Jade.
  12. Get a harness. You will have much more control over her without potentially hurting her neck or throat. This is the harness that we and many others use. https://www.2houndsdesign.com/product-category/shop-now/freedom-no-pull-harness/ They also sell on Amazon but check to make sure that it will ship in a timely manner before ordering on Amazon. Also - use your existing leash on the harness if you like the leash. I did find that the 2hounds leashes have very heavy hardware on them and while it is high quality, I didn't like the way that the leash was weighed down by the hardware. Petunia is a serial statuer. The harness helped immensely and allows me to move her without risk of injury if I need to get her moving in a particular direction. It is still very early in her time with you, and routine is everything with these hounds. Be consistent in whatever you do with her. Others will chime in with more suggestions on the statuing as it is fairly common.
  13. Surprising, but glad it worked out for you. In the states where I've lived they carry no weight and are pretty much a scam.
  14. A threat of calling the BBB means nothing to any legitimate company. The BBB is a scam organization in the business of selling memberships and reviews to unsuspecting businesses. Instead, threaten to file a complaint with the state agency that regulates insurance sales in your state. That will get their attention on your call really fast. Do the research to find out which agency that is and call the agency by their actual official agency name when you mention them. This way, Embrace knows you've done your homework and are naming the agency that regulates their ability to sell policies in Ohio.
  15. Happy Birthday beautiful Miss M! Now I want pancakes.
  16. There's always a tattoo. I'm never without my wallet so the card works well for us. We also have signed documents from other greyhound owners authorizing us to pick up their dogs in an emergency and have the house keys to accomplish that. We are the POC on their emergency notification card also.
  17. We have the "If I Am Sick Or Injured" cards in our wallets and the associated keytags on our key rings. The card indicates that my pets are alone and gives space to write in two emergency contacts with a Sharpie. We bought the cards at Dewey. Several of the vendors had them. Our cards are similar to but not exactly like this style - https://www.amazon.com/DuraPaws-Emergency-Plastic-Contact-Writable/dp/B07DLLXJ5Z
  18. If 2 or 3 already came up, that doesn't leave a whole lot in either of them if the amount is somewhat split between them. The raisin bagels I buy typically are more cinnamon and bread with just a handful of raisins scattered throughout, so I can't imagine there is enough left in them to be all that worrisome. I'd be more worried if they straight out ate a box of raisins, as opposed to some that were in a bagel. Hope they both do well and are back home soon.
  19. I'm so sorry to see this. Luna has always been one of our favorite GT hounds. Run-free, Luna.
  20. Thanks! It is not showing up at all for me but now that I know the name of the emoti I can see it if I search for it by name. Weird.
  21. The "We Have A Winner" emoti seems to be gone now - but that is definitely what is wrong with this picture, and it has not happened again since.
  22. Panacur isn't strong enough for the current breed of hookworms that are running through greyhounds that come off the tracks and farms in the US. Petunia had symptoms very similar to your hound including very bloody stools once we started hookworm treatment. . Because of her age (11) we did Dr. Ng's modified protocol and modified it a little more, but using the drugs in the protocol. After 6 months she was clean. That was about 4 months ago, but we've since adopted Kate (11) who also came from one of the greyhound farms. Kate was positive for hookworms, and now Petunia has tested positive again for the antigen but not eggs. We will probably be revisiting the protocol, I am just waiting for final instructions from our vet on how she wants to handle it this time. As a side note, we started Petunia on Interceptor monthly once she had several clean fecal tests, however with her now being positive I;m thinking it may not be sufficient either.
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