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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Time4ANap


    We miss that boy.
  2. I think LuLu has a long term plan for your shoes when she gets out of that thing. Feel better soon, LuLu.
  3. Yup. We miss Trolley coming in the door and holding court on the guest bed.
  4. Long story, but the condensed version is that Petunia was getting back at Kate for scooping her Slumber Ball. Petunia looks pretty proud of herself.
  5. This is awesome! Congratulations! Broodies are...well.....an experience. You are in for some fun.
  6. I think Nigel had a very busy day at his werkjob.
  7. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet, handsome Sherman. Run-free, Sherman.
  8. No words can begin to express our heartbreak for Trolley's Mom and the loss we feel for Trolley. Trolley was a regular (I can't even use the word visitor) part of the household here. She would come in the door, greet the others and work her way pretty quickly to the guest bed with the thick memory foam topper. If you wanted to see her, you could go visit her there, or just say loudly, "Wanna Cookie?" to bring her running into the living room. Trolley was one of Rocket's best friends and I'm pretty sure they were almost bonded except that they lived in different houses. Since Rocket went to the bridge, Trolley has come into the house and the first thing she did every time was sniff his slumber ball to see if maybe he was back. Talk about heart-wrenching.... She was also always happy to see Petunia and Kate once she got used to them being here. She was KNOT amused that there was another girl here the first few times she visited Petunia, but they became fast friends anyway. Fortunately, I got to be the recipient of some of her "dirty dances" over the years and I loved having her spend time here when her Mom was traveling. She cracked me up every day. I fell in love with Trolley the first time her Mom posted her picture on GT. A few years later, we flew to AZ for the GPA picnic and got to meet her in person. Eventually we moved here and she quickly became part of the family. I hope by now she has found Rocket and he has taken her back under his wing. We love you and will miss you little girl. You can now have unlimited "patio time." Be sure to send your Mom a sign. Here are a few pics from her visits here: And of course - holding court on the guest bed.
  9. Burke and Tricia's Murray liked the ones with hot sauce. The hotter the better. We had a yearly ritual at Dewey where I would bring him stinky fish. I miss that boy.
  10. Stinky fish! Why the coat and long pants, Miss Jan? I had to change to the summer uniform here on Wednesday - shorts and a Tee Shirt. And we've had the AC on since then - pollen is too thick for me to open the windows.
  11. As far as the GPS collars, we initially purchased ours when we moved from IL to AZ. We wanted it on Rocket during the move. One of the things we learned at the time was that there were lots of dead zones with no service because they are essentially Cellular collars with GPS, especially the farther north and west you went in the US. I haven't kept up with the tech changes in them as we no longer use one, but for any newly adopted hound as you said, SOME type of tracker is a plus. Which one will depend on how good the chosen collar works in your area and which technology it is using to track the signal. The experience of many here is why I wanted to make sure that anyone considering a particular model knows to do extensive research before buying, and extensive testing in the areas where you will be using it before it gives you a false sense of security. Good luck with the incoming new hounds.
  12. Glad to hear that Molly found her way back home. Awesome that she found her way to the same back yard. Just a note of caution to check reviews thoroughly before buying a GPS collar. Many of us here had TAGG when it first came out and although it had it's limitations, the company was responsive and responded to issues with constant updates and fixes. They were then acquired by Whistle who not only ruined Tagg, but continued to flood the market with their inferior products, making promises of features that they never delivered. Many of us were burned by Whistle, some with multiple dogs who owned multiple collars amounting toa fair amount of money at the time. So - really check reviews and test the heck out of it before the return period expires to make sure the collar works and you have the features that you paid for.
  13. One more thing you might want to consider to give Max a safe space is to setup a large crate with a comfy bed in it as his safe space. Leave the door open so he is free to come and go as he wants, but it needs to be his space and only his, so the child can not play in or around it. I'm not suggesting that Max be crated at all, just that he has the crate as his safe space. Rocket had a crate in our other house for years and we would often find him in it because the sun beams came in through that window. The pic in my signature is from one of his sunbathing sessions.
  14. What Ducky said. Max is giving all the warning signals possible that he is not comfortable with the situation. If you take away that warning by correcting him when he growls, he will escalate to a bite with no warning simply because he has no other way to let you know that. The child needs to learn that Max's space is off limits - especially his bed and the area surrounding it. All interaction between the two need to be supervised right now. You might also have to take away the couch as a privilege for Max, but I am going to let others who have dealt with the whole sofa thing answer that. We've never had a hound who got on the furniture, but have dealt with plenty of other space issues.
  15. Looking good Lila! Those half-birthdays add up. Happy Birthday!
  16. Yup - there are walks and then there are poopwalks.
  17. Logan - take tomorrow off. You've earned it Big Guy!
  18. Everyone slept last night including me. Someone wanted out at midnight and they all went out as a result. After I went back to bed, the next thing I heard was Kate talking to me while standing beside the bed at 6:20 AM - that's much more uninterrupted sleep than usual since it seems that everyone usually wants out at a different time during the night.
  19. Kate Petunia And Trolley, who had a slumber party with the girls last night. Now - just try to get that Mister Rogers song out of your head for the rest of the day.
  20. UPDATE - Sun 3/1 - The price has dropped again - now to $31.47 That's $16.51 below the normal price and is even cheaper on Subscribe and Save. Some of the other Pro Plan Foods are also on sale, so if you use Purina Food, check the price on Chewy. Some are on sale, some aren't
  21. I would have forgotten her long ago except the show is still on every day on a couple of the channels here that show mostly old shows.
  22. I always called Rocket "Mrs. Kravitz" also. That boy missed nothing that happened out the window.
  23. I know there are several of us here who use Purina Pro Plan Focus Large Breed. I just placed a Chewy Order and it is $34.97 for a 34 lb bag instead of $47.98 as usual. At a savings of $13 per bag, I ordered 2. Note that you will need to reach $49 for free 2 day shipping on Chewy as usual or be charged $4.99 flat rate regular shipping.
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