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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I'm so sorry. Run-pain-free, handsome Zeke.
  2. We are so sorry to hear this. Spoil that girl all you can.
  3. Pet Supplies Express quoted me 12 weeks shipping when I tried to order, and then I had some sketchy issues with their credit card processor who it turns out is in Singapore, so I ended up ordering in the US. I have used them several times in the past with no issues, but this time there were just too many red flags and issues. They were responsive trying to fix the issues, but once fixed the warning on their site said it could be 12 weeks before the product arrived to the US. We have adopted two senior broodies over the past 1 1/2 years. They both came from the same farm, abut 4 or 5 months apart, and were hook positive. We modified Dr. Ng's Modified Prison Protocol because of their age, and stretched it out over 6 months. The first hound did fine but was absolutely infested with hooks based on what came out of her. 6 months of alternating the Advocate and Drontal Plus every 2-3 weeks worked. The second hound has completed a 6 month course but is still antigen positive with no eggs after 6 months, so we are going to give 2 more months of alternating doses and re-test.
  4. Shipping from providers in the UK and Australia are experiencing similar delays. Although the companies we've used are responsive, the shipping and postal systems in overseas countries are experiencing delays of 12-16 weeks with packages being delayed in the mail system or parcel services. There is literally nothing the shipper can do about it once the item leaves their hands. Sounds like you may be dealing with multiple issues, but be aware that international shipping is all hosed up. We've been waiting for one international package for over 4 months. The package is still trackable, but sitting in a trailer somewhere. We ended up ordering our hookworm meds from a US provider this time and it still took 2 weeks for a small First Class package to go from Texas to AZ.
  5. Well, the temp finally dropped to about 107 when the sun went down, so Dad made the french fry run. The girls were thrilled, ad Petunia was looking for the bag as soon as I walked in the door. Petunia Eyeing the next fry: Score! Kate politely taking a fry (note - being served in bed) The blur that is Kate eating a fry: Hope every one had a great Fry Day! Rocket would be proud. And just for old time's sake, The Boy doing what he did best.
  6. Cletus appears to have the art of fry-vacuuming down.
  7. Ivy and Cherry - way to go! I'd be pretty sure that Rocket and Conner are hanging out together at The Bridge today overseeing this event. I can just hear their comments now.
  8. It's still breakfast hours at the McFry place here. And it's going to be 116 degrees today. Fries here may have to wait until the sun goes down before we can go and get them. The girls will get their fries though! Petunia says she is waiting "With bait on her breath." Kate says "Just wake me up when the fries get here, I don't need all the hoopla..." That's Kate.
  9. If you go anywhere for treatment the medical provider is usually required by law to report the bite. Our boy Rocket bit several people over the years including me, and one of his sitters whom he absolutely adored. In all cases, it was a reactive thing to something sudden, and he had space issues. I think Rocket was more upset by it than we were. Typically, if it gets reported, Animal Control will pay you a visit and gather the info surrounding the circumstances. When the Warden showed up at out house for the sitter's bite, Rocket was shmoozing her and she realized quickly that the bite was an accident. We had to quarantine him for two weeks in the house, which meant no walks and no outings. If caught walking him, they would remove him from us and he would serve the quarantine at their kennel. We had to institute a few rules including no petting unless he was standing up. That was the only way to know he was completely awake and wouldn't be startled when petting. Do some searching on this site for "trading up." If an item is high value, trading up is the easiest way to take it away. Usually there is some high value treat that he will trade the item for.
  10. The Freedom No Pull harness from 2 Hounds Design is what we bought for Petunia based on a number of recommendation from others here. Petunia likes to plant herself on walks so that she doesn't have to go home, so the harness gave us more control over her without hurting her like pulling on a regular collar would. The owner of 2 Hounds is also a member here and gives back regularly to the Greyhound community, so is a good option for collars, harnesses etc. We also bought the double ended leash that attaches to 2 points on the harness, but I found the hardware on it to be very heavy, making it a little harder to handle. We found that with Petunia, one point on the harness gave us enough control and the double leash wasn't necessary, so we just use her regular leash which is lighter weight and more comfortable to use on walks. https://www.2houndsdesign.com/
  11. Petunia and Kate are resting up for the event..
  12. I'm wondering if she has a corn that just hasn't presented, or something like Petunia has which is an extra nail that grew out of the pad. We are dealing with both in Kate and Petunia. Neither of them knows that they are 12 or acts like it, but Kate has a definite limp due to corns that just seem to get worse over time. We kept dremeling the extra nail at each nail trim. The last time she had them trimmed the groomer said it was gone. According to our vet, those extra nails do happen and they often just eventually fall out. When it first presented in Petunia it was obvious that it was hurting when she walked on concrete or pavement.
  13. There is no magic like Broodie Magic. Once you've experienced it, you just know that it's with you forever. Run-free Miss Bea. When you run into Rocket up there, tell him that you are his sister from another mother (they are both Dodgem By Design kids) and that I said to show you where the pumpkin fields are. Love you sweetie. to Miss Jan and the Campers.
  14. Rocket would approve and Petunia and Kate would love any excuse to have fries. Is it wrong that Petunia recognizes the Whataburger bag?
  15. Happy Birthday Miss Bea! We love you! For Miss Jan and the campers:
  16. With everything your hound has going on, you might want to think about doing a consult with Dr. Cuoto or having your vet consult with him if you are reaching a point of figuring out next steps. He ran the greyhound medical program at Ohio State for many years and may be able to add some insight or give you some more logical next steps. He has worked extensively with greys with various cancers, but also greys with just about any unique medical issue. He does his consults remotely and will work with any vet as well. There is a fee for his time but we found it very reasonable when we ran into things our vet couldn't explain or resolve. Cuoto Veterinary Consultants. Dr. C has worked with thousands if not tens of thousands of greyhounds. If you are okay for now, keep his info in mind if you need him at any point down the road. As far as vitamins, we've always used Springtime products based on the experience of many others here. We use their Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables. I'm not sure if everything in them is listed on the container, but if you call the people at Springtime and clue them in to the allergies and restrictions, they will get you the answer regarding any of their products and your dog's ability to use it safely or not. They are great to deal with. Good luck and hang in there! Give some ear rubs to your girl from us.
  17. Given all of the issues surrounding pond water, lakes etc, I'd stick with a kiddie pool. It seems like every summer we get yet another type of seriously bad algae, parasite or skin condition that no one has ever heard of before from standing water, not to mention the mosquitoes and associated parasites. At least with a kiddie pool you can put clean water in it, and dump it when you're done to keep the mosquitoes away. My brother who is in a rural area north of Baltimore has a small pond in his back yard with Koi in it. The fish and the pond plants require little treatment or maintenance, but he is constantly having hawks and an occasional eagle try to get the Koi. He has some large chicken wire type fencing over it to deter the birds. He said there's nothing that make you sweat more than having to pick a hawk out of the chicken wire without getting torn apart by them.
  18. This is what I was thinking too. the right side of the pole is the one where the smells are better. Seriously though, each of our dogs has learned the command "this way" and will usually follow our lead if they are heading the wrong way around a tree or sign post.
  19. I figured you were going slow with the changes given her sensitivities, but we often get people here who are throwing 3 and 4 things at a time at a dog's stomach so I always make sure to mention it. Every new greyhound seems to be loaded with hooks, no matter where they came from. Our broodies came straight from the farm and one of them was so loaded that I'm surprised she was alive. She is a tough girl though and got through it. Good luck. Tummy issues are never easy with these guys, and with allergies compounding it you have your hands full.
  20. Making constant changes to the diet/food will often result in continued diarrhea. We had a boy who had stress colitis and went through this kind of thing often, so know that it is frustrating and can make you feel helpless. Be sure to only make one change at a time and to give that change a couple of weeks before making another or adding something new. The hookworms are most likely a major part of the stomach/diarrhea issue, so getting them under control is the big priority to fully understand just how significant the rest of the issues are. Check the hookworm thread in Health and Medical and talk to your vet about using the protocol mentioned, or possibly modifying using Dr. Ng's modified protocol by stretching out the intervals between doses since she does have some underlying medical issues. Both of our new hounds had wicked hooks, and both have responded well to modifying the protocol since they are 11 year old seniors and I didn't want to throw high doses of the drugs in them like the original protocol called for. We basically give each dog a Drontal Plus on the first of the month, followed by using Advantage Multi on the 15th and repeat this cycle monthly. So, far, it has eradicated the hookworms in Petunia over about a 6 month period, and Kate currently has tested to have no hookworm eggs but is still positive for the titre after her 6 month check. It can take 6 months to a year to eradicate the current breed of hookworms that are prevalent. You might look into the RX Brand of Products to help the stomach issues, but I am not familiar with what's in them, so you will have to do that research. We use both RxZyme and RxBiotic on their food at each meal. It rapidly calmed the diarrhea we were having from the hookworms. They make several other products also, but these two were suggested by our vet. They can be bought on Amazon, and even though they have Rx in the name, they do not require a prescription. Soneone else will have to chime in on the food, as you've tried many of the foods we would have tried, and I;m not sure there's a prescription food out there that will meet the allergy needs. Good luck.
  21. Many of us here had the Tagg tracker when it came out and were relatively happy with it even though it had some limitations. Tagg was responsive to problems and requests, and even replaced one of ours when something broke on it outside of the warranty period. After Whsitle bought the Tagg company, numerous problems started and then our 1st generation trackers were phased out, causing us to have to buy new equipment. The new ones never worked properly, and the services that were promised were never delivered. I think many of us gave up on the idea of GPS tracking after that because there was nothing on the market that came close to what we had with the Tagg product. I've still not seen any new product years later that is a must buy in the way of a tracker. If I had a young hound or hound fresh off the track, I would want some kind of tracking device. We first bought the Tagg when we had Rocket and were moving from IL to AZ. I wanted it to have on him during the road trip and because he would be in a totally new neighborhood that he didn't know if he somehow got away. The Tagg worked well until the problems started after the Whistle acquisition. With our current household of senior broodies, I never have to look further away than a bed or the food bowl to find them and the tracker would never leave the house if we had one.
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