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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I will second Irene's (Houndtime) flannel housecoats. Kate sleeps in one when she needs it, and Rocket wore them all Winter when we lived in IL. (Petunia acts like we are going to murder her if we try to put any garment on her ) They are a good weight for staying warm but won't overheat the dog. Since there is only a belly strap and a neck opening, there is no tangling like with pajama legs.
  2. Peanut butter on Ritz crackers sounds delicious. Now I want some. Octane spoiled? Nah.... We can always declare another doggy holiday if we need one - who's going to stop us? Petunia and Kate will be getting whippy cream the next few days weeks at random. DW and I each bought some not knowing the other had purchased it - we now have 4 cans. Oh well....
  3. Annie and Kate would be sitting in the back row together, spitting paper wads at the instructor when they aren't looking.
  4. I was gone for about 20 minutes this afternoon to run an errand. When I got home, I found Kate in her bed with DW's kumihimo disc which she uses for a type of arts and crafts braiding. Last week she took off with a spool of the thread. What time is Arts and Craps?
  5. I see the Campers haven't forgotten the starting gate! Buddy, I like your style! Rocket never met a burger or a sandwich he didn't like. (or a dessert ) Chauncey and Nutmeg, that sounds like you had an American Thanksgiving! Rocket would approve. I will bet that the Banjoman is singing rowdy songs in the bar with him today. Awesome videos and pictures. Petunia and Kate are still working on their day a little at a time here. Thanks everyone!
  6. Missing my boy today! I made a post over in Cute and Funny for his birthday. Post pics of your dogs being extra-spoiled (is that really a thing? ) today or this week in this thread or the birthday thread as you can! Thanks to everyone for keeping Rocket's special day going. He was all about being spoiled.
  7. Happy Birthday to my best boy at The Bridge, Rocket. Rocket would have been 15 today and while we know that would be a real milestone, it doesn't stop us from celebrating his birthday with the annual Rocket's Spoil Your Hounds Day! This is a day to spoil your hound a little extra before we go into the holiday season and things get a little crazy. Given the year we've all experienced, spending a little extra time with our hounds can't hurt. So, go for an extra walk, bring home some fries (Rocket's favorite), Take the pup for a ride and stop for ice cream, etc. It doesn't matter what you do. The goal is to spend a little extra time with your pup and get away from the craziness of the world and the holiday hustle and bustle. Kate and Peunia started the celebration last night with french fries, but gobbled them before I could get a picture. Today, we will do a walk around the neighborhood and see a few of the people that we don't get to see on our walks often, and hopefully catch up with their friend Zoey, a 12 year old Weimaraner on the next street. Zoey has some trouble walking now, so we only get to see her when she rides by on her golf cart (not that she's spoiled ). The first time that Zoey met Rocket you could tell that she loved that boy. She was always excited to see him and they spent lots of days meeting up on walks and hanging out in the shade while the hoomans talked. So, go spoil your dogs today, tomorrow, anytime this week that you have a chance. Post pictures in this thread if you can. A special thanks to @racindog for keeping Rocket's special day going here. The birthday boy: This morning, this mug was staring at me when I opened the cabinet - so he's still messing with me like usual. I had to have today's coffee in this mug. Have fun everyone!
  8. Happy Birfday, Punkin! 9 is Divine! Come bisit! It's still warm here. Petunia and Kate
  9. These dogs often sleep with their eyes open due to the inner eyelid they have and you will think they are awake - you don't know when they are sleeping or awake in many cases. Making unwelcome contact with any sleeping dog is a bad idea. Ever hear the phrase "Let sleeping dogs lie?" it's a phrase for a reason. If you won't enforce some basic rules for the safety of your son or others in the household, I suggest involving your adoption group for advice. They may need to rehome the dog for the safety of all involved. That's my last post on this and I have blocked you so that I don't inadvertently answer any more questions where you are asking for the help of others who have been through this or other situations. Good luck to your dog. He's going to need it.
  10. In this case, the ten year old was wrong. Period. The bed (any bed that the dog uses) is his safe space. Greyhounds have never been touched when sleeping in their crates and are considering their bed a safe space. No resident, visitor etc should be allowed to touch the dog while on their bed, and the bed is the dog's safety zone, whether awake or asleep. No one in the house should be laying on it or using it, ever. I spent 10 years with a fantastic boy who had sleep startle and space issues. He was the sweetest dog you ever met and had a huge fan club. But, if you didn't follow basic rules regarding his space, he bit due to being startled. Each time he bit, the human did something that they shouldn't have, sometimes just not thinking, sometimes by mistake. Animal Control quarantined him at home for 2 weeks after one of the bites, and even the Animal Control Officer realized that the basic rules hadn't been followed when she wrote the report. He was a love bug with her while she was there which is why she didn't make him spend the time at doggy jail, but allowed us to keep him at home with a "no walks and no outings" provision. It's important to note that your dog will still cuddle on his own terms, but no one should ever "just move in for a cuddle." My boy would lay by my feet and wrap his front paws around my legs. He would sleep for hours that way and never startled - cuddling was on his terms and where he felt safe. Let the dog approach the humans for pets instead of the other way around. It's also always good to just announce yourself when walking nearby if the dog is laying down. I had to walk within inches of my boy on his bed if I got up during the night. I always just announced myself by saying "hey buddy' or something similar as I approached and never had a startle incident by doing so. Same if he was sleeping in the living room. If you have the room, you may want to try setting up a crate in an out of the way place and leaving the door open, allowing your dog to come and go at will. That can be his dedicated safe space as well where he can feel a little more secure. We left a crate setup for years and it was used mostly to catch sunbeams, but every once in a while we would find him in there, just chilling. Good luck. Good luck.
  11. Grammy and Batman! That just made this year feel a whole lot more normal!
  12. The BBB is one of the shadiest outfits there is and is largely a scam operation, so I don't trust their reviews on anything. That being said, it looks like the same bed is sold under the Pupnaps brand in Australia. Reviews are mixed at best, and several indications that the bed does not wash well or comes apart when washed. While I didn't read every review, this looks a lot like some of the other beds sold on Woot and other discount sites from time to time, so is probably some cheap Chinese-made dog made for bulk resale. There are also a lot of bad reviews of FromHooman scattered around the web when you start going through Google, so I think I would avoid this seller, MP. Several of the reviews indicated they will offer a 20% refund and want you to return the product to Hong Kong if you can accomplish making a return with them. The same or extremely similar "calming" beds are sold by a number sellers on Amazon as well. https://www.amazon.com/slumber-ball-dog-bed/s?k=slumber+ball+dog+bed Furhaven recently released their version of a "ball bed." I'm not sure it's up to the standards of the original slumber ball, but their info makes it sound like they did take nesting into consideration when designing it. Can be found on Amazon and some of the big pet retailers. https://www.furhaven.com/furhaven-blog/introducing-our-new-ball-beds/ I need to buy a sewing factory and start making real Slumber Balls.
  13. GREAT NEWS TONIGHT FROM CAMP BROODIE!!! Petunia has remained hookworm-free since our last check, so about 6 months. Kate is hookworm-free for the first time after a full year. Both were on a modified version of Dr. Ng's modified protocol due to their ages. In both cases, it took each girl a year to get rid of those nasty things, and some months were not pretty after treatment.
  14. " Mom, I'm sure I heard someone say, 'Cleanup on Aisle 3,' honest!"
  15. I knew who did it before reading the text. Kate would like to teach her about loaves of bread. Annie
  16. Worms can take multiple treatments to be completely gone. Take the poo sample to the vet and have it checked. Be sure to refrigerate it in a sealed container until you get it there. Since you have a specific sample to look at, the vet can determine which dewormer or other treatment may be needed.
  17. Did the separation anxiety start after a change to the daily routine - such as one of you have been working from home due to COVID and then went back to the office or something similar? Sometimes it's the routine being disturbed and not being lonely. Just a thought.
  18. He is a handsome dude! Congratulations! Those Gable Dodge kids keep life interesting. He looks settled in already.
  19. Houndtime.com makes flannel house coats that our dogs have worn during the winter and on cold rainy days. They tend to sleep much better with the flannel coats as it keeps them warmer without getting too hot. The owner of Houndtime is a member here as well. Instructions for measuring are on their website.
  20. Have you tried putting a sling in the Camry or alternatively, filling in the footwells with foam blocks to make one large solid surface, similar to what she is used to in a SUV? We used the seat extender blocks from Orvis to take up the floor space in our Camry and then filled in the little gap in the middle with an old foam pillow. Both girls lay down much better now and can move around without falling into the floor. It sounds like your girl is just fearful of falling off of the seat so making the deck area bigger may be all that is needed. We used the Solid Foam Back Seat Extenders from this page. The Camry required 2 of them. https://www.orvis.com/traveling-with-dogs
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