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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Spoil that handsome boy rotten. That's the only medical advice I have since we've never dealt with this or similar. Hope someone here can give you some insight. There is also the option of a consult with Dr. Cuoto if you think you need another medical opinion. https://www.coutovetconsultants.com/
  2. Run-free Cletus! We have loved every adventure you had at CG and are so glad that your Mom shared you with us. Love you, buddy.
  3. Happy Birthday, Buddy! Sorry I missed this post yesterday. Rocket always said that a gray face makes you look "stinguished.' It also makes you look very handsome! Hope you had a great day with lots of treats.
  4. Cletus buddy, you are in the best possible hands. We all love you and are so glad that your Mom shared you with all of us. Oh, and demand more nuggets. Petunia wants to know if you want fries with that? To Cletus! For Miss Jan and the campers -
  5. For those who remember, Bill would have voted Right Leg.
  6. This may not be a dental issue. Parasites/worms will do the same thing. His mouth definitely needs to heal before introducing anything medicinal, but one of the water additives would probably work over time if this is a dental issue. The smell should also improve somewhat once the mouth is healed if the problem is related to the dental. When you have his first vet check done, make sure the Vet takes a stool sample for a fecal and checks for worms. Here in the states just about every dog coming off the track has a bad case of hookworms. Not sure where you are or if your group has checked him and/or treated for them already. It does often take several treatments to get rid of them entirely.
  7. Annie, I better KNOT have to send Petunia up there....
  8. DW says that Petunia was the type of mother who knew where each pup was every minute of the day and let them have it if they got the least little bit out of line, and Kate was the one who never took the curlers out of her hair and sent the pups to the corner store for more whiskey and cigarettes.
  9. Sure, but how many pictures of dogs sleeping can you take?
  10. Petunia and I went for a walk yesterday and ran into several neighbors along the way. One of the neighbors has an Aussie who was only a few weeks old the first time she and Petunia met, and Petunia was instantly in love with the puppy. Fast forward to yesterday and Petunia hasn't seen Tia (the Aussie) all summer because of the desert summer heat and the fact that neither of us handle the heat well. Tia is much bigger now but is also all puppy and not very well behaved. I'm still not sure what happened, but TIa did something that Petunia didn't like. Petunia took one step forward and shot a look to Tia that must have sent a message, because Tia immediately sat and didn't move. Petunia essentially corrected the puppy behavior. I busted out laughing as did Tia's owner. Tia's owner asked if Petunia could come over every day because that's the first time in over a year that she has listened or followed directions. The Broodie still has it!
  11. It's not that they will be necessarily itching to get out, the problem is that if they do get out, and decide they are going to chase a rabbit, squirrel or a motorcycle etc moving fast or they just decide to run, they are gone at 45mph and not stopping. Not stopping includes running across traffic on a busy highway without ever looking or slowing down, and quite honestly they are normally just gone and and sometimes not found again or found dead. It may just not be the right time for a greyhound with two small children who are not old enough yet to follow the basic rules of keeping the dog safe. When they are a little older, a greyhound may well be their best friend - especially a broodie.
  12. Spoil that boy rotten. I'm so sorry that the diagnosis wasn't what anyone was hoping for.
  13. If you search online, there are a number of toys made from fire hose (basically canvas). They are some of the toughest. Kong branded toys are also good but check the reviews for the individual toy you are considering. Some are tougher than others.
  14. Hope all goes well tomorrow. Ear rubs to Burdette from us.
  15. I'm so sorry that Walter had to leave. Your connection with him sounds like my connection with Rocket. Not many people would get it, but we always just seemed to communicate and understand what the other was thinking. I always loved seeing the pics of Walter here on GT and when Rachael would send me pics from the group walks. Run-free, Walter. If you see Rocket around The Bridge, tell him I said to buy you a burger over at Seamie's Place.
  16. Stop using the word "aggressive or aggression." You will end up with your dog being labeled when in fact what you are seeing is a dog who has a normal prey drive for a dog, and is simply protecting their food. What you are experiencing in the bed if the dog is sleeping when it happens is sleep startle, not aggression.
  17. https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/sunshine-mills-inc-expands-previously-announced-voluntary-recall-certain-pet-food-products-due Sunshine Mills, Inc. Expands Previously Announced Voluntary Recall of Certain Pet Food Products Due to Potentially Elevated Levels of Aflatoxin This product recall is due to some corn that contained Aflatoxin at elevated levels that was used in certain lot numbers of "Champ®, Field Trial®, Good Dog, Hunter’s Special®, Old Glory®, Paws Happy Life®, Pet Expert, Principle, Retriever®, River Bend, Sportsman’s Pride®, Sprout®, Thrifty®, Top Runner® or Whiskers & Tails" pet food brands. Any other lot numbers of the same brands are not under recall. The list of 20 or so pet foods that are affected are listed on the product recall announcement. They have been sold nationally in the USA, and exported into Japan and Columbia.
  18. I think we made 2 Tbsp of carrots in about 4-6 ounces of hot water. I usually made it up each night and it just sat covered in a bowl on the counter. I gave him half of that at each meal. I found that it needed to be refrigerated if you made more than a day at a time, otherwise the bowl sitting out for more than a day would mold. Also, we did not add oil to it as the instructions said. We never saw the need for the oil,
  19. Happy Birthday, Sweep! You don't look a day over 7. Love, Petunia and Kate
  20. We've been using the Burt's Bees Hand Salve on Kate's corns. It does soften them up enough that you can eventually hull them out, but so far, they come right back. To complicate matters, she has them on multiple feet and multiple toes, so it is an ongoing battle.
  21. All depends on the dog. We had a boy who was space aggressive so we learned to designate which spaces were his and his only, so no one reached down to pet him when was in those spaces, visiting kids weren't allowed to lay on the dog bed etc. I think it's more that they do something we don't want or take a freedom they don't necessarily have than testing a boundary. Lookup NLIF Training for dogs (Nothing In Life Is Free). Greyhounds respond pretty well to it and it helps them to know what is expected in their new home environment.
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