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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. For the most part, no one here will suggest taking a greyhound to a dog park. Ever. You've covered the reasons. Obviously there will always be a dog or two who do just fine at a dog park, but greyhounds are simply being greyhounds when they get around other dogs, and they are used to playing hard with other greyhounds. What's construed by others as bad behavior is simply a dog that has some prey drive playing normally. You'll note that when most greyhound groups get together that muzzles are required for these same reasons. Injuries can happen quickly due to thin skin, and what might provoke a fight with other breeds is often just rough greyhound play. The muzzles protect all involved. The dog park is always a no-go in this house.
  2. Sweep Those zoomies are supposed to be fun, KNOT get you hurt. Sending tons of good vibes from Camp Broodie that all goes well tomorrow and that you recover riteawayquik.
  3. Did they check thyroid levels in the blood work? Just a thought because thyroid issues cause some really strange things with greyhounds. Greyhound levels are different from other dogs, so you would need a full thyroid panel, not just a level in traditional blood work. Here's some more info - https://www.greyhoundgang.org/learn/health/thyroid/ For now, hand feeding like you are doing may be the best way to get her to eat. We've had to do it a time or two when the dogs weren't feeling well and wouldn't eat unless they were hand-fed. Also, since she isn't eating regularly, make sure she continues drinking sufficiently. Good luck. Hope she's felling better soon.
  4. Annie needs to come over and do spins with Kate. Spin class usually happens around midnight Pacific time here. The mayhem carries on....
  5. We just opened a bag of Focus and the kibble is a darker color, slightly larger and plumper, and seems to be crunchier/harder based on all of the noise the dogs are making while eating it. I also don't see as many crumbs in the bag as usual. Both girls are chowing down on it like usual. A few days after starting this, both dogs have fur that feels like velvet. There's definitely a difference in this kibble, but other than receiving one of the new style bags about 2 months ago, we are still receiving the older style bag. All bags came through Chewy, and most of them came through their Dc that is about 8 miles from our house, with one other bag having shipped here from Texas. Weird.
  6. Happy Birthday gorgeous girl! Those snakes have always been a big hit in this house.
  7. You will see that in 6 months you have a completely different hound than you have now and in a year it will be like she has always been there. We left an open crate available for many years for our first hound and he only used it when there was a good sunbeam hitting the crate. He had his priorities.
  8. The crate is what she considers to be her safe space. At only a month in a new home, she needs much more time to adjust, and a crate has been her only personal space her whole life up until now. Let her come and go as she wishes, and do not close her off from access to the crate. As long as you get her into a routine with potty times, she will eventually be fine with leaving the crate for that. One of the things that we have done with every dog we've had is train them to go outside immediately after eating as part of establishing the routine. As soon as the last bite is out of their bowl, they are taken to the door to go out. Consistency in the routine is what these hounds are used to, and she is still learning what you expect of her as well as the new routine in a new home. Good luck!
  9. Happy Birthday, Wiki! Petunia and Kate are now looking for cake!
  10. Campers up to no good = grab the camera.... Kate and Petunia said that Annie can come visit anytime for "consulting purposes."
  11. No advice other than to be as honest as you can with him when he asks without getting too technical. It will help him deal with Charlie being gone, but I know it's also really hard for you. I wasn't ready to see pictures or videos of Rocket for well over a year after he left us. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  12. We have a new GT Power Couple. Rocket and Lexie would be so proud! (Nice job, Merc!)
  13. Rocket would have loved that much snow. Anytime he went out and found snow, the zoomies started!
  14. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. Run-free, Burdette.
  15. Glad that he likes the Evangers. Right now we have at least a dozen cans on the shelf just in case we need it. It works really well when they wake up with tummy gurgles in the middle of the night as well. Rocket had a sweet tooth and we were able to put a splash of Gatorade in his water to get him to drink. Not something you want to do all the time but if it gets him to drink when he needs to, it's worth a try. Don't keep adding Gatorade but back off the amount over time. I agree with Cleptogrey on the overcooked white rice. You can cook it with chicken broth to give it some flavor. I would usually give Rocket 4 or 5 small meals a day consisting of some combination of white rice, Evanger's, scrambled eggs, and maybe some cottage cheese, rotating the various components to keep his interest up. I often cooked a dozen or two dozen scrambled eggs in a batch and then just pulled that and the rice from the refrigerator to reheat a little. it's not too much of a chore if you batch cook the stuff. i would also sometimes use overcooked pasta instead of rice, as well. It sounds like he definitely needs a round of flagyl, and may need another round of panacur in 2-3 weeks as the worms usually hatch on a cycle. We recently spent a year each getting our seniors that we adopted clear of hookworms, so you definitely need to retest every few weeks to be sure that all of the eggs are gone. Good luck and hope you can find a vet willing to give your hound a little more relief and who will work with you.
  16. I'm so sorry. We know all about those hounds that aren't yours, but are just like one of your own in this house too. Run-free, Buster.
  17. Petunia and Kate are like Frick and Frack and I even see them groom each other regularly. I'm a little concerned a third might rock the boat, but they are both fine when other dogs are here staying overnight, so it may be a non-issue. I am really missing have a big goofy boy since Rocket left, but I also know that there will be senior broodies in this house for as long as they are available, But you can still see the carpet, right?
  18. Petunia says it's all covered in the Broodie Manual. She will make sure that Wiki gets a copy. You are in for a fun time with a broodie. We have jokingly talked about bringing in one more for a total of 3, but the joke gets more serious anytime we talk about it. We love our broodies and every minute with them.
  19. Last weekend on Sunday the 24th was Petunia's 2 year Gotcha Day with us and I forgot to post it. She did get lots of extra treats including french fries, I just forgot to make a post. The queen waiting for breakfast to be served.
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run pain-free Mr. Spock. There will be a whole bunch of your GT pals to greet you at The Bridge and show you around.
  21. Our boy Rocket had a number of tummy issues so we went through this type of thing off and on. When he needed a bland diet I would feed Evangers Cooked Chicken which he never turned down. It's not a complete nutritious meal, but will get some food in him without distress and seems to be easier to digest than home-cooked chicken or turkey etc when there is a GI issue. Rocket would also usually eat scrambled eggs or some cottage cheese when his stomach had issues. We also went to 4 smaller meals a day instead of 2 full meals to make it easier on his stomach. This always worked well and once he was eating i would give him a mix of the canned food along with overcooked pasta and the scrambled eggs until his stools formed and we could ease him back on to regular food. The worms will most likely have to be completely clear and his stomach somewhat healed before he really feels like eating. It's kind of a balancing act until you find the right combination of food and a lot of trial and error. Good luck - hope he's better soon.
  22. I'm so sorry, Mary Pat. Thank you for giving her every possible day full of love before she left. That beautiful little girl and her story will not be forgotten here.
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