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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Go to this thread. Aiden's toe seemed to be doing the same. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/318922-aiden-the-toe-is-g-o-n-e/
  2. Use peanut butter, then when the wrap comes off, your dog will clean off the PB and then you can rewrap!
  3. Ducky, I'm so sorry Percy is gone! I love his face, comically exquisite. Can you add Santa? She was a little white galga that GDS just rescued a few days ago. She was playing and having a good time just a couple hours ago. They found her dead, curled up in her bed. She was about 5. A beautiful little girl that never had a chance at a forever home.
  4. I did the full leg amp on my 12 yr old. She did great for 6 months until OS hit a hind leg. That's whens he went to the Bridge. She startled her doctors with how quickly she adjusted to being at tripod at such an old age. But we did do a lot of testing to make sure she could physically handle being a tripod at the ripe old age of 12. Dr. Couto said age is just a number. Good luck!
  5. I saw that yesterday on Yahoo. Yes........tissue warning.
  6. It's very dog dependent. I give Tanzi and full dental once a year and a non-anesthetic dental once a year. I brush daily and give dental chews. She has terrible teeth. Lost a molar this past dental. Emma, who is just a year younger never had a dental except a yearly non-anesthetic. Brush maybe once a week. Her teeth are gorgeous. Can dogs that are not on the raw diet eat raw turkey necks periodically? And where does one buy cheap turkey necks?
  7. My heart just aches for you. I can't offer any insight into why this happened.
  8. I was just going to recommend the Press n Seal, too.
  9. Her only symptom was the swollen belly. The ultrasound showed a very shrunken liver. It was not cancer. (I remember celebrating that news). I lost her 4 weeks later. It could be something minor for your guy, but it could also be very serious. I hope it's nothing.
  10. Please see the vet. I lost my five year old to liver disease. The first sign of trouble was a bloated belly. Her liver enzymes were fine but her liver function tests were off the charts. An ultrasound confirmed liver disease.
  11. It sounds like sutures. Dissolvable sutures can take a long time to dissolve. more than two weeks. If it's bothering him, the vets can remove them. No biggie.
  12. My Diamond lost all her teeth eventually. She went to a dentist too. $3000 for me. One thing my dentist did was fill in the holes with some sort of bone meal. I know it's not the same stuff that you throw in the garden, not sure exactly what it was (8 yrs ago). But she did say that it helped fill in the holes, helped the bones heal and prevented the jaw from breaking. Over the next 4 yrs or so Diamond's bottom jar got smaller, but not so much that anyone would look at her and say "OMG, what's wrong with her jaw?!". I am the only one who really noticed. I think she lost all her teeth by age 8 or 9. I lost her to OS age 12. So she did just fine. I know she still ate kibble (I always had it in water, but didn't let it soften). I think I even gave her milkbones. But I'm not sure. She seemed to be able to eat everything else. However recovery was rough. She was really hurting for a while. (she lost 23 at once) So she got scrambled eggs for all her meals for several days.
  13. Here's a list of the ages I lost my girls. You can judge by this. Topaz - 5 liver disease Brindle - 8 hemangiosarcoma Pearl - 12 hemangiosarcoma Diamond - 12 osteosarcoma Crystal - 11 hemangiosarcoma Onyx - 15 hind end paralysis Opal - 10 mauling
  14. No. Xylitol is very toxic to dogs and almost all people toothpaste has it.
  15. I agree with just feed her what she wants.
  16. Hugs to all. I've lost 7 and I still haven't found the trick to make the pain go away faster. Though I wish I had. Sometimes I still tear up thinking of the girl I lost in 1999. But I am still crying from the loss of a year and half ago. While it gets better, the pain never seems to completely go away.
  17. I just finished your last update and am anxiously waiting to hear if she's coming home. Of my 10 greys, only one had OS. And she had an amp as well. (she was 12). We didn't have the edema complication but we did get an infection that did not respond to the general antibiotic. So we had to wait for the culture before we could get her on the antibiotic good for that infection.
  18. I've had 10 greys over the years. Only one with OS. According to stats I'm overdue for another to have it.
  19. Tanzi has front toe issues. They always seem to bother her (large arthritic knuckles). So the vet thinks she may have been rocking back on her back legs more than normal putting strain on the ACL. This probably wasn't a sudden injury but just a slow deterioration. And she just played a little too hard and tore the ACL. The vet doesn't think it's completely torn. Just partial. So, we're just doing the rest for a week. And then take it from there. Here in NJ I have access to many large specialty clinics. So I'll find the best orthopod. (I have Healthy Paws, so I don't care about costs)
  20. So Tanzi was just diagnosed with a probable partially torn ACL. She's on 'bed rest' for a week. But the vet said even though she may improve she'll most likely still need surgery. So anyone needed surgery on their grey? Do you know what kind of surgery was done? Was an ACL misdiagnosed for something else? Did anyone have a grey diagnosed with a torn ACL but not needed surgery. Any words of wisdom?
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